I think Bruce did Born in the USA.
Any more "rock" songs, people?
name any song ... new or old ... that has the word "rock" in the title or main lyrics.. obvious one: old time rock n roll - bob seger
I think Bruce did Born in the USA.
Any more "rock" songs, people?
name any song ... new or old ... that has the word "rock" in the title or main lyrics.. obvious one: old time rock n roll - bob seger
Name any song ... new or old ... that has the word "ROCK" in the title or main lyrics.
Obvious one: Old Time Rock n Roll - Bob Seger
i was a forth generation witness.
my great-great grandmother came in near her death when she and my great grandmother lived in new york and would go to rutherford's talks.
then my grandmother got baptized in her late 20's and went inactive.
I was a third generation witness. My poor little neices and nephews are fourth generation. If they have kids and raise them as witnesses, I will know for sure that there is no god!
are there any of you who actually experienced this?
(from awake 5/22/94 young people ask--what if i fall for an unbeliever?).
think of how much your religious values have shaped your emotionsthe joy you experience at christian meetings, the thrill of sharing the bibles message with a receptive person, the pleasure of studying the bible itself.
I remember reading sh-tuff like this all the time. I wondered what it would feel like to feel depressed because I thought if I get any happier, I am gonna have to kill myself!
And no ... you can't get a refund ... not even a crummy t-shirt.
I think it's a tad strange that they are standing in a circle above a black chasm. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to have angels surrounding a pool of light? Another sign of the bizarre thinking at HQ.
Actually, if you look closer, they are standing in a circle looking down on Earth ...
and pointing ... and laughing ... bastards
Well ain't She?
Yes, I am!
- rhetorical, my ass
(since i suspect i am being watched to ensure my compliance to the terms of the settlement agreement, i thought i would take advantage of the captive audience) .
watch tower!
Can't wait for the new light WT. Free toilet paper.
You can't use the WT for toilet paper. It's too full of sh*t already!
i remember a friend telling me about this song around 8 years ago.
it was right when i first got involved in the jw's.
it's a pretty strange song, one that was obviously written by someone that didn't know much about jehovah's witnesses.
Did anybody else think immediately of singing this to the tune of the Monkees song?
Here they come ...
long time lerker, first time poster here :d for years i have been dissolutioned with being a jw.
i stopped going 2 years ago.
i got married to my wonder jw wife 1 year ago.
I think that was a great letter to write your wife!
I absolutely hate it when JWs say that "it is the closest to the truth that is out there" or they say "if we leave, where else is there to go?" Like you said, it is a cult and those phrases seem to be somehow implanted in our brain at some point.
Since your wife is open-minded and seems to want to do research, I would encourage her to research the basic history of the watchtower society. How did it begin? Where did Russel recieve his influences? What exactly was the "great apostacy" that happened after Russel died?
If she does her own research, she will find that the witnesses today are so far removed from what the religion once was. The question she will inevitably be searching for is ... when exactly did it become "the truth"? I think it is especially important to do this research if you were raised in the organization. You don't know where you're going unless you know where you've been.
What was especially helpful to me was when I researched the off-shoots of Watchtower society. Believe or not, several of these groups have excellent resources online to research the Watchtower's history. If you haven't been to these already, here are a few you can give her:
http://www.strictlygenteel.co.uk/ (This one is JW friendly ... it may be better received as a webpage okay to visit).
Good luck!
can anyone tell me of a religious organization that preaches truth?
or are all organizations full of lies and man made beliefs?
"True Religion" is an oxymoron.