Thank you, Gordy. Yes, that is the article! It doesn't have the pictures, but just the words are worth having. Rutherford was like a worshipped celebrity. I think he should get full credit for starting the JW cult ... not Russell. It makes me nausous! I wonder how many JW women secretly wanted to throw their panties at him.
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
JW article "Armageddon, Inc." in the Saturday Evening Post
by Wild_Thing inhas anybody ever seen the article in the saturday evening post called "armageddon, inc"?
i can't post it due to copyright issues, but if you have access to a library or university archives, it is definitely worth it!
it was printed in 1940, but other than the references to the "judge" it reads like it was printed yesterday!
JW article "Armageddon, Inc." in the Saturday Evening Post
by Wild_Thing inhas anybody ever seen the article in the saturday evening post called "armageddon, inc"?
i can't post it due to copyright issues, but if you have access to a library or university archives, it is definitely worth it!
it was printed in 1940, but other than the references to the "judge" it reads like it was printed yesterday!
Has anybody ever seen the article in the Saturday Evening Post called "Armageddon, Inc"? I can't post it due to copyright issues, but if you have access to a library or university archives, it is definitely worth it! It was printed in 1940, but other than the references to the "Judge" it reads like it was printed yesterday! It is 7 pages long and covers the history of Russell and Rutherford and has several pictures ... some quite hilarious. One of them is a picture I have seen on the internet of Rutherford with his "bodyguards".
The article begins:
OR conscientious cussedness on the grandscale, no other aggregation of Americans is a
match for .lehovah"s Witnesses. Defiance of
what others cherish and revere is their daily meat.
And I can't resist posting this picture. Hilarious! If you can't tell, the old lady is holding a hearing horn up to her ear. The caption below says : "How's that again? The officer is having a difficult time telling this Witness she can't distribute literature without a permit."
by Mary inde judge hated christmas!
"i must find a way to keep christmas from coming!
i must stop christmas from coming!
Very cute!!! And you are talented, too!
Newspaper Scan from 1919: Rutherford Declares the End of the World!
by Wild_Thing ini have been doing some research and came across this.
you can go here directly .
click on the image to toggle between big and small.
Thanks, cabasilas! I didn't think about saving it as a pdf file. And I do have many scans, but I am still working on collecting more. So far, I have concentrated my search from the late 1800's to about 1930.
The thing that is really frustrating to me is that I know that there are probably a lot of newspaper articles about Russell in the Pittsburgh paper, but they have not digitized their archives, so it is difficult to find newspaper scans short of going there in person or paying for a third party newspaper archive membership, and they may or may not have the Pittsburgh papers.
I would love to see the actual newspaper article where it says that Russell stood on a bridge waiting for the rapture in 1878. I know it was a Pittsburgh paper.
It is also amazing to me how many advertisements the early watchtower took out in newspapers. They aren't litte ones either! Most of them have graphics and almost always has Rutherford's pictures, and those cost a lot of money to print. They really poored a lot on money into marketing.
This one shows the beginning of the irony. From May 12, 1928:
My family is held so tight
by whatlite? indoes anyone have any suggestions?.
my sister has not spoken to me in almost two years.
she thinks i am an apostate for knowing the watchtower joined the un.
It took some time, but my family and I now have an unspoken mutual understanding. They don't say anything to me about not being a witness, and I don't say anything to them (or challenge them) about being a witness. Sometimes it makes it awkward, and I sometimes I wish so bad I could show them things to wake them up, but it in reality, they probably wouldn't listen or believe me, and it would only serve to alienate them. I talk to them frequenltly and see my neices and nepthew often.
Newspaper Scan from 1919: Rutherford Declares the End of the World!
by Wild_Thing ini have been doing some research and came across this.
you can go here directly .
click on the image to toggle between big and small.
This is from September 24, 1921, Oakland Tribume, Oakland, California. They actually state the 1925 date as being the end of the world.
Newspaper Scan from 1919: Rutherford Declares the End of the World!
by Wild_Thing ini have been doing some research and came across this.
you can go here directly .
click on the image to toggle between big and small.
I hotlinked it. How about here:,%20California).jpg
Newspaper Scan from 1919: Rutherford Declares the End of the World!
by Wild_Thing ini have been doing some research and came across this.
you can go here directly .
click on the image to toggle between big and small.
I have been doing some research and came across this. You can go here directly . Click on the image to toggle between big and small. I have a few others that are just as good, but I thought this one was the best so far. They paid for a full page ad to declare the end of the world! Sheesh!
I didn't shrink the image because then the small newspaper print becomes unreadable.
From April 28, 1919, Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California.
Edited: I decided not to embed the image because it is so big.
Help! In Need of File Hosting Website
by Wild_Thing indoes anyone know of a website that will host a large jpeg image for free?
the image is about 5000 x 7000 pixels.
resizing is not an option due to the nature of the image.
Does anyone know of a website that will host a LARGE jpeg image for free? The image is about 5000 x 7000 pixels. Resizing is not an option due to the nature of the image. Flickr just resizes it and it comes out as all black!
Do you remember the first anti-JW site you visited on the internet?...
by Hecklerboy ini remember doing a search on jw's and ending up on
which led me to
and then it led me here..
Timothy Campbell's Beyond JW website
Same here! Loved it! It was very non-threatening.