I had a couple of guided meditation cds I used. Witnesses use to be leary of meditation (not sure if they are anymore). You can get them where they are not called meditation, even though it is the same thing. Some of them are called guided relaxation. I have one called Journey into Deep Relaxation. It is 40 minutes long and corny as hell, but it works. Even if I was having a particularly hard night, I couldn't last 40 minutes listening to is and NOT falling asleep. I finally copied it to my computer and put it on my iPhone and use headphones. I still use it sometimes. I think they have some of those types of things on youtube, also.
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
How do you shut your mind down so you can get a good night sleep???
by jam inthe more i learn about jw's the harder it is.
to sleep at night.
the wife hit the pillow and within 5 min.. she is snoring.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Amway
by paul from cleveland inmaybe you're all familiar with this subject already but i just came across it tonight.
it's an article about whether or not amway is a cult.
the similarities between jehovah's witnesses and amway are incredible.. http://www.cocs.com/jhoagland/amcult.html.
I knew quite a few witnesses that sold Am-way, but I knew a lot more that sold Shak-lee. My parents sold it under another witness coouple. When I was 3 or 4, they wanted me to sing 9-5 at one of their Shaklee meeting because I was so cute when I sang it knew all the words. (Weren't we all at that age?) My mom had enough sense to say no. Thank you, mom!
Favorite Big Bang Character?
by snowbird in#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
Sheldon ... hands down! Not only do I relate to him a little bit, I think everybody knows someone who has a little Sheldon in them!
What happens after you get the registered letter?
by paul from cleveland inmy friend's daughter, who was baptized at 14, has decided to leave the witnesses.
she's in her early 20's.
she's stopped going to meeting a while ago and moved in with her father who is disfellowshipped.
I never got a letter either, but I remember crawling around on my living room floor in the dark when two suits came knocking on my door! Now I just have to laugh at it! I can't believe I was so scared of them!
Being a JW Used to Be Fun :-)
by snowbird inwe found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
This is just an observation, but I think it was the sense of belonging that made it fun. Honestly, I could have been raised in the Mormons or any other close knit religious group and I would have thought it was fun as a kid. Automatic family, automatic friends. Always stuff to do and hang out with. You can't beat that. If only it weren't for all that pesky brainwashing.
In your memory, what was the nicest day you had out in field service?
by LoisLane looking for Superman infor me, that happy day was in morro bay, calif. it was the fall, oct 1958 or 9. gorgeous weather.
the sun was shining and the wind was coming off of the ocean.. at that time, morro bay was unassigned territory.. talesin on another thread was talking about a lovely day she had, going with her grandfather, talking with a mr languages.
I have another field service story.
When I was a teenager, they sold our KH and had plans to rebuild. There was a period of a few months where we had to meet at another KH, and for field service, we would meet at one of the "sister's" homes.
Well, me and my other teenage friend (we were both young regular pioneers) were watching and talking about a music video for a song called "Baby Got Back" (sometime when we were hanging out). We thought it was really funny because it used animated fruit in a very suggesstive sexual way. It also has the guy that is rapping sitting on top of a giant butt. Remember, we were teenagers.
Well, the next day at service, during lunch, she whips out a videotape. She recorded the video! She popped in the tape into the sister's VHS player and shows all the other pioneers and whoever else was there this "funny" video she recorded during our lunch time! (The sister allowed it.) People either laughed or did not say anything. Someone told on her to the elders and she had a stern talking to! She was told that whatever house they meet in for service should be treated like the KH.
I thought it was pretty stupid for her to show it, but it sure was funny watching all these uber pionners munch on their sandwiches and watch Baby Got Back!
I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???
by DATA-DOG inso the rc really sucked, but i made it through.
the propaganda was mind blowing.
i don't know if the crap will be available on the official website or not, but hopefully it gets leaked somehow.
I remember feeling the same kind of rage and urge to give up right before I finally left for good. It was always the worst after the conventions. My very last anything that I attended was the district convention of 2001.
I am predicting this is your last year, my friend.
In your memory, what was the nicest day you had out in field service?
by LoisLane looking for Superman infor me, that happy day was in morro bay, calif. it was the fall, oct 1958 or 9. gorgeous weather.
the sun was shining and the wind was coming off of the ocean.. at that time, morro bay was unassigned territory.. talesin on another thread was talking about a lovely day she had, going with her grandfather, talking with a mr languages.
I think it's healthy and perfectly okay to try to remember pleasant memories. I grew up in quite an abusive house. We were staunch JWs. Dad was an elder. Totally lived a double life. Trying to remember any speck of pleasantness, as hard as it may be, is what helps keep me sane.
The day the GB said OK to Christmas
by fredPotato ini was just imagining how it would look like if one day jws were allowed to celebrate christmas again:.
so i put together this montage.. .
wouldn't it be a thrill?
But you do know that Guy Pierce, front row, far right, is dead???
What happens after you get the registered letter?
by paul from cleveland inmy friend's daughter, who was baptized at 14, has decided to leave the witnesses.
she's in her early 20's.
she's stopped going to meeting a while ago and moved in with her father who is disfellowshipped.
Yes, it was quite a fine witness for what lunatics they are!