Just practicing.
i have tried copying the embed link from youtube and inserting in as html code in my messages.
it appears to be there in the preview box, but when i hit submit, it disappears!
what am i doing wrong?.
Just practicing.
i have tried copying the embed link from youtube and inserting in as html code in my messages.
it appears to be there in the preview box, but when i hit submit, it disappears!
what am i doing wrong?.
I have tried copying the embed link from youtube and inserting in as html code in my messages. It appears to be there in the preview box, but when I hit submit, it disappears! What am I doing wrong?
Please and thank you!
on the basis that most of us realise the w.t wasnt really the best " job" or way to spend our days, it would be fun to find out what people would really have liked to have done with there lifes and if this is still possible.
or maybe its not even a very realistic ambition just a dream.
in my dreams i stay at home all day and make a living from being a professional artist.maybe i need a phycholgist?.
It's never too late to pursue your dreams. Go for it!
tl;dr: and jw library is not trademarked because the us patent office keeps refusing their application.
i don't think either will ever be trademarked, as their design currently stands.
jw rank & file can make all the cheap promotional crap they want and the watchtower can't do a thing about it (legally anyway.).
Actually, if you do a search for all logos with JW in there, there are a few. I think it's funny they rejected it based on the similarity to JW PLAYER, when it looks nothing like it. JW PLAYER does like a whole like JW LIBRARY, which they are also trying to copyright, though.
It said in the paperwork, that the reason they rejected it based on similarities is because they are just looking at the JW part of it. The papers said what comes after it is not important because most consumers will look at the JW part first and associate the logo with the wrong company.
the jehovahs witnesses official web site logo incorporating has been refused registration by the united states patent and trademark office due to similarity to jw player.. section 2(d) refusal likelihood of confusionclass 42. for the reasons set forth below, the refusal under trademark act section 2(d) is now made final with respect to u.s. registration no(s).
this refusal is limited to the class 42 services in the application.. applicants mark is & design, for use with, inter alia, providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to download audio and video recordings, dvds, music, digital print publications, online publications, documents, forms and web pages all in the field of religion, in class 42. the cited mark is jw player, for use with downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files in class 09.. .
documents available to download at jw leaks..
Is it just me? Does no one else think it is significant that they are trying to trademark a logo that is different from the one they are actually using? The dot is in the wrong place. And in a trademarked logo, that little change is significant, I think.
I think it was just an accident because they are idiots!
the jehovahs witnesses official web site logo incorporating has been refused registration by the united states patent and trademark office due to similarity to jw player.. section 2(d) refusal likelihood of confusionclass 42. for the reasons set forth below, the refusal under trademark act section 2(d) is now made final with respect to u.s. registration no(s).
this refusal is limited to the class 42 services in the application.. applicants mark is & design, for use with, inter alia, providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to download audio and video recordings, dvds, music, digital print publications, online publications, documents, forms and web pages all in the field of religion, in class 42. the cited mark is jw player, for use with downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files in class 09.. .
documents available to download at jw leaks..
I posted about this a few days ago. It is not dead in the water yet. They have until September to reply and possibly get it patented.
an enlightning and disturbing story in today's atlantic.. ginger.
There are many different definitions and signs of "cults" as there are religions. It seems to be a rather loaded word that get people on the defense or offense pretty quickly.
Even Jesus started what some would consider (and some considered at that time) a cult.
No one would argue that Witnesses are an unhealthy, high conrol religious group, though. (Except Witnesses, of course.) And they do fit the profile of some definitions of a cult, but not all.
can anyone tell me exactly how the jws advertised the '75 being the end of the world?
how were they soooo effective?
i mean, other cults are effective also, but damn!
It rhymed. And I hear it was said a lot.
did you loath them?
did you feel it was a "privilege" to have the elders care deeply about your spiritual well being?
if you were an elder or ministerial servant, did you enjoy going to the homes of the sheep?.
The only one I actually remember was from when I was a kid, and it felt weird and awkward because my dad was an elder. They even acted awkward, and I remember it being said the only reason they were there was because the C.O. had been on their case about making sheparding calls to all. (Actually our congregation was real bad about making ANY!) They were like "... well, this was swell. Next week, you can come see us! Haha!" Talking to my dad.
As a young adult trying to fade, I remember them trying to make an unscheduled sheparding call. I hid. I'm not ashamed of it! Self preservation. We've all done it! :)
i am still in, and as my name says "stuckinarut" i know it is not the truth, i know it for a fact...but im so messed up with a wash of hundreds of thoughts that i cant seem to get my head in order.. i thought i had my head clear and my 'sh1t together' so to speak....but ..... im sure you know what i mean?
when there are so many reasons and facts proving ttatt, but if asked to make a list in bullet points now, i would get so overwhelmed....i just dont know where to start.
i feel like i would be like a balloon let go flying around the room in all directions trying to 'spew' out the facts!.
You could also start an online blog. They can be anonymous and they are a great way to organize your thoughts, evidence from websites, files, etc. And then they are in an easy place to go back and look at them.
On a side note ... it helped me to also make a list of non-doctinal issues that are part of the Witnesses. More sociological issues (and some doctrinal issues overlap to sociological issues.) Shunning, education, lack of tolerance for outside research, intolerance of researching their own religion's past, hypocrisy, judgmentalism, degradation of women, condemning all others not part of their group ... those things bothered me more than any doctrine.