This IHOP is much more sinister.
Incidentally, the pancake IHOP sued the prayer IHOP for trademark in fringment for using the same initials. They said they were afraid people would confuse prayers for pancakes. (I can understand how the two could be quite confusing!) They dropped the suit, but didn't really say why.
There was a family I know visiting from Alabama once and every time I met up with them, their daughter (in her 20s) was not there. When I asked them where she was, they would say, "She went to IHOP." After I met up with them several times and being told the same thing, I finally said, "Man! That girl must love pancakes!" They had a good laugh and told me that she went to the 24 hour International House of Prayer IHOP. That was the first I had ever heard of them. They weren't too happy she was going.
They are quite Fundy! Which makes them Scary. And Dangerous. I think they are preying on Uganda, just like the JWs prey on third world countries.