JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Ok, so in the spirit of the April broadcast, what do you want to ask god to fix for you?
by stuckinarut2 inso by now most of us have heard about (or watched) the april broadcast and the ridiculous "experience" of the guy that asked god to fix his construction leak before he believed in him..... so, what would you like to "pray that god fixes" in your life??.
humorous or serious replies welcome!
(although sarcastic, cynical and funny replies preferred hehe).
It would be so cool if God would fix me a sandwich. -
National Sibiling Day and Jehovah's Witnesses
by wannaexit inin most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
National Sibiling Day and Jehovah's Witnesses
by wannaexit inin most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
Yep! My JW sister posted of pic of me, her and my other sibling on Facebook with a "Happy National Sibling Day!" caption. But you're right ... in a few weeks our mother's pic (who is also JW) will be no where and it will not even be acknowledged. -
PSALMS 83: 18 What is the name of God ?
by william draper inso many of us have been taught that the name of god is jehovah , if like me many have come to really appreciate god's name .. .
more accurately we , at least many or most love the name of jehovah , or more accurately should i say this pronunciation .
does god care what we call him , of course he does , he had his name written in the bible as yhwh ( best i can do on this computer ) , more than 6000 times .
Regardless of how you pronounce his name, Jehovah was only one god of many that were popular during the time period that some might call "biblical times." There were many gods that people worshiped. And while there are a few places in the bible that says he was the "only god", there are more examples in the bible referring to other gods, and many of them claiming Jehovah was "greater" than those other gods.
Am I saying there were REALLY other gods or a god at all? No. I am saying a lot of the authors of the bible obviously knew of these other gods and recognized them as gods. They just thought their god was better. I really don't think Jehovah will get upset if your pronounce "his" name wrong, anymore than it would upset the god Rimmon or Molech or ... look it up ... there are like 30+ gods named in the bible.
People make god in their image, and when you have a lot of different cultures, you are going to get a lot of different gods.
So basically, back then you had a lot of different groups of people who each said ... my god is better than yours ... he's the real deal.
My how times have changed! Oh wait ... maybe not.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Happy?
by minimus ini know of the local congregation's issues, per an elder i know quite well.
he has said that nearly everyone in the congregation is suffering emotionally and mentally.
he said he has never seen so many witnesses with so many problems.
Something a CO once said.
by cappytan in"there are only three reasons you should miss a meeting.
fever, fracture or funeral.
everything else is a sorry excuse.
Yes, I have heard that one and many more.
Is it any wonder that Witnesses also sell Shaklee, Avon, etc.? If you've ever been to one of those types of meetings (especially Shaklee!) you know what I am talking about. It's all just a sales pitch, and they keep recycling the same tired sayings.
These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included
by Crazyguy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7mars2mtaui.
to funny nice job....
pbrow says:
I could give two shits about the adults in this hall. In this day and age where virtually all kids have access to google and are not afraid to use it, (unlike us adults at first) at least one kid will google that name. The adults are a lost cause.
To claim that this was done for the kiddies is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. First of all, you're out of touch of how controlled JWs still are. Many are still too scared to even have a Facebook account ... not just adults ... kids, too. My 15 year old niece still does not have any type of social media account beyond her Instagram account, which is, of course, completely locked down. And I promise you ... she would never, ever WANT to google the name of some screaming man in the Kingdom Hall shouting, "I'm on Facebook and YouTube! Find me! I'll set you free!" As several have already said, she would be scared to death!
Do you know what fear does to the brain? It shuts down the reasoning part of your brain, and let's face it, teenagers don't have much of that to begin with. I cannot imagine any child, teenager, or adult observing what I just saw on that video and think, "Hmmm ... he seems like a stable, reasonable person. I'm gonna check him out on YouTube!"
It's not just that the entire stunt was rude and disrespectful, it was also counterproductive to what the makers even intended, (which I assume is for JWs to see the organization for what it really is).
I do not understand how three adults could get together and think this was a good idea.
Religion is a business in the God commodity market
by Brokeback Watchtower inbottom line money not god.
to grow a religion you need money and suckers who fall for your particular line of logic.. take away it's money to take away it's power.
the ceos of the watchtower corporation are running the religion/business into the ground because they can't make good business decisions and are caught in a awful web of delusions of grander and blind to the realities of the real world.
Village Idiot, I was about to say the exact same thing. Many cults and religious groups have come into existence and stayed without a high influx of money.
If the WTBTS were to go completely bankrupt tomorrow, it would not affect their membership one iota, and would in fact probably strengthen it because they would view it as being persecuted in Satan's world.
The Society has a lot of power over their members because the rank and file give them that power willingly.
Some Questions About Jesus
by Coded Logic inwhy didn't jesus ever write anything?
why are there no letters to jesus?
no painting of jesus from that time?
I think the reason Jesus never wrote anything down is because he was homeschooled. Stay in school, kids.
The 50 Ways to Be Disfellowshipped
by Wild_Thing ini was wondering ... what are all of the "official" reasons provided by elders for disfellowshipping someone?
i know the most common reasons are adultery and fornication, but what about the others?
a couple of years ago i traveled back to my hometown` and one of my old jw acquaintances told me that her grown son had been disfellowshipped for refusing to stop associating with another disfellowshipped person.
Thanks, JeffT, for the list of possible crimes listed in the Flock book. I can't believe they have narrowed all transgressions down to just those listed. I bet if we were to list off the ways to get disfellowshipped, the list would be quite long.
Since I have been out (13-14 years now), I have done at least 50 things and they felt great!