Said to me ... "Yes, you can watch Scooby Doo and Smurfs after school, but don't tell anybody!"
I never did.
you have to lead a secret life as a jw.
you're not supposed to over drink, go to night clubs, enjoy worldly concerts,, though is really taboo.
you could never freely talk about your sex life.
Said to me ... "Yes, you can watch Scooby Doo and Smurfs after school, but don't tell anybody!"
I never did.
first of all, i stand in support of the teachers ... sort of.
this system of over testing in america, connecting test scores to monetary rewards or punishments, and threatening teachers with their job over test scores is directly to blame for the environment created where teachers and administrators felt pressure to cheat.
but at the same time, they lost their integrity and cheated.
There are some teachers who succumb to the pressure and cheat. (I believe most do not.) There are some who become bitter and take it out on the kids. (Most do not.) But I can safely say the majority of teachers became teachers to work with kids and make a positive impact on their lives. (It's definitely not for the pay!)
Teachers know where the blame lies when it comes to mandated state and federal testing, and it is not the kids. Teachers want an end to the excessive testing, and most people don't realize this, but teachers are the low man on the totem pole. A step above the custodian. They have little, if any power, over what testing they give, or how it is given. And test scores should NEVER be tied monetary gains or losses. It's not fair to the kids or the teacher.
Kids are more than a test score, and there are more (and better) ways to judge the success of a school.
first of all, i stand in support of the teachers ... sort of.
this system of over testing in america, connecting test scores to monetary rewards or punishments, and threatening teachers with their job over test scores is directly to blame for the environment created where teachers and administrators felt pressure to cheat.
but at the same time, they lost their integrity and cheated.
adjusted knowledge ... perhaps this will help. It is from, Atlanta's newspaper.
Out of the 11 that were found guilty, 3 of them, who were top administrators, were technically sentenced to 20 years, but only 7 will be served in prison, and 13 on probation (plus a $25,000 fine and community service). 5 of the lower level teachers received lighter sentences of jail time, and 2 of them were allowed to make a plea deal after the fact that included no jail time, as long as they would waive right to appeal. The 11th teacher just had a baby and will be sentenced later.
The names of the three that got "20 year" sentences are Tamara Cotman, Sharon Davis-Williams, and Michael Pitts.
a couple of weeks ago someone posted that accidentally posted the 2015 regional convention release.
i can not fine the thread now.. i saw a picture of it yesterday.
a sister had downloaded the pdf and read it that night.. it is a 16-page brochure entitled "return to jehovah", with a purple background.. it has been designed specifically for inactive ones are those who have been raised around the truth but never baptized.
california court guts child abuse ruling against jehovahs witnesses.
topics: religion / religion and government .
The judges went on to remark on the larger risk of allowing child abusers to preach door to door: “They are also a threat to children in the community when they engage in that activity. The prospect of children opening their doors to proselytizing child molesters is frightening.”
Yes, yes it is frightening. So why not penalize the Watchtower for not only allowing child molesters to go door to door, but also encouraging it.
first of all, i stand in support of the teachers ... sort of.
this system of over testing in america, connecting test scores to monetary rewards or punishments, and threatening teachers with their job over test scores is directly to blame for the environment created where teachers and administrators felt pressure to cheat.
but at the same time, they lost their integrity and cheated.
First of all, I stand in support of the teachers ... sort of. This system of over testing in America, connecting test scores to monetary rewards or punishments, and threatening teachers with their job over test scores is directly to blame for the environment created where teachers and administrators felt pressure to cheat. But at the same time, they lost their integrity and cheated. Yes, they should lose their job and be punished, but not be sentenced to 20 years!
Here is the interesting thing ... they were not convicted of cheating. They were convicted of making false statements and racketeering. Racketeering is any criminal activity that is performed to benefit an organization. Isn't that what the Watchtower does?
Why can't these types of charges be brought up on some of the borg leaders who have lied, hidden evidence, and refused to provide subpoenaed evidence? It just seems to me covering up child abuse AND their mishandling of it is much more worthy of racketeering charges than these school teachers.
Just my two cents. If you are not familiar with the case, here is the short version: 35 educators were originally indicted by a grand jury with charges relating to cheating on state tests. All but about 11 or 12 made plea deals. 1 died of cancer before trial. The rest rolled their dice with a trial and lost. Some were sentenced to more prison time than pedophiles get.
Here is the link to today's sentencing hearings if you want to read more:
so by now most of us have heard about (or watched) the april broadcast and the ridiculous "experience" of the guy that asked god to fix his construction leak before he believed in him..... so, what would you like to "pray that god fixes" in your life??.
humorous or serious replies welcome!
(although sarcastic, cynical and funny replies preferred hehe).
in most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
in most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
so many of us have been taught that the name of god is jehovah , if like me many have come to really appreciate god's name .. .
more accurately we , at least many or most love the name of jehovah , or more accurately should i say this pronunciation .
does god care what we call him , of course he does , he had his name written in the bible as yhwh ( best i can do on this computer ) , more than 6000 times .
Regardless of how you pronounce his name, Jehovah was only one god of many that were popular during the time period that some might call "biblical times." There were many gods that people worshiped. And while there are a few places in the bible that says he was the "only god", there are more examples in the bible referring to other gods, and many of them claiming Jehovah was "greater" than those other gods.
Am I saying there were REALLY other gods or a god at all? No. I am saying a lot of the authors of the bible obviously knew of these other gods and recognized them as gods. They just thought their god was better. I really don't think Jehovah will get upset if your pronounce "his" name wrong, anymore than it would upset the god Rimmon or Molech or ... look it up ... there are like 30+ gods named in the bible.
People make god in their image, and when you have a lot of different cultures, you are going to get a lot of different gods.
So basically, back then you had a lot of different groups of people who each said ... my god is better than yours ... he's the real deal.
My how times have changed! Oh wait ... maybe not.