JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
All the changes
by vinman inare their any newer people here, who recently found out ttatt, who has been disturbed by all the new changes in the organization?
it is turning into something that feels impersonal.
i know change is good.
OMG! That cart song is absolutely horrible! I'm never going back just because of that! -
Crazy JW wields machete at New Orleans airport - shot - died because he refused blood on religious grounds
by Wild_Thing inhttp://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-machete-attack-new-orleans-airport-has-died-n327841.
Perhaps it might help to read other reports on this from different news sources. Some give different details than others. The article I originally read was from my local tv news station website. I didn't want to post something local, so I quickly found a national source that I thought would provide the same facts.
Here is another source: http://www.examiner.com/article/richard-white-machete-attacker-white-was-jehovah-s-witness-dies-at-hospital
Crazy JW wields machete at New Orleans airport - shot - died because he refused blood on religious grounds
by Wild_Thing inhttp://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-machete-attack-new-orleans-airport-has-died-n327841.
His neighbor said he shunned traditional western medicine including blood. He died a day later. You are right, it is more of a conjecture. -
Crazy JW wields machete at New Orleans airport - shot - died because he refused blood on religious grounds
by Wild_Thing inhttp://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-machete-attack-new-orleans-airport-has-died-n327841.
Lett video
by Gorbatchov ini watched the stephen lett video @ jw.org .
the first minutes he shows himself as a nice chap.
uncle stephen knows what's best for you.. and then i see the extreme fundamentalist he is, talking short about apostates.
Link? -
WALKING DEAD fans - Was that a JW at the very end of the latest episode?
by Zoos indid you see the last episode?
that nicely dressed, freshly-shaven young man that came out from behind the trees at the very end and said:.
i didn't mean to interrupt.
I don't think so ... he didn't start his conversation with,"Would you like to live in a world without flesh eating zombies?" Also, his hair was bit long. At the very least, he has no mic carrying priveleges. -
JW TV Streaming
by Wild_Thing ini was telling my sister (who is also no longer a jw) how they have a jw broadcast channel now and stream their propaganda all the time.
so i decided to check it out again, and right now anthony morris is on there bashing higher education.
my mother has recently told me that the jws have lightened up about that issue and it is okay to pursue higher ed now.
It's not all higher education that they are bashing, mainly University education that requires four or more years. For instance, you can study to be a nurse but not a Doctor.
Yes, that is true. Which is ridiculous. I remember when they loosened up about vocational type programs. It was 1993, and I took full advantage of it and enrolled in the closest community college. And their stance hasn't changed since then. Its so sad.
JW TV Streaming
by Wild_Thing ini was telling my sister (who is also no longer a jw) how they have a jw broadcast channel now and stream their propaganda all the time.
so i decided to check it out again, and right now anthony morris is on there bashing higher education.
my mother has recently told me that the jws have lightened up about that issue and it is okay to pursue higher ed now.
I was telling my sister (who is also no longer a JW) how they have a JW broadcast channel now and stream their propaganda all the time. So I decided to check it out again, and right now Anthony Morris is on there bashing higher education. My mother has recently told me that the JWs have lightened up about that issue and it is okay to pursue higher ed now. What a load of BS! -
If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed ...
by Simon inmatthew 17:20 - he said to them, because of your little faith.
for truly, i say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.. i get the 'message' - if you believe enough (in fact, even a tiny amount - a mustard seed being tiny) then nothing is impossible but really, what a ridiculous statement and idea for several reasons.. there are lots of people who believe things completely and sincerely even to the point of death.
so far i've not noticed any sudden movements of any mountain ranges.
My bigger problem with that scripture is what happened a few verses before where Jesus thought a demon was causing a boy's epilepsy!
The idea that having faith in something and using it as a motivator is nothing to scoff at, though. Having faith in the right thing, and directing your time and energy appropriately can figuratively move mountains.
The problem with this scripture is that it purports that if you have enough faith in God, you can cast a demon out of a little boy and cure his epilepsy. There is so much wrong with that, I don't where to begin. Having faith in something that doesn't exist (God) will accomplish nothing for you. Believing that demons exist and they cause illnesses and medical defects is another story!
I'm going to stick to putting faith in myself and those around me that deserve my devotion.
JW's have lost the will to Vacuum
by runForever indespite 2005 being a very popular year for vacuums vacuuming is now very unpopular with 0 mentions- an all time low.. awake magazine:.
Haha! That is pretty funny! Please do one for the frequency for porneia!