I posted this on another thread, but it is definitely worth reposting. This is a brother in Canada very "excited" to baptize some famous model that I have never heard of. It looks like he is jacking off underneath the water while he looks at her! Haha!
The description reads "CANADA - AUGUST 12: Model Dedicates Life to Jehovah; Fashion model Heather Farrar prepares for baptism as convert to the Jehovah's Witnesses during annual Watchtower convention yesterday. She is helped by Fred Holder; left; and Larry Sikorski in special pool set up at Woodbine Racetrack. Miss Farrar; one of more than 100 people baptized; said; I want to dedicate myself to Jehovah God. Convention; which started Thursday and ends tomorrow; has attracted 12;000. The immersion ceremony was one of the highlights. (Photo by Graham Bezant/Toronto Star via Getty Images)" Source