JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Stress on young ones
by LHS123 ini had a horrible conversation with my 14 year old last night which i regret.
im still in but doubting more and more every day.. she is recently baptized.
she is outgoing and gorgeous and make friends easily, although not so much with the sisters in our hall, who pick her up and drop her again regularly , leaving her out of parties etc but then bringing her back into the circle, dropping her again...and so on.
They will never find "true" friends among the Witnesses. Being non-judgmental and accepting isn't exactly one of their strong suits. -
Missionary send-off ... " If You Could See What I See " ... - The little cart with a big heart -
by Esse quam videri infrom the perspective of the jehovah's witnesses public witnessing cart.
a family put this skit on for going away party for our missionary family.
[ i can just imagine what the villagers are going to say about the crazy missionary gringo and his cart.
Looks cultish to me -
They might be driving me nuts
by stillin inthe "boasting session" last night included forcing the congregation to watch that stupid witnessing cart video.
then the brother handling the part discusses what a "powerful witness" is being given each time those carts roll out into public view.. experiences: had a nice conversation with a young man.
a woman took a tract.
"Did you see them lookin' at us? They were lookin' at us! Hey! Look at us everybody!"
Nobody wants to look at you.
That reminds me of when I was a kid out in service, and some rude teenagers yelled as we left, "I see ya, but I don't wanna be ya! Hahaha!"
I thought ... I don't wanna be me, either.
No more eating children with the rod??
by paulmolark inso a friend of mine who is still in and knows i am disassociated sent me an email saying the following, "hey, did you see the new article about disciplining your children?????
there is not one single outright mention of beating your kids anymore.
no mention of the r"rod of discipline"!
I never beat or hit my children.
Weird. I beat your kids all the time. ;)
But do you eat them?
No more eating children with the rod??
by paulmolark inso a friend of mine who is still in and knows i am disassociated sent me an email saying the following, "hey, did you see the new article about disciplining your children?????
there is not one single outright mention of beating your kids anymore.
no mention of the r"rod of discipline"!
No eating or beating children?? :)
Seriously, though ... they have already spent over a hundred years creating a culture that encourages and condones abuse. One little omission in one article changes nothing.
I really doubt the JW child beaters of the world will read that article and say ... well it doesn't say I can beat them anymore, so maybe I should stop.
Old Witnessy Pics
by snugglebunny inso what have you got?.
i'll start.. 1958 aboard steamship arosa star, english and german jw's bound for new york for 8 day assembly at yankee stadium.. .
I posted this on another thread, but it is definitely worth reposting. This is a brother in Canada very "excited" to baptize some famous model that I have never heard of. It looks like he is jacking off underneath the water while he looks at her! Haha!
The description reads "CANADA - AUGUST 12: Model Dedicates Life to Jehovah; Fashion model Heather Farrar prepares for baptism as convert to the Jehovah's Witnesses during annual Watchtower convention yesterday. She is helped by Fred Holder; left; and Larry Sikorski in special pool set up at Woodbine Racetrack. Miss Farrar; one of more than 100 people baptized; said; I want to dedicate myself to Jehovah God. Convention; which started Thursday and ends tomorrow; has attracted 12;000. The immersion ceremony was one of the highlights. (Photo by Graham Bezant/Toronto Star via Getty Images)" Source
4 New BOEs just Arrived!
by Atlantis in4 boes just arrived and we appreciate our informants assistance... click the links below and then click the green download button.. .. 2015 april 6, boe (re: electronic convention program and convention releases).
.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/gqk7qat.
.. .. .. 2015 april 21, boe (re: programme for special meeting with headquarters representatives).
So as for pornography viewing, what exactly do they think would have changed in a person in 24 months?
Why not 12 or 36 or 2?
Silly! It's a biblical number with incredible significance! You see ... 2 and 4 represent the 2nd and 4th book of the bible, specifically Exodus (6 letters) and Numbers (7 letters). 6 x 7 = 42. If you take the inverse of that (representing the flip flop of doctrines), you get 24. See? It makes perfect sense.
4 New BOEs just Arrived!
by Atlantis in4 boes just arrived and we appreciate our informants assistance... click the links below and then click the green download button.. .. 2015 april 6, boe (re: electronic convention program and convention releases).
.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/gqk7qat.
.. .. .. 2015 april 21, boe (re: programme for special meeting with headquarters representatives).
And there's this ... they even put it in italics! Lol!
You must not have viewed any type of pornography within the past two years.
4 New BOEs just Arrived!
by Atlantis in4 boes just arrived and we appreciate our informants assistance... click the links below and then click the green download button.. .. 2015 april 6, boe (re: electronic convention program and convention releases).
.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/gqk7qat.
.. .. .. 2015 april 21, boe (re: programme for special meeting with headquarters representatives).
I thought this was interesting.
The congregations that will be connected to the live broadcast will listen in to the prayers as they are broadcast. The congregations watching and listening to the programme later should arrange for local elders to say the prayers.
I guess they think Jehovah would have already hung up the phone on the recorded prayers. The local elders have to call him again.
Compliment or criticism - what affects you most?
by EdenOne ina bit of introspection on this one ... just read on someone's post that a compliment makes him "float" for hours, and it got me thinking; within the spectrum of comments that people make about me, from compliment to criticism, which is the type that most affects me?.
after my experience as a jehovah's witness, i find that i've become suspicious of compliments and over-sensitive to criticism.
because a common technique of elders was to compliment someone before going down to business, that is, giving hard counseling or discipline.
I'm always suspicious of compliments. If you criticize me, I know you are telling me how you really feel.