It sounds like you didn't suffer from hurtful or abusive things growing up as a witness. That is quite rare, and I am happy for you. I am also quite jealous. I would love to not have the baggage that growing up a JW created for me, and I would have loved to simply walk away because I didn't believe. But the fact is, most people leaving the witnesses did not have the positive experiences that you seem to have had. If people on here sound angry, it is with good reason, and talking about it with people online is one way to deal with it and try to get past it.
It also sounds like you suffer from black and white thinking, which is very much a JW trait that is instilled from birth, so I think growing up a JW adversely affected you more than you think. Just because you had a great experience in the org doesn't mean most people have, and it is OKAY to have different thoughts and opinions about the JWs and anything else. I don't agree with everything I read on here, either. But this place isn't like the Kingdom Hall where everybody has to believe the same thing about everything. If you think the GB are uber upstanding guys ... you are allowed to think that. And people here are allowed to try to change your mind. And the best part is ...we can have an open and frank conversation about it nobody will be pulled into the backroom.
For your sake, I hope you are able to find a like-minded group of people that had a great experience with the witnesses, but just wants to leave. All four of you can support each other.