Shackles and chains that were used on slaves are permanently memorialized in cement just a few feet from the KH property. You can see the tiny square of cement on the map above in the lower section close the trees.
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Kingdom Hall Built on Site of Former Slave Market
by Wild_Thing inin mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
Kingdom Hall Built on Site of Former Slave Market
by Wild_Thing inin mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
In Mississippi, there is a historical site called Forks of the Road. Before the Civil War, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the South. It was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road. The historical site is nothing more than a narrow piece of land now, with several plaques and informational boards about the former history.
A Kingdom Hall takes up the majority of the land now. I am not sure if the JWs didn't like sharing their space with the historical markers or vice versa, but there is a very tall line of spruce trees separating the two sites. You can't even tell there is a Kingdom Hall on the same site when visiting the historical site.
I just think it is so ironic that a Kingdom Hall is built on a former slave market. The land is still being used to enslave people, just without the chains. They are enslaved mentally and are not allowed to leave without repercussions to them or their family.
You can see the tall row of trees separating the Kingdom Hall from the historical markers.
Online Article About JW life from Ex-JW
by TheOutSpoken1 ineach of us have experienced the aftermath of being a jw.
we can all relate.
my heart hurts for this child and what she went thru.
Very well written. -
I would rather be in the JW cult than the ex-jw cult
by questioningmyfaith ini have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
It sounds like you didn't suffer from hurtful or abusive things growing up as a witness. That is quite rare, and I am happy for you. I am also quite jealous. I would love to not have the baggage that growing up a JW created for me, and I would have loved to simply walk away because I didn't believe. But the fact is, most people leaving the witnesses did not have the positive experiences that you seem to have had. If people on here sound angry, it is with good reason, and talking about it with people online is one way to deal with it and try to get past it.
It also sounds like you suffer from black and white thinking, which is very much a JW trait that is instilled from birth, so I think growing up a JW adversely affected you more than you think. Just because you had a great experience in the org doesn't mean most people have, and it is OKAY to have different thoughts and opinions about the JWs and anything else. I don't agree with everything I read on here, either. But this place isn't like the Kingdom Hall where everybody has to believe the same thing about everything. If you think the GB are uber upstanding guys ... you are allowed to think that. And people here are allowed to try to change your mind. And the best part is ...we can have an open and frank conversation about it nobody will be pulled into the backroom.
For your sake, I hope you are able to find a like-minded group of people that had a great experience with the witnesses, but just wants to leave. All four of you can support each other.
Stupid memorial obsessions
by Simon inall the different congregations around the world hold it at similar local times but they all effectively are at different times relative to each other ... so why does the time matter?.
why the almost superstitious "oh, it must be after sundown".
cause it's not sundown everywhere that second.. god knew the earth was round ... right?.
I assume your questions are rhetorical, right?
And I agree on them rethinking the bread. They need to try some sour dough bread, or maybe some nice bruschetta that we can put some cheese on.
Sweet 16 - Happy Birthday to Us !
by Simon init's the forum's 16th birthday today!.
amazing that not only have we lasted so long but we're still thriving and growing.. thanks to all the people and often colorful characters who've contributed to the site over the years.
some are still here with us, some have since moved on, but all have touched each others lives in some way along our different journeys.. .
Happy birthday to your forum, Simon! I can't tell you how much your website has helped me over the past many years. I can't believe I have been a member for 14 years and only posted a little more than 1,000 times. And before those 14 years ... believe me, I was lurking in the shadows.
Back then, there was quite a bit of drama happening between members on this forum. I am so glad to see that ended and I know you are to credit for a lot of that. Thanks for chasing away the drama. I feel a lot more comfortable posting here because of it.
I COLLECT QUOTES. . . Here are some of my favorites
by Terry inplease post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
There's a skinny woman inside me dying to get out. But I can usually shut the bitch up with some chocolate. -
I COLLECT QUOTES. . . Here are some of my favorites
by Terry inplease post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
JW Videos
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inmy belief is that the jw organization is moving towards video teaching.
at the last convention a mini jesus movie was created.
today watching the jw video on 'older ones' is the famous widow in the temple scene with the same actor for jesus.. are they slowly and carefully making a jesus movie?.
It is amazing to me how they have done a complete 180 and embraced all technology. When I was a kid, the most pious witnesses did not even have a tv and none of the the visiting overseers did. And when the internet became available, it was "another tool of Satan" we were supposed to avoid. Now they embrace it all whole-heartedly.
They have their own internet TV broadcast channel, they have a Roku channel, they are making music videos, and now Jesus videos. It all seems so weird to me. Ironically, they are beginning to look like all the other religions they have cursed for so long. Now they are televangelists, make cartoons for kids, etc. I can't say enough how weird it all is to me.
The only thing I haven't seen them embrace wholeheartedly is social media. I think this is a tougher one for them because social media involves two way communication, which they hate. When they have an official Facebook page and Twitter feed, I will be looking out the window for flying pigs.
God said be fruitful and multiply,fill the earth and govern it.
by atomant inl have a problem with this.lf adam and eve didnt sin the earth would eventually have been full to the brim with perfect human beings.then what every man gets the chop or no more sex?then on the other hand we have the jw's sayingresurrected ones will not be allowed to marry in the earthly new system.. married survivors of armageddon will remain married.
single survivors of armageddon may or may not be allowed to it seems that people reborn into new system wont be able to procreate.
and married survivors will stay married so l assume that means they can still hanky panky and have babys thats a bit unfair..the earth can only accommodate a maximum number of humans then what for the married couples.
cofty, thanks for that info. It makes perfect sense now! I could tell he was an apologist. I just assumed it was a JW apologist.