JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Live in the U.S.? Tune into Dateline Friday evening, April 15th, to see a report about the Colorado Candelario murder trial (he's a JW).
by AndersonsInfo inralph and pam candelario were active jws in colorado.
ralph murdered pam.
professor jim penton was invited to appear at the trial last month by the prosecution as an expert witness to answer questions about jws.
When I was watching it and they said that the JW daughter basically shunned her mother for the three years before her death for marrying that creep ... I wondered if she regretted shunning her. That's the thing about shunning. You never know when will the be the last time you see somebody. -
Here's another one she posted. I am pretty she'll be out as soon as she grows up! LOL!
My JW family has entire Pinterest boards devoted to JW memes. Most of them make me feel ill when I read them, but some of them are pretty accurate and funny. Here is one my niece posted.
Things I Never Knew When I Was A Witness!
by disillusioned 2 inthere are some things that as a witness i never knew.
maybe i was just going through the motions, attending meetings and not listening much.
never was very good at personal study or underlining answers in watchtower or book study (i never ever answered up) was too shy.. i never knew when i was a witness that they taught that jesus had looked down on the earth in 1919 to see who was serving god most accurately, and of course he chose a small group of bible students living in america!
TheOldHippie said:
Then you were lazy. I was/am fond of studying and found out all those things quickly.
Judgmental much? I know a religious group that you would fit in very well with.
Things I Never Knew When I Was A Witness!
by disillusioned 2 inthere are some things that as a witness i never knew.
maybe i was just going through the motions, attending meetings and not listening much.
never was very good at personal study or underlining answers in watchtower or book study (i never ever answered up) was too shy.. i never knew when i was a witness that they taught that jesus had looked down on the earth in 1919 to see who was serving god most accurately, and of course he chose a small group of bible students living in america!
I never knew Judge Rutherford was never actually a judge!
I never knew how many times they had set dates for Armageddon to come.
I never knew about many of their past beliefs like no vaccinations, no organ transplants, and aluminum was bad for you.
I never knew Russell studies pyramidology and based some of his beliefs on it.
To the lurkers: This cult of a religion keeps killing my marriage over and over
by goingthruthemotions infirst let me say, if i could turn back time and never get involved with this cult.
i would.. to the lurkers: .
if you on the fence and could leave.
It is very difficult to deal with when you are the only person in the room with your eyes wide open. I totally get it! -
What Are the Top JW Issues That Just Burn Your Buns the Most?
by Wild_Thing inwhich ones make you the maddest?
covering up of abuse, shunning, failed end of world predictions?.
my list is long and heavy, but the top 3 that set me off the most are:.
I've noticed that most of the biggest objections of all of us are how poorly they treat their own members, how dishonest they are, and how they flagrantly violate human rights.
Their doctrines and strange beliefs are hardly mentioned, other than their repeated attempts to prophesy the end of the world. Perhaps they should consider treating their members better if they want to retain members.
Kingdom Hall Attenders: Consider Stopping the Use of Loaded Language
by OnTheWayOut init's been a long time since i attended, but i understand that many of you still go to the kingdom hall for your various reasons.. a huge thing that helped me in my mentally breaking from their beliefs was to stop using their terms that put you, virtually automatically, into their thought mode.. using terms like "the truth," jw's feel special about themselves and this helps them separate themselves from "the world.
" by incorporating loaded language, jw's learn not to think, but merely to memorize words and phrases instead of analyzing a situation.. the reasons someone misses meetings is because they are "spiritually weak.
" they might be involved in "worldly thinking.".
The loaded language was one of the last things to go for me. It was hard to let go of, and I didn't really even realize I was still using it for a while. Especially the term "the truth". It's such an oxymoron. -
Home made circuit assembly programs
by hoser inprinted off the website i presume and hand cut with scissors.
i was handed one at the circuit assembly by one of the attendants.
I completely expect them to start asking everyone to take their own toilet paper to the assemblies soon. -
Not the Author of Confusion
by Coded Logic in609 african independent charismatic.
black american apostolic.
african independent charismatic.
Religions are like toilet paper. There are many different brands to choose from, but once you get involved enough, you realize they are all just full of crap.