How can the JDubs still worship in a religion that has lied to them so much and bow down and kiss the ring of the 8 popes in New York who are like self-licking ice cream cones?
Because they don't know they are being lied to. The Borg does a great job of controlling what information their members consume. If you never allow yourself to be exposed to alternative points or view, or an alternative narrative for your religion that is different than what you have been fed, you will remain captive to their lies.
I don't think most of their current members are aware of the extensive date setting for Armageddon that has occurred in the Watchtower's past. And they won't allow themselves to hear about it because they are told that anyone that utters a criticism about the Borg must be opposers, apostates, or whatever current buzz word they are using to label anyone they view as dissenters.
BTW ... props on the "the 8 popes in New York who are like self-licking ice cream cones" comment. Its spot on.