All will be of one church in the end, and the messiah will be here to save people not harm them. Just be to your brother as you would have him be to you and let Christ solve the rest. He will not fire a shot and it will all be better in the twinkling of an eye, if you hear him when he calls to you.
JoinedPosts by Jake99
I'm new here and have lots of questions
by jaada inhello, i am new to this board, i am not a jehovahs witness however i studied with them for years, i went out into service a couple of times, but i havent done anything in 4 years.
i am so confused.
i always have been scared of the last days thing, but i could never accept the fact that while i was in the meetings, my husband and parents were all at home and the witnesses would tell me that unless they changed and started coming to the meetings that they would be killed!
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
And when the life of Christ is exposed to you again, will you look at the evidence that lies before you, or call him a madman and nail him to the cross? He is who you say he is, and does what you say he does, and he leaves a tremendous trail to follow this time. Are you smart enough to look at the facts of this Christ, or do you continue to research the last one?
Building Kingdom Halls; Destroying Lives
by freedomfu inthis church wasn't built in a day ...
it took almost a weekby rich brown.
globe staff writer1/7/06.
I never expected to hear such negative remarks about the JW's on this site.
I don't belong to a religion because I am a leader, not a follower.
A follower of Jesus yes, very much so, but you dont have to go to church to do his work.
Sexual abuse was rampant in the Catholic church as well.
It appears the religions try and hide their missfits who need help while at the same time exposing children to them.
The archdiocese of Boston is rumored to be 30% homosexuals, that have people and innocent children, calling them father.
I reserve the honorable title of father, for men with children and the creator.
And the title elder, for someone with vast successful experience.
Who was Jesus really?
by Spectrum in1. was he the son of god and some kind of god himself?
2. was he an extremely intelligent man that manipulated people and made himself appear to be fullfilling the prophecies about the messiah?
3. was he a dellusional nutter?
Not only has everything happened in recent years that reveal the true messiah, but it has been seven years since he admitted to it in 5 Massachusetts courts and asked for the surrender of the judicial system. They tried to crucify him but he walked away and now uses different methods with which to skin the cat.
You are looking for a genetically perfect man who is great at everything, leads by example to perfection, performs miracles and prophecies by intention and with intention. He is physically among you and has left a tremendous residue in his wake as he sped past unseen right in front of the eyes of many.
I'm new here and have lots of questions
by jaada inhello, i am new to this board, i am not a jehovahs witness however i studied with them for years, i went out into service a couple of times, but i havent done anything in 4 years.
i am so confused.
i always have been scared of the last days thing, but i could never accept the fact that while i was in the meetings, my husband and parents were all at home and the witnesses would tell me that unless they changed and started coming to the meetings that they would be killed!
You have nothing to fear at the second coming, for if you stand behind the messiah as your leader you will be saved from this world and enter into the next. Its nothing more than one proven leader who has been performing many miracles and prophecies, revealing himself and being given charge of the entire planet, using one simple system that a child could understand and comply with, easily and almost automatically.
The money changer and lines on the map will be gone and religion will have no bearing on the way the world operates. Then you can throw all the religious books away or compare them to what actually happened to see which part of which religion was right and which was wrong.
When kingdom come
by Jake99 inchrist will have been among this world, and yet not of this world, under a veil of secrecy, in a world of hypocricy.
a child like no other, in a bubble, with a suit of armor, direct from the mountain and born in its peaks.
rich beyond belief from the start, as if armed for bear, in the body of a lion in a world of lesser men.
Peaceful Pete,
Congratualations on your understanding of my opening post and thank you for the compliment. It is written in a similar style to the story you posted. Many people do not understand the complexity and simplicity of this method, which is how much of the bible is written. Some might call it tongues or parables, I think its more like mysterious shorthand, a puzzle and a maze and yet it is meant to be a map and a lesson. Only the writer knows exactly was is meant, however the evidence of the intention and meaning is all clearly and cleverly concealed and revealed at the same time.
Katerine Zeta Jones might just be in my mind all day, she sure is beautiful, I liked Barbars Eden at that age as well, not to mention her personality and abilities as a genie or was it Jeannie. Even the mind of a Saint would be distracted by such beauty, which appears to be more than skin deep. I like women who keep their mind and body in good condition.
You sound like a hard core beleiver in Christ, that is commendable, for the time is near when you will be asked to believe in, and stand behind the special man who you preach about. How many prophecies and miracles must he perform before revealing who he is? All of them.....
I'm new here and have lots of questions
by jaada inhello, i am new to this board, i am not a jehovahs witness however i studied with them for years, i went out into service a couple of times, but i havent done anything in 4 years.
i am so confused.
i always have been scared of the last days thing, but i could never accept the fact that while i was in the meetings, my husband and parents were all at home and the witnesses would tell me that unless they changed and started coming to the meetings that they would be killed!
You have nothing to fear of the second coming, for it is the good news that all are waiting for. It will be a day when a tremendous leader and miracle worker is given the leadership role of this planet and he will change the world in ways that solve all earthly problems in the twinkling of an eye. I read the Watchtower and Awake every time I find one, and I am not even religious. I find the publications to be the best I have ever read. It is not the job of religions or politicians to resolve the conflicts on this planet, that simple task is left to the messiah. The JW's may be wrong about some things but then again so are all religions wrong about some things. Even the Catholic church has been abusing children and it has much to do with a stressful operating system. Its all about the basics; the Golden rule and not dividing Gods land. If a man asks for your shoes offer him your coat as well, means humans are obligated to distribute for free, the basic needs of human life. That is Communism, Socialism and competition for the use of luxuries in the most simplified and fair operating system possible. Adeqate housing, food, clothing and medical attention for free and equal opportiunity for education and jobs. Such a simple system reverses mans effect on global warming and ends all military and trade wars at the same time.The only thing you should fear is standing with the destroyers that currently reign supreme on this planet and the complicated and destructive systems they have introduced into the environment. Six million acres of wild fires in the US this year and its been about the same for the last several years, now we have a problem with mud slides as a result. And where is all our labor that is needed to put out fires, somewhere in the gambling, military, sales businesses along with the money changers, liars, cheaters and theives club that makes the rules. Levees that failed after notifying the world a year or more in advance that they would hold. Destructive wars and premptive strikes, Satan is having the time of his life rejoice, it is almost over. The Alpha and the Omega is soon to come.
When kingdom come
by Jake99 inchrist will have been among this world, and yet not of this world, under a veil of secrecy, in a world of hypocricy.
a child like no other, in a bubble, with a suit of armor, direct from the mountain and born in its peaks.
rich beyond belief from the start, as if armed for bear, in the body of a lion in a world of lesser men.
Christ will have been among this world, and yet not of this world, under a veil of secrecy, in a world of hypocricy. A child like no other, in a bubble, with a suit of armor, direct from the mountain and born in its peaks. Rich beyond belief from the start, as if armed for bear, in the body of a lion in a world of lesser men. He will perform like no other, as if he had wings and divine knowledge, being great at all things. His six siblings will sing like angels and perform many miracles and prophecies as well.
The messiah's leadership demonstration will be so extensive, elusive and perfect as to not be found flawed or noticed. That is to say that he will perform many miracles and prophecies in front of many people without being revealed. He will be tested in ways that prove who he is, rather than who he is not, and it will all be recorded this time in the documents and minds where it was not understood. He comes like a theif in the night speaking in shoes that have only been worn by Christ.
After the superior leadership demonstrations he will step forward with a bow and arrows in a chariot of fire and challenge the very elect to disprove his claim of being the christ. They will put him on trial and mock him and beat him, but he feels not the pain, but rather the joy. He sheds his blood on the cross that he built, so mans sins could be forgiven. And then he comes back and says here I am, down from the cross you nailed me to, look not to the empty tomb for I am risen. Follow me he says and it will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Who shall be first to awaken and stand behind such a man that says he can fix it all in the twinkling of an eye?
Does God care for people in India and China?
by JH in.
if only witnesses have the truth and only them will be saved, i guess that god doesn't care much for people in india and china (who represent together about half of the world's population).. out of the 2.5 billion people in both countries combined, how many witnesses can there be?.
a rough guess: 1 witness per 100,000 population
God is not holding back in fact quite the opposite mankind is just not waking up to the presence of Christ. Just before and after Y2K a man stepped forward with a bow and eluded to being the Christ. As a result he was put on trial and was proven not to be, a liar, a lunatic, a criminal or an imposter. At the same time the prosecution proved him to be the Christ by way of facts and evidence and the jury convicted him of crimes that were not crimes.The judges who had claimed to be the victims of this crime, had no choice but to set aside the guilty verdict and set him free after 15 months of legal actions against him and more abuse and illegal proceedures than you can shake a stick at.
I am sorry to hear that India seems hopeless but the only way this world can be saved is through following the messiah and then all is done very quickly. If you follow the man who leaves, peace, prosperity and long life in his wake, the world operating systems will dramatically change for the better in a few minutes and never change again. Its the same demonstration he performed every day for decades all over the US, before and after the bow incident.
Does God care for people in India and China?
by JH in.
if only witnesses have the truth and only them will be saved, i guess that god doesn't care much for people in india and china (who represent together about half of the world's population).. out of the 2.5 billion people in both countries combined, how many witnesses can there be?.
a rough guess: 1 witness per 100,000 population
Blondie, You understand how the end times will come and it will be soon. The conversion from this world into the next is done in minutes, expect nothing less. Jesus was said to have performed many miracles and prophesies while here on earth prior to and after he stepped forward and revealed himself. To come in any other way would be to change the way of God. All men are born of a woman and that includes the messiah. He has to be targeted as a madman to prove he is not and tried and treated like a criminal for actions that are not illegal. I assure you that 150,000 reported work place deaths and 30 times as many lost time injuries in China per year and the poverty in India is of great concern to God. And the Mey Cong delta being overfished and polluted is of huge concern along with the selling of skin and weapons of mass destruction they possess and have aimed at thier neighbors. And that is why God sent me because he and I care and we would like to convert the planet to the simple operating system outlined in the bible. That system takes under an hour to explain and a few days to get running and it provides for the needs and desires of all without need ofchange for the rest of time on earth and beyond.