I usually don't go into cold hard facts about scriptures and discrepancies with my elder at work. What really pierces thru his fog is emotional arguments, such as how unloving and uncaring the Dubs today are to their elderly ones. Sometimes I mention how the end has been predicted so many times and how that affected me personally in 1975 by not being allowed to go to college. He agrees it would be a mistake to not get an education. I can see these things really bother him and he's even commented that some congregations are not as loving as others. Got him thinking! Had I started debating scripture, he would've tuned me out.
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
They have found me! (At last)
by PaulJ ini've just had a telephone conversation with my wife about 1/2 an hour ago.
we have had a visit from the local jw's this morning.
from the upstairs window my wife conducted a brief conversation where she basically told them thst she wasnt the best person to speak to, as her husband used to be a jw.
"No Apologies is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"
by No Apologies insometimes i just don't know when to keep my big mouth shut.
today i think finally said enough to get da'd.. for those of you just tuning in, a recap: about 2-3 years i came to realize everything i had been taught as a jw was a load of steaming turds.
since then i have managed to fade away more or less, without incident.
What a dumb-ass that elder is! Didn't Jesus most likely have a beard? Seems like they'd require the wearing of them, rather than taking it for a display of bad attitude, lol! I'm guessing you couldn't charge Elder Dumbutt with trespass if he was there at the invitation of the other party, but next time, why not have a friend of your own be there to support you? It's a sinister and evil religion that puts up your spouse to be disloyal and betray you like that!
by chuckyy intowards the end of my time as a jw, i must confess to cheating whilst out on field service.. 1. i would turn up at the field service arrangement with my wife, and we would say that we were working together that day to do return visits.
as everyone went out, we would simply get into our car and drive home.
(hypocritical i know).
I always pretended to knock, unless having the bad luck to have Mom or Dad with me. Towards the end of the line for me, when I was working and putting my plans together secretly to get an apartment and move out, a "crisis" developed in my parents view. it was Sunday afternoon, cold and gloomy and they had just realized I hadn't gone in service at all that month! I had to turn in my slip with something on it, or what would be said if (gasp) the elder's own daughter was inactive?? In a frenzy, the drove to a couple of laundromats and had me dash in and dump a stack of old magazines on the counter. Now I could count an hour of field service, and I was "O.K." again for another month of good standing.
Assembly, the aftermath
by Sam the Man ina few of you may remember my post concerning the assembly day, and how i wanted to get out of it in some way.
this post catalogues the events after that day a day which has changed my life.
i managed to get out of going to the assembly, using an excuse about my stomach, and the complications which follow.
Forget about the elders; they have already decided to disfellowship you. See if your marriage can be salvaged, if you still want to. Poor man, no wonder you've got stomach pains! I'm willing to bet you find blessed relief and healing once you've got peace and quiet from the stressful meetings and "concern" from the elders. I know the ulcers and stomach cramps I used to suffer from are a thing of the past and stopped when I stopped going to meetings. Best of luck, please keep us posted as to how you are doing!
Looking forward to Armageddon?
by Gill inmy eldest daughter (21) said something that stopped me in my tracks yesterday.
we were busy wrapping christmas presents (yes, we've started early this year) for her younger siblings.
then she started laughing and said: 'isn't it nice to have christmas, birthdays, easter, bonfire night, halloween etc to look forward to instead of only looking forward to armageddon!'.
I'm sure HE has the best of intentions, but do you really think they are going to tolerate him having a Christmas tree in his home, etc? He will be pressured to exercise his headship over you and overrule your desire to have holidays for the children. As the head of the household, he will have to forbid birthdays, Christmas, etc. AND raise up his children as Jehovah's Witnesses. He will not be found suitable for "priveleges" or advancement to Ministerial Servant or Elder so long as his family is worldly.He will be guilt tripped about their destruction at Armageddon if he doesn't. And yes, what if a blood transfusion should ever be necessary? Will he be able to respect your wishes for your own self, or for the children? They will force him to make a choice and it may be heart wrenching for both of you. Best wishes, I hope you two can make it work out.
You're going the thong way!
by tall penguin inso a friend told me something recently that just blew my mind.
she was interrogated by some elders regarding her choice of underwear.
she was being questionned regarding her conduct with a man and apparently her choice of undergarments reflected the level of intent in her actions.
Well, I was an elder's daughter who had to catch some sleep in the back seat of the car after some very late night comittee meetings. They made the victims park around by the side door so nobody was supposed to see who came out afterwards. Driving home, the folks thought I was asleep in the back, but I always heard my dad telling mom who they met with, what they did, etc. In his voice, you could tell the "immorality" was turning him on, and they usually went home and made the bed squeak. My heart goes out to all past and present interrogation victims!
Which aspect of JWs would you like to see a documentary about?
by Gadget inif you had a chance to make a documentary about some aspect of the jws, what would ou choose?
would you talk about shunning, the blood issue, explain how its a cult, or what?
unfortunately this would only be for an 8 minute segment on a current affairs programme so i need something that'll get peoples attention and make them think without having to go too deep into the subject.. what would you choose to talk about?.
Try to cut off their lifeline- dollars! Compare their mind controlled members to Moonies or Krishnas, reveal the billion dollar corporation that it is, with vast real estate holdings worldwide, mention doctrinal flipflops and some of the more ridiculous early teachings you would be frowned upon for bringing up, and if time permitted (lol) show how it is a dying organization as the younger generation is leaving, at least, I truly hope they are!
Chronicles - Don't Touch His Ear Lobe!
by misspeaches inso here i was a ridiculously naive girl of around 25 years.
i was living interstate attending meetings, witnessing and making new friends in the congregation.
i got on great with a brother 'g'.
Dunno if I should tell this one or not. As a bratty teen, boredom at meetings grew overwhelming. I got a really cool idea and told it to a couple other bored teen monsters. There was a special talk that Sunday with a visiting elder doing the honors. Wouldn't it be really really funny to put tacks in his chair on the platform, points up, for him to sit down upon while waiting to be introduced? Yeah! OK, so I got the tacks from the Library and placed a clever grouping in the center of the chair. Yep, Brother Windbag got stuck in the butt and jumped up. Of course, the Brother introducing him was my father and he had a real good view of the cleverly placed tacks. And of my red face in my seat. I feigned shock and innocence, but I got hauled to the back room by my ear. I had to sit by myself alone in the very back row with the disfellowshipped scum and couldn't talk to anybody before or after the meeting, then out to wait in the car to go home. I was so embarr-assed, was just trying to create a good laugh for the congregation. Looking back, I bet many did laugh their ass off, but it was still a silly thing to have done. I took the fall too, since none of the spiritual minded teens knew anything about what happened!
If you want to help with hurricane relief, just put it in the regular box
by atypical inwas anyone else there to hear the letter about this?
a few weeks ago, right after the new orleans disaster, a letter from the society was read which said that if we wanted to contribute to the relief effort, we should put the money in the regular wordwide work box.
it said that the society would apportion the appropriate amount for relief.. the letter then went on to relate how a bunch of families were saved because they were out of town at assembly, and how the brothers were going through the superdome with a watchtower in their pocket to pick out witnesses and take them somewhere better.. that letter blew me away and left me shaking my head.