Yes, Misspeaches, if we were 19 or 20 and not interested in the bizarros, we were under suspicion! Obviously there was a problem. We couldn't be normal, if not desiring to marry one of those odd guys and have babies in the troof, hahaha! Well to spite mine, I did try the lesbo life for a few years, clubbing and dancing in the discos in the 80's and just had a lot of fun! If she thinks I am, may as well be, I thought! My folks never said a word about my "roommates" but they are SO visibly relieved now that my husband and I got married!
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
Did your parents find you dates?
by Virgogirl inwhen i hit 19, and showed no signs of interest in finding a nice,suitable brother for a marriage mate, suddenly there started appearing a few "eligible" brothers from out of town at our sunday meetings.
even stranger, they seemed to be meeting up with my parernts and sitting with us.
stranger still, they had been invited back to our house for lunch!
Haulin to the "right" Hall
by Virgogirl inif you had more than one kh in your town, were you assigned to one or another by the elders?
we had two congregations, t.c.
to keep the attendance even, we were handed a list of names assigned to attend one or the other when we grew too large and split.
If you had more than one KH in your town, were you assigned to one or another by the elders? We had two congregations, T.C. and M.C. To keep the attendance even, we were handed a list of names assigned to attend one or the other when we grew too large and split. There was a lot of pleading and asking to switch, usually to no avail. You were to go where instructed, even if your best friends or relatives went to the other congo now. Some quietly just showed up at the other meetings, leading to squabbling and running to the elders: "The Joneses were at our meeting but they're supposed to go to the other congo now! How come they got to switch and the Smith's didn't?" It got so, you would be approached about going to the "right meetings" and treated cooly if you didn't heed the counsel. They would let you know you were not supposed to be there, only exception being if you let the elders know you needed a favor because of your work or special circumstances. Would Jesus have turned away his followers like that, or gladly welcomed all who wished to hear his message?
What's Your Pet Peeve At The Meetings?
by Golf inovertime, overtime!
the thing that was a kill-joy for me was going overtime, just ask my wife and kids.
my entire day would be ruined.
When the elders would take digs at each other from the platform and you could tell there was some kind of rivalry going on. Or when an obnoxious teenage boy whose voice was changing would get up on the platform all full of himself and smirking in his new suit because he was a male and therefore destined for great things, and preach at everybody including sisters his mom or grandma's age, about what they should do and how to run their lives. He always got clapping and ooh's and ahh's too!
Squeezing blood from turnips and little old ladies
by Virgogirl indoes anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the witchtower babble and trick society prominently in their wills?
since older ones account for a big chunk of the membership, this could increase their coffers if they convince our parents and grandparents not to be "greedy" and to sign it all over to the worldwide work.
i have heard firsthand of elderly widowed sisters having elders appointed as executors of their estate, to handle will administration and personal affairs for them, along with an attorney-brother giving legal advice as needed.
Well, thanx for the info, everybody. Now I am really worried, but I guess realistically, I probably should be!
Squeezing blood from turnips and little old ladies
by Virgogirl indoes anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the witchtower babble and trick society prominently in their wills?
since older ones account for a big chunk of the membership, this could increase their coffers if they convince our parents and grandparents not to be "greedy" and to sign it all over to the worldwide work.
i have heard firsthand of elderly widowed sisters having elders appointed as executors of their estate, to handle will administration and personal affairs for them, along with an attorney-brother giving legal advice as needed.
Mouthy, I am so afraid my parents will fall prey to the "daylight robbers" like you described! They are both in their 70's, living in a small bungalow and driving an old car because dad retired early to pioneer. Gag. But, they do have a few dollars squirreled away. After that, it's like Danny Hazzard said, we relatives will have to come up with $ to help maintain them because the WTS took their money.
Squeezing blood from turnips and little old ladies
by Virgogirl indoes anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the witchtower babble and trick society prominently in their wills?
since older ones account for a big chunk of the membership, this could increase their coffers if they convince our parents and grandparents not to be "greedy" and to sign it all over to the worldwide work.
i have heard firsthand of elderly widowed sisters having elders appointed as executors of their estate, to handle will administration and personal affairs for them, along with an attorney-brother giving legal advice as needed.
Does anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society prominently in their wills? Since older ones account for a big chunk of the membership, this could increase their coffers if they convince our parents and grandparents not to be "greedy" and to sign it all over to the worldwide work. I have heard firsthand of elderly widowed sisters having elders appointed as executors of their estate, to handle will administration and personal affairs for them, along with an attorney-brother giving legal advice as needed. Scary!
by stillAwitness intheme: keep your eye simple.
okay, duh.
when jesus spoke of keeping a simple eye he obviously was speaking about something more mental than literal right?
My folks bought that advice about not buying a new car hook, line and clunker, er, sinker. Our old rustbucket got Mom stranded at least once a week, and the repair shop bills were definitely more than a new car payment, add on to that, the tow truck fee!
Did they ever make you giggle?
by bagpuss inmy son who is 20 was remembering a few of the more amusing visits to the kingdom hall.
his favourite was when a brother announced.
"the new magazines are in brothers and sisters.
There was an old couple from Poland at our congo. The brother was of the anointed. Anyway, he passed away and the wife asked my father to do the funeral talk. She was a very dour old woman. After the service, she comes up to my dad and says loudly in her heavy Polish accent: "You do good job. I s'prised!" There was lots of snickering and my dad snorted and laughed, partly in relief the whole ordeal was over.
Ex-JW Mousepads and Clocks
by jschwehm ini thought you guys might like to see these.. jeff s..
Hahaha, that's good! Anything to get the word out to the whole wide world about Non-Ageddon!
Did your parents find you dates?
by Virgogirl inwhe i hit 19, i was living at home and working, secretly saving up for a tiny apartment so i could fade.
i was showing no interest in finding a "suitable marriage mate" in the truth.
suddenly, there started appearing at our sunday meetings eligible young brothers from out of town, and they seemed to be meeting up with my parents stranger still, they had been invited back to our house afterwards for lunch!
Whe I hit 19, I was living at home and working, secretly saving up for a tiny apartment so I could fade. I was showing no interest in finding a "suitable marriage mate" in the truth. Suddenly, there started appearing at our Sunday meetings eligible young brothers from out of town, and they seemed to be meeting up with my parents Stranger still, they had been invited back to our house afterwards for lunch! This one guy really impressed my folks. He was a friend of Mom's cousin at Bethel, and worked at the Chicago Board of Trade. After lunch, he says coyly, "So, I was wondering if 'Virgogirl' would like to see a movie?" I said I had lots of errands ro run before work tomorrow, and left him to sit with the people who had invited him! But they didn't learn! The next guy was from a small farming town and made himself comfortable after lunch in the Lazyboy....and belched. Well, they invited him, I didn't, so I politely excused myself after awhile. It was the last thing on this earth I wanted to get into, just as I was almost ready to run for freedom! The loving husbandly headship of an MS, babies to get ready for endless meetings while hubby schmoozed to make elder, pioneering, etc. ARRRGH! Anyone else's family try to marry them off?