Thanks for starting this thread. Morpheus, loved your description of SBF as beating "the doom and gloom drum"! LOL two or three times on that one.
when discussing the watchtowers financial problems, i've generally been of the opinion that they probably are not in a real financial crisis.
i've come to believe that money may be something of an issue, but its wrapped up in a much larger problem.
this came to me this morning when reading about the annual meeting.. i think the society's leadership is just plain out of ideas.
Thanks for starting this thread. Morpheus, loved your description of SBF as beating "the doom and gloom drum"! LOL two or three times on that one.
on saturday, october 7.. any chance to get user name and password for stream?.
Big drop in preaching activity. No more need to preach the "good news" when the message changes to one of "judgment" at the beginning of the GT.
No need to document growth. So no more yearbook.
The GT has started....we were told it would last summer when they gave us the basement video and warned that the message would change from good news to one of judgement. Tricky way to hide the decrease in numbers and justify all the legal problems they are encountering worldwide.
So how does that jibe with Matt. 24:44?
so in the october jw broadcast, there is a "morning worship" segment in which g. jackson goes to great lengths to explain how the term "those taking the lead" are not "leaders".. the terms are exactly equivalent, of course, but jackson, with a wink & smirk, pats himself on the back for his own cleverness on how different they really's just so bizarrely absurd.. imagine if such tortured reasoning were applied to other areas..... -------------------------------------.
restaurant manager: i'm sorry, the only position we have open is for dishwasher.
applicant: that's insulting!
I do not know, of course, but I suspect that the org has long taken this position due to Jesus' words at Matt. 23:10, where he says not to be called "leaders." The context there (verses 1-12), however, is using religious titles, not a condemnation of the word "leader" itself. By his time Jewish religious leaders had taken up the titles Rabbi and Abba ("Father"). That is what Jesus was saying not to do.
a friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
Well, if the GB is planning on canning them, it must be some way off. See the thread here with the letter about merging congs. The CO is in charge of the whole thing, and this has got to be some sort of long-term project:
slimboyfat, it appears that wts is going, gone digital.
can you show your view what is wts next move after they are completely gone from kings county and settled in warwick?
- this thread is your if you want it..
SBF, are you saying the LDS have the only correct meaning of "tithe"? That's what it looks like! The Mormons didn't invent the term. It goes back to ancient Israel, right? What happened to an ancient Israelite who failed to ante up his 10%? Was he stoned? Prohibited from entering the tent complex and later the temple ones? Kicked out of the nation or the synagogue? By your definition, yes.What is your evidence here? Why are you being so narrow on what the term means?
One of the several definitions of the word in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary is simply "a small tax or levy." Lighten up, chap!
How's the book selling business going?
september 11, 2017 to all congregations in the united states re: global assistance arrangement for the 2018 service year.
Doesn't this now constitute a form of tithing? (not in percentages, of course) I guess we should not be surprised after embracing child baptism and the "doorstep Bible study"! But the money sure seems to be their great specialty.
so this is an honest question that i have been thinking about for some time.. do regular jehovahś witnesses in other countries (other than the usa) take the governing body in new york seriously?.
i mean, i cant help but wonder about the publishers in japan, or south africa, or mexico, or new zealand, or even the uk, or spain, or italy...... or russia?.
not you and i (we know what you think of them), but the regular jwś...... do they take these american buffoons seriously?
I Went to visit my ultra orthodox relative. In the room I slept in was a poster of the GB hanging on the wall.
Makes you think of 1 Cor 10.14 and 2 Cor 1.24, right?
"They're imperfect men" is their get out of jail free card.
They love to fall back on that generalization, but if you ever take it just one step further and say, "So what specifically are their imperfections?" you will immediately see their defenses go up as the word "apostate" rings in their mind.
jehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
Wow, MacHislopp, what a "short" post indeed. I hope I didn't "set you off" somehow! But your hard work here is appreciated. Their strange, in fact, cavalier, treatment of the concept of truth is mind-boggling, isn't it? I left for multiple reasons, but this was among the foremost. I found it nauseating. Fortunately, I've recovered now and see things differently.
jehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
Thanks, MacHislopp. As I suspected, the really big notion they have not changed:
Hence, we do not donate blood, nor do we store for transfusion our blood that should be ‘poured out.’
So they have NOT changed their position on one storing his/her own blood weeks before surgery. I couldn't imagine them changing that one, at least at this time. Too many have died from not doing it, and changing it now would open the Pandora's box that they are so afraid of.
As others have stated before, they really are like rabbis writing the immensely detailed Talmud. The difference, of course, is that it was OK for ancient and medieval Jews to disagree with the rabbis and they could stay in their congregations. It took a lot more to get expelled.
What changed about the transfiguration vision?
What did they change about early Christians' observance of the Mosaic Law?
Are they now accepting tribal marriages?
jehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
Thanks, NY44M, but that's not what I asked. I asked "What's changed about one's own blood?"
In darspilver's post there are two things listed, "blood fractions," and "use of one's own blood." I'm asking about the change in the second one, not the first.
I may be wrong, but I find it hard to believe that they've reversed their view that a good Witness will not store his/her own blood to be used later in his/her own surgery. But I'd love to wrong on that one!