Thanks, Atlantis, for the early leak of Spain's info.
Of course, an increasing number of pioneers is expected if they can get huge portions of their FS time sitting at carts while texting and reading instead of actually preaching to the people.
But what is absent is more telling than what is present in the report. They do not discuss the number of congregations or KHs, do they? When discussing the limited number of figures that they choose to highlight, few comparisons are made with previous years (like baptisms, Memorial attendance, "Bible studies"). The implied average size of a cong now seems to be just 70, instead of the 100 or so that it used to be when we were in.
These highly selective statistics are their latest spin. It will be interesting to look at the full report and document both the continuing negative trend we've seen in previous years in most Western lands and what countries have joined those places in going into decreases. Wouldn't it be telling if they began listing things like "average age" of Witnesses, lawsuits filed, lawsuits settled, legal expenses and payouts for child abuse? Fat chance of that!