SBF: "What else did I miss?"
Financial woes due to one thing you touched on, the "Print publishing downscaled" but with the detail that previously it had become free to all (= the loss of long, well-established income from printed matter sales), because of the org's fear of taxation (really opening their books to Caesar via tax audits)—that is, if all this is not just another of their PR stunts. There are those broadcasts where GB members claim such financial woes.
Related to the above: the constant pleas for MORE MONEY.
A big one that the GB are so interested in keeping from the R&F:
the child sexual abuse lawsuits/coverups/disgraceful policies
Some of your points were mentioned by others, some were not. Perhaps you didn't want to repeat them? neat blue dog made some good ones which I quote, but in a list format:
the acceptance of Christian rock and other pop styles previously viewed as inappropriate
the overlapping generation being elaborated and cemented
dancing to pop songs in the Hall
putting on Broadway style plays
having red carpet events and other over the top attractions at international conventions
While on the music: the constant reworking of the songbook and new ones dribbling out in electronic release
I must have missed some too...