Thx Lynnie for the post. This is a sure sign that they're coming out of lockdown. I suppose the final indicator will be once they open up Bethel tours again.
JoinedPosts by careful
JW's in Spain?
by Lynnie ini have a cousin in law that is in the inner sanctum of the jw's at warwick.
he and his wife were always traveling on the wtbts's dime all over the world to visit bethels and report back etc.
they have been in lockdown for over 2 years and now it looks like the gates have opened for him and wifey to travel all over again.
Pursue Peace Assembly 2022 .. Joseph shares stories about his Bible days
by RULES & REGULATIONS inpursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
R&R, thx for the post. FFG, spot on! There was an old QFR, say, 1950s or 60s, doubtless written by Fred Franz himself, in which he stated that "it would not be surprising" if in the new world, men would sport beards, just as in Bible times (sorry, can't give the exact ref.).
So these vids must contain NEW LIGHT that in the new order all men everywhere will be clean shaven and dress in 21st century clothing. How ludicrous! Likewise, FF was wrong about Hebrew, the "pure language," being spoken worldwide then. Isn't it funny that the producers of these vids go to such trouble such as using candlelight to show no electricity and yet have the vid otherwise so full of anachronisms?
Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?
by raymond frantz inwhy has the watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the muslims?
considering the recent influx of muslim people in european countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!!
book " man's search for god.what do you think?
Just as I posted my note, SBF, I saw your latest come up. As for Indonesia, there's an important factor to consider. The eastern portion is predominantly non-Muslim. That part is where the old Dutch colony was (the "Dutch East Indies"). I once spent some time with a chap from there who was nominally Christian, whose father still had business ties with Holland and who still spoke Dutch, and who told me he'd seen KHs in the eastern part of the country.
Thx too for the info on Urdu and Arabic. Aren't there some Witnesses in Israel from Palestinian backgrounds? I thought I'd read some life experiences from such in the old pubs.
Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?
by raymond frantz inwhy has the watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the muslims?
considering the recent influx of muslim people in european countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!!
book " man's search for god.what do you think?
Thx RF for this post, and thx too, SBF, for those links. That revised 2010 book(let) is certainly targeted for Muslims. In the list of biblical teachings in section two the first statement is "God is one. He has no equal." In theological terms you cannot get more Islamic than that. The second point is "Jesus is not Almighty God. He is God’s prophet." That's straight out Islamic theology. The third point "God condemns idolatry in all its forms" is likewise. "Paradise" is capitalized. There's no doubt about it. This pub was written for Muslims.
What is quite interesting to me is that in section 5 where God's qualities are given, love comes in as number 4, after power, justice, and wisdom. Again, you could hardly get more Islamic than that. Furthermore, it violates the normal order given in just about all other Witness pubs where love comes first.
Do you know if someone has the earlier pub from 1998 scanned and posted somewhere? I'd like to see it.
The org is big on stating that they've covered the globe in their preaching, but if you stop and think about it, that's simply not true. If you take into consideration that China has a quarter of the earth's population, and then that the Islamic world stretches from North Africa to the Philippines with many countries there being mainly Muslim with it as the only state religion allowed, and then that much of India (outside of the southern coastal areas) has never really been fully reached with the Witness message, about half the world's population has never heard the name Jehovah. That's hardly preaching to the entire inhabited world! It's easy for us in the West to forget that fact.
Immidiate regret. Third rule broken, namely: passion rules reason
by Judgerussellford ini chose world events as a topic because it was the only one that seemed fitting enough.
i left work early (if you can call 445-3 early) so i could get some shopping done, fill up, grab a scratcher for the wife and be on my way home.
after i filled the tank i strolled into the tiny room of the gas station, to find myself behind an argument just started.
thanks for the post and experience. We've all lost our cool and regretted it, so we can relate. Yes, your later thought of proposed kindness may well have changed the guy's attitude.
I don’t live in the U.S. But in the 4 times I have visited there. I have found them to be very rude, aggressive, and not prepared to put up with someone else. Despite how big or small the event may be. I heard this joke the other day: “how many Americans does it take to change a light bulb. None! Because the world revolves around them.”
I live in the USA and that is hilarious because it is so true! LOL!
Nonbelieving mates
by road to nowhere ina couple of my wife's friends are married to non witnesses.
they say jehovah must have special plans for them.
and that it is a special exception not destruction, alas, they are not attractive so my special idea about polygamy won't cut it.
my question is....why do they do it? why marry a non-jw in the first place?
Plenty of human needs can be at work: intimacy, sex (without going off to fornication), a partner through life, children. A notable number of women enter marriage with the common fantasy, "Oh, I can change him." That's one reason for divorce Inside and outside JW land. Then there's the cold hard fact that are far more sisters available than there are single brothers to marry. This puts real pressure on sisters who are not particularly attractive on the inside or outside.
You WERE dedicated—a leather embossed FS record book with hours, placements, etc. The cong. secy. must have loved you! Or were you the secretary?
I can imagine today some CO seeing this book, putting its owner up on stage for the next circuit assm., and having the book opened to this page on the overhead screen: "Look brothers and sisters, at how organized this brother is! He's imitating the organized God Jehovah."
Did you ever meet someone born in the 1800’s?
by Fisherman ini met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..
A first I thought this thread was just an innocent question, but is it a premise regarding the overlapping generation teaching of Splane and his GB supporters? What a strange concoction that is!
When I left the org in the late 80s I had met some of the old anointed who went back to CTR's days. There was a brother who was over 100 and had gone out west in a covered wagon as a boy. One of my own grandparents was born before 1900 and served in WW I. When I used to visit him in the VA hospital in the 1960s, there were still a few Spanish-American War veterans there.
What gives? A video of a group of people arrive at an airport, greeted by a crowd of admirers. All are moving and walking in sync to some audio music or beat. Are they JWs? Who knows?
FF2005, don't you recognize GB member Sam Herd and GB helper Gary what's-his-name? It's a reception for them at some airport. Who else would have dozens of people dressed up in suits & ties, as well as women ALL so modestly dressed, mobbing similarly dressed celebs?
Mark Sanderson
by Iamallcool insince mark sanderson of the gb is never married, does he have his own room at warwick or have a roommate?
As for the OP's original question, after a long number of years in full-time service, and especially Bethel service, a singe person can get his/her own room at HQ. Mark Sanderson, like Freddie Franz, would qualify. Also GB members, as we all know, get special perks—like going to heaven—so his own room is no problem!
As for personal info, he has an older sister name Kim who though raised in with Mark, did not stay in, going off to the "desires incidental to youth" early on. She was very cute in her early teen years and loved "the world." She ran around with wild, worldly boys. I heard she became a nurse. His mom died over 10 years ago, a kind thin woman, but evidently his pudgy dad Doug is still alive, though I'm not sure. Mark looks a lot like Doug but is even fatter now.
As a teen Mark was sort of organisationally nerdy, collecting old WTS publications, eager to talk about Charles Taze Russell, or excited about getting an original Emphatic Diaglott by Fowler and Wells (pre-WTS printer). If you would work in FS with him, he'd talk about how the heavenly inheritance was the more glorious destiny. Back then he seemed like a WTS romantic. I have an old contact in San Diego who has related some of this to me.
Mark never partook of the memorial emblems while in San Diego, but as soon as he finished high school, he left for Canada to pioneer. Then he lost no time in partaking there at 18 years old. It caused some controversy in the local congregation as you can imagine.
A "company man" indeed: "the senior brass have yielded Sanderson unusual latitude in some strategic areas of organisational command." It is typical of the older GB members to let the younger members among them basically run the show. Look at how Ted Jaracz, then the youngest GB member, took over things back in the early 1980s. Now it is the two youngest ones, Sanderson and Jackson who are setting the pace.
Likely the old guard are tired, and in their eyes the younger members represent the org's future.