Sounds like a real nut job.
JoinedPosts by careful
Jehovah's Witness sex offender in court.
by Lost in the fog in .
Has the GB changed any published information on their JW Library?
by Tenacious inin rummaging through some of my old cd's i came across a 2011 jw library disk.. i have the most recent home release on my pc but was wondering if anyone knows if the gb has deleted or changed any embarrassing or outdated doctrine.
i was going to throw it out but thought twice.. any info is much appreciated.. thanks..
Thanks, TW & JCM. That does help clear up the chronology. So they have gone back in 2014 to the old 1987 view? Did they change it in between? It all seems so bizarre given what the context says.
Has the GB changed any published information on their JW Library?
by Tenacious inin rummaging through some of my old cd's i came across a 2011 jw library disk.. i have the most recent home release on my pc but was wondering if anyone knows if the gb has deleted or changed any embarrassing or outdated doctrine.
i was going to throw it out but thought twice.. any info is much appreciated.. thanks..
Thanks for the partial explanation. Like many people here, I do not have the time to research every poster's personal history on this forum. My life is very busy. We all have only 24 hours a day to get things done, and researching each poster's personal history here is certainly not a high priority for me. I don't think that I "should know better," either! The members here are a diverse group and some of us don't have that much time to spend at this forum. Also I was asking a question—there's no need to take offense at that. What is a person to think when someone responds by going so far off topic? Think about these things, please, before you chide someone with what they "should" know or do...
Has the GB changed any published information on their JW Library?
by Tenacious inin rummaging through some of my old cd's i came across a 2011 jw library disk.. i have the most recent home release on my pc but was wondering if anyone knows if the gb has deleted or changed any embarrassing or outdated doctrine.
i was going to throw it out but thought twice.. any info is much appreciated.. thanks..
I'm not sure how to understand your post. What do WT magazine statements from 2008 to 2014 have to do with the 1980s? Did I not make it clear that the reference I spoke of could in no way be found in any WTS index or webpage?
How do your statements relate the original post here? I do not want to be impolite or insulting, but I must wonder about your motives. Are you rather slow on the uptake? Are you in some way trying to defend the WTS/GB and their followers? This forum is hardly the place for that!
Whatever is going on with your post, for those with real interest in my point and how it relates to Tenacious' OP, I found the reference. It is on p. 11 of the 15 Feb 1987 WT, the USA edition. But again, one can only see it if one has the original individual magazine. It was changed in the bound volume and all subsequent postings of that. The key part of the article reads, "Evidently this was said primarily for Jesus' benefit," in direct contradiction to John 12:30.
The Watchtower Tract Society doesn't print Bibles?
by Nathan Natas inafter reading a few comments here, i thought it was time for me to get a copy of "the silver sword" for my own occasional research and occult practices.
so i thought i would see if would offer a way that i could purchase a printed copy (not digital) of the new world translation.
as i browsed, it occurred to me that i might also like to have a copy of the... what was it?
SBF, it was a bit over a year ago. NN, yes it was in the USA. I have seen many carts, in California, Texas, Colorado, New England and the Midwest, both in large cities/suburbs and small rural areas. I have also been in places where there have been none.
JWs Changing "Baptism Questions" Effective May 13?
by Room 215 in.
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
Yes, SBF, it is puzzling. blondie may be onto something, some legal reason, but i can't see what.
So do the Christadelphains still use "Ghost"? How archaic!
The Watchtower Tract Society doesn't print Bibles?
by Nathan Natas inafter reading a few comments here, i thought it was time for me to get a copy of "the silver sword" for my own occasional research and occult practices.
so i thought i would see if would offer a way that i could purchase a printed copy (not digital) of the new world translation.
as i browsed, it occurred to me that i might also like to have a copy of the... what was it?
I walked up to one of the carts and asked for one. They produced it and I went on my way with it. It wasn't difficult at all. I even carried on a conversation with the sisters for a minute or two about the revision. I didn't want to stick around and make them think I was "an interested person." The whole experience was quick, easy, and pleasant, considerably more so than going on eBay—cheaper too!
Has the GB changed any published information on their JW Library?
by Tenacious inin rummaging through some of my old cd's i came across a 2011 jw library disk.. i have the most recent home release on my pc but was wondering if anyone knows if the gb has deleted or changed any embarrassing or outdated doctrine.
i was going to throw it out but thought twice.. any info is much appreciated.. thanks..
I can recall them changing things in the publications long before computerization and CDs, and for reasons other than expounding prophecy. For instance, there was a WT study article that commented on the place in John's gospel where heaven speaks (12:27-30), and the writer stated that the voice occurred to strengthen Jesus. The article directly contradicted what Jesus himself says in v. 30, "This voice did not come for my sake but for yours." This was not some simple error. The stated "application" of the passage was key to the writer's argument in the article. I remember how when this article was "studied" after the public talk, there was present in the congregation a strong sense of unease as the publishers and conductor danced around the WT statement and the scripture's context. When the bound volume came out for that year, the article had been rewritten with no trace of or explanation for the blunder. One would never know what the original article read.
I asked one old Gilead grad I knew about it. He told me that such things were pretty common, and that when he worked in various overseas Bethels, they regularly got paper notices form Brooklyn changing this and that in the publications. One of his collateral duties was to keep a paper file of all these. He said it was remarkable how many of these there were, and they were more than just changes in policy. They were errors in fact. He told me that purging such things in the bound volumes was standard procedure.
After discussing it with him, I came to the conclusion that two basic things were responsible for such blunders. It is not as though the WT writer was thinking, "Let's see how I can pervert the Bible today." Rather the first real reason is that the writers are under pretty severe deadline pressures and so are the proofreaders, so such errors come thru pretty regularly. But the second reason is far more serious and depressing. The official WT view of the Bible is that it is basically a depository of 30,000 or so proverbs, nicely divided into chapter and verse. The common thinking then is that the use of the Bible is mainly to dip into it, pick a verse, and apply it to whatever perceived need there is at hand. That's it. There is rarely, if ever, any attention given to context, in the small or large perspective. That's why the WT writer of that article could "apply" verse 28 the way he did without even thinking of verse 30. If I recall correctly (and that's shaky!), the "need" was something like, "Elders, don't get discouraged. Jehovah will help you out just like he did Jesus when he was down. He even spoke to him from heaven to raise his spirits."
What all this indicates is how poorly Witnesses know their Bibles. Sure, they know certain things like the biblical view of the soul's not being immortal, how to find the book of Daniel quickly, etc. But they are not taught the importance of context, so they just don't know it. They don't even think of it.
For those who might wonder about the ref to this WT study article, I don't have it handy, and looking at the official index and bound volumes won't help since that's all been sanitized. You'd have to get a copy of the original individual WT magazine. I do remember that it was in the mid-late 1980s, prior to 1989. I might be able to find the ref in files ... somewhere ... If someone would remind me, I'll look later.
Police descend on Jehovah's Witness HQ after abuse allegations
by BourneIdentity in
BI,Thanks for the update.
Vidiot, your comments "it's a super easy habit to fall into when you're convinced you're God's representatives on Earth, and you surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you" just made me think of how unbiblical the current GB worship arrangement is. The kings of Israel, even if they did not regularly make good decisions, at least let their advisers offer conflicting advice. Paul corrected Peter openly and then later wrote a letter (that circulated widely) reporting it (Galatians). How the current group does not follow their lead! They seem to be saying—not openly, of course—that they know better than the apostles who wrote portions of the Bible!
Australian ABC News article on JW incest victim
by shepherdless ini am surprised nobody else has posted this yet.
a lot of people in aust will read this.. “incest victim turned lawyer speaks out on reporting violence and sexual abuse”.
Thanks for this post. I'd missed it earlier. Can't always get to this website every day or even every week.