I just finished the Barb Anderson video linked here:
Of course, a lot is present there, but one thing hit me. At the end of it, in the last minute, she mentioned that in 2004 there was a conscious decision within the org, evidently instigated by the GB to revamp and remake the organization within 10 years. That sure seems to fit what has happened during that time period: the closing of so many Bethels/branches and the consolidation of administration; axing the DO and book study; shortening the assemblies/conventions; the switch from print to electronic media; cutting back on personnel and dumping the middle-aged and elderly Bethelites; producing "music-videos"; a leaner org overall. On and on the list could go. Like many have stated here on various threads, it has changed so much that it's not easy for us old-timers to recognize it anymore.
Does anyone else know of this plan? Would someone like to share more info about it? Has anyone who writes WTS history published on this matter?