As you yourself put it: "I have a strong feeling that anything CA and procedure regarding this will cause this to automatically crash and burn"
On the one hand you recognize that, but on the other, you seem to believe that you can somehow get through to them on this issue. You cannot. As soon as they get the slightest whiff that you are not toeing the party line IN ANY WAY, especially on the not-to-be questioned, or even discussed CSA matter, their defences will go up and they will not listen to the content of your questions, only that you have strayed into an area that you should not have. Their brains will only shout out them, "Danger, danger!" Next they will think, "Where did she get this? It's not been in any organizational publications." They will quickly conclude that you've been reading "apostate" material and begin warning you about that. You will set yourself up as a target in the cong. Is that what you want?
This is the only outcome. You can write the script in advance. Why put yourself through it? Find another way to deal with it.