Hello everyone! In case you didn't miss me that's ok!! I took off for a month and went to be with my only daughter who was expecting her first child....which is 2 weeks old today!! I just got home today and wanted to check in and say HI; checking back through the posts I see there are many new ones and that I've missed some lively conversation! I hope I can catch up on some of the topics!
I won't bore all the fellows out there with the details of being there for the birth of my granddaughter, but will sum it up with the word AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter went through 21 1/2 hrs of back labor and delivered without drugs, with the help and support of her husband, myself(a trained doula) and her midwife....my daughter was AWESOME, the baby is AWESOME, right now LIFE is totally AWESOME!!!!!! This is our first grandchild and we plan to spoil her rotten!!
It was very strange to spend a month around my old cong. and friends there who haven't a clue that there is anything amiss with me these days....I went to meetings with my daughter and her husband, heard their CO (who said things that had me literally grinding my teeth in protest! & at one get together I called him a Nazi!LOL), spent a couple of nights in the home of the PO and his wife, had lunch several times with various sisters and couples from our old KH....all the time hoping that I was putting on a convincing show to everyone. It was nerve wracking to say the least....I felt deceitful and dishonest with people who I have sincere feelings for and care about....but knew I couldn't say anything about my true feelings about the faith. At one point my daughter questioned me about what was going on with me these days and I managed to avoid the conversation as best I could as I didn't want to cause her concern at such a time as her pending birth....but she at least knows now that I DO have "issues" that I'm working on! The cat is out of the bag with her in as gentle a way as possible.
I guess it wouldn't matter about the friends there except that it appears that we will be moving back to the area in a couple of months and I'm going to be thrown back into close quarters with all those buddies from before...I'm going to have to figure out a plan for how to deal with them...and my daughter and her husband(a MS)....I don't want to do/say anything to give them reason to not allow me to build a connection with this new little person in my life. I'm open to input on this subject!!
So, carry on, gang!! Its sooooo good to be back home!! Bythesea