Of course there is going to be weapons of mass destruction used in the future. Probably by terrorsists and nations alike. Since we are not yet deterred but are actually creating new types of nuclear weapons there is no reason to think they won't be used and every reason to belive they will. Nuclear proliferation is only going to spread. Nations will become nuclear powers by first using nuclear energy and then building nuclear weapons.
The world however is too small to start exploding these devices without devastating consequences. Surely this will lead to some type of global move to eliminate these weapons. The success of this will depend on the determination of the people of earth.
Right now there are organized efforts to fight the developement of new tactical nukes, which if used would lower the threshold of nuclear usage. There are also efforts to stop the reliance on nuclear power. A nuclear free world is possible. People need to be educated of the alternatives, warned of the dangers and deterred from usage. Rather than waiting on Armageddon to save mankind and doing nothing a person could become invloved in furthering their cause whatever that may be.
I personally am interested in and slightly politically active in seeking alternative forms of energy and not using tactical nukes.
So if it bothers you do something. Contact your legislators and join a group that reflects your viewpoints.