Sometimes, the more I read on this site the more worried I get. Finally-Free, you are probably closest to the truth; however...
I'm not sure that we really appreciate how dumb this world has become. Don't forget, folks, we live in the world of sound-bites and USA Today, where hours upon hours of air time is given to stories about missing white women in Aruba, while such trivialities as the Anarctic Ice Shelf melting, or the US Government has continually used trumped up intelligence (translate: lies) to cause the deaths of thousands of human beings (Iraq makes what, the third time in 40 years) gets barely mentioned. Of course the Borg is dumbing down the pubs, I mean, how do you reasonably discuss something as complex, as subjective, as deep as God and spirituality with someone whos greatest desire in life is to have his pants hanging farther down his ass than everybody else, someone whos greatest accomplishment in reading is the drive-thru menu at Taco Bell, and/or who is truely and absolutely confused as to why that "muffuck Moses used flaming shrubbery to talk to God? Why dint the niggah just call him on his cell phone? Be-ATCH." I suspect that soon, the pubs will be replaced with hand puppets and crayons. The Borg may be many things, but ignorant isn't one of them. Doubtlessly, being the ever vigilant salesmen they are, they are simply trying to match their product to the market.
Now, justifiably (and maybe, Inquisitor, this is what you question) it could be asked that if what the Borg has is the truth they claim it to be, why do they need to water it down? After all, the sheep will hear his voice and follow, yes?