Topics Started by void
Was I wrong to compose and send this email to an active JW?
by Honesty insee gr-engl interlinear.
see any greek-english interlinear.
the nwt translates the greek word "esti" as "is" every time it appears in the new testament (eg, mt 26:18, 38, mk 14:44, lk 22:38, etc), except in mt 26:26-28, mk 14:22-24, and lk 22:19 where it is rendered as "means", even though this word is translated as "is" in the kingdom interlinear.
by badboy in.
in the event of a flu pandemic , i believe they would ban public meetings,presumebly they would be no convections.. should jws go door-to-door as this wouls transmit flu door-to-door?.
What's the first thought that comes to mind when wordly people think of JWs
by JH in.
i'll start........ saturday morning door knockers
Add an Awake caption here!
by doodle-v inhere is the original one:.
here is a blank one for you to add a caption to:.
have fun!
Suppose The Watctower is Sucessfull in Shutting Down Quotes Site.
by Apostanator inwhat would prevent us from using the same information that quotes currently uses to open up our own site?
the watchtower would come after us and we may possibly have to close it down, then someone else could open another one up.
we could have a field day !!
% Women vs. % Men in JW
by void ini read a scientific study a few months ago that stated the women where more susceptible to religion than men.
(i am trying to find this article as i dont like not backing up my claims.
anyway it got me thinking a lot.
Land of the rising sun
by void injapan has the second highest % of jws in the world (america being tops).
just wondering is there any gaijin over here.
mind you its funny how jws act here, when they do street work they just hold up their mags in plastic covers(everything in japan has to be in a plastic cover ha ha.
Sandwich fillings
by greendawn inmy all time favourites are (1)the old cheese and onion combination and (2)bacon with eggs and lettuce.
sometimes the more exotic prawns and avocados.
and what do you all fancy when preparing quick but delicious sandwich snacks?
JW most violent in "friendly" sports?
by void inon another thread getbusyliving mentioned the following;.
7. hate being cheap shotted by pansy's in witness sports .