Topics Started by void
% Women vs. % Men in JW
by void ini read a scientific study a few months ago that stated the women where more susceptible to religion than men.
(i am trying to find this article as i dont like not backing up my claims.
anyway it got me thinking a lot.
Land of the rising sun
by void injapan has the second highest % of jws in the world (america being tops).
just wondering is there any gaijin over here.
mind you its funny how jws act here, when they do street work they just hold up their mags in plastic covers(everything in japan has to be in a plastic cover ha ha.
JW most violent in "friendly" sports?
by void inon another thread getbusyliving mentioned the following;.
7. hate being cheap shotted by pansy's in witness sports .
Worst day of the year?
by void inwell everybody has one, more often than not, the influence we have from the org has affected us all.
even to the smallest decisions.
for me it has to my my birthday, one of the 7 sins from the org.
Pollution, the earth will die in 10-12 years.
by void ini have been reading wt quotes etc, but i have not seen this issue raised.
i dont have a big box of awakes to search through, but i distinctly remember the cover of an awake with a picture of the globe and factories producing smog.
well the mag was about pollution; the core message/prophecy was that the world will mot be survivable in 10 -12 years so we can expect god to step in the next few years.
Please don`t read if you are a current witness and have doubts.
by void inwell i am new to the board, i have faded away from the truth lies about 6 years ago.
it still has an effect on me today, so much so i gave the warning in the title.
this is because one of the things drilled into me, was that its far worse to lead a member of the flock away.