here's mine, Just remember your the one who asked for honesty.... Title: Female 28 I love animals(mostly cats) I didn't really like children until I had my own. I love to sing in the shower when no-one is home. I always wished I could be one of those people that sing and dance like crazy alone in the car, but was always afraid of what everyone would think of me. From the time my father died when I was 11, I've always tried to seek the approval of men(especially the elders)but always failed. I attempted suicide. I love beer and hot wings!! I like myself better when I'm drunk. I drive a 1997(paid for) Jimmy. I love sex.
JoinedPosts by knot4me
Your personal ad, if you were really honest about it...
by DanTheMan inhere's mine:.
title: "i yam what i yam".
i think farting is funny.. when an old ac/dc song comes on the radio, i turn the volume to the max even though it makes the speakers crap out.
Embarrassing things that happened to you on the platform?
by Jordan ini remember one of my last talks, it was a bible reading, i was 15, and on crutches.
i tripped getting up on the platform and took the mic stand with me.
that was embarrassing.
my cousins and I always seemed to get the giggles at our bookstudy. The little boy of the elder was about 4 and stting on one of those hard plastic kid chairs. he was spinning back and forth and suddenly let out a ripper, and you know how loud they are when you are in a plastic chair. my cousins and I couldn't stop giggling for the rest of the meeting.
How did you come to JWD ?
by oldflame ini came to jwd back in 2001, i was under a different name then.
i do not remember if i was introduced by gumby who is a dear friend of mine or if i had found this site through i was when i first came here pretty bitter as i went through pure hell with the jw faith and my family who are jw.. i was ready for a fight, and ready to rip anyones head off if they crossed me wrong.
i was bitter at the religion for almost fooling me twice as i was a mormon in my teenage years.
I have been out for 6 years now and have stuggled with depression, self-esteem and all the typical ex-JW CRAP. It never occured to me that there were a number of us out here and there would be a place to find comfort, reasurance and healing. Which I am greatfull for!! So anyway, one day I had prayed to GOD to help me heal and get over so much crap that I had been through and it suddenly entered my mind to type in JW on my google search, and up popped JWD!!!! GOD works in mysterious ways. For those of you completely soured by religion, believe me I was also there. But please, PLEASE don't give up in GOD!!!! He or She did not intend for it to be the way the JW's think it is!! Love and Hugs Maggie
I wasn't even my choice...should it count?
by findingmyway ini can't help thinking that if i had never gotten baptized out of loyalty and fear of disappointing my parents (and fear of having my flesh eaten by birds of prey after being destroyed in armageddon), i would not be in this situation.
i have several family members and former friends who were raised as jws, but never got baptized, and they never have to experience the angst and pain that i have to experience.
i was baptized and never dedicated my life.
I wasn't even my choice...should it count?
by findingmyway ini can't help thinking that if i had never gotten baptized out of loyalty and fear of disappointing my parents (and fear of having my flesh eaten by birds of prey after being destroyed in armageddon), i would not be in this situation.
i have several family members and former friends who were raised as jws, but never got baptized, and they never have to experience the angst and pain that i have to experience.
i was baptized and never dedicated my life.
I wasn't even my choice...should it count?
by findingmyway ini can't help thinking that if i had never gotten baptized out of loyalty and fear of disappointing my parents (and fear of having my flesh eaten by birds of prey after being destroyed in armageddon), i would not be in this situation.
i have several family members and former friends who were raised as jws, but never got baptized, and they never have to experience the angst and pain that i have to experience.
i was baptized and never dedicated my life.
How about this one: My cousin was never baptised but got put on PR when she was in high school for sleeping with a boy. She had to attend all meetings and try to earn he privaleges back just like as if she were baptised. And whats worse is in that cong. if you are on PR you are treated as a Df'd person.
In Loving Memory of My Cousin, Chris Mason.........
by knot4me inan elder gets married and has 2 children.
wife gets dfed, they get devorced and elder gets children.
elder marries my cousin, who doesn't want children but raises them like evil stepmother.
An elder gets married and has 2 children. Wife gets DFed, they get devorced and Elder gets children. Elder marries my cousin, who doesn't want children but raises them like evil stepmother. Never shows love to children that I ever saw or heard of. Children were never good enough for her. Daughter gets baptised at same DC as me, but is still shunned by wicked stepmother. Daughter moves in with real mother and gets DFed. Son still seeking approval from Father Elder and Wicked Stepmother, to no avail. Moves out to find love elsewhere. Ends up at a party and gets shot in the head. Saddest part of story is Elder chose bitch wife over his own children. If that is the kind of "agape" JW's are talking about, Let me have no part of it. Rest In Peace Chris, and know that you were always good enough and I Love YOU!!!
What stages of Healing/Recovery have you or are you going through?
by diamondblue1974 in.
to elaborate...we are all at and have been at varying stages of the healing/recovery process...what stages have you did you deal with it and what are your plans for the future now you are on this path.. db74
I left 6 years ago for the way I was treated. I had nothing to do with religion or God up until the past few months. I kinda always suspected,( but wanted to belive) there was something off about the whole thing. Now I am just starting my journey to find out the real truth about the borg and in the process, I hope to find a new belief system. I can say for sure that I will never go into something so blindly again and I will never believe something just because someone of "authority" says its true. As far as healing goes, I think I'm somewhere in the middle of the process. Like many others, careerwise I will be playing catch up for a while. In the next year I plan to start taking some class and eventually become a nurse. I try not to have regrets, as I believe everything happens for a reason and there are always lessons to be learned if you are willing to try.