I always think of 1 Corinthians 4:6 when the blood transfusion thing rears up.
JoinedPosts by M*A*S*H
by steve2 inthere's been a buzz on this forum - on and off but currently on - that there has not been an article in any watchtower publication on the blood ban for a while - which feeds speculation that the organization is distancing itself from this doctrinal absurdity.
does that mean there's been nothing mentioned about the blood doctrine for months or years?
specifically, when did the watchtower last mention the blood ban?
Modern JW Org
by Infowarrior inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzaw1xe8q70.
Our congregation used to have 'talent' shows every now and again... everything performed had to be vetted first. The event would not be allowed in the Kingdumb Hall, rather a village hall was rented. You certainly were not allowed to get 'carried away'. I suppose that is about as close to the videos as we ever got in the 90's and 00's.
I cannot say I enjoyed the talent shows, primarily because everything was tinged with that 'falseness' that dubs do best, secondly there never seemed to be much talent on display. After the initial shock and suprise that Brother Boring Britches can play the kazoo wears off, you quickly realise he is going to play all four versus of 'We are Jehovah's Witness' :o\
Modern JW Org
by Infowarrior inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzaw1xe8q70.
Oh my! The videos on p1 blew me away - I think my father especially would have beaten everyone there with his 'old' NWT.
This link too! What is happening!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xyp6rn8NrM
Sisters conducting meetings where there is a lack of brothers
by booker-t ini remember years ago when i was a little boy aroung 9 years old, our bookstudy conductor was in the hospital and at the last minute one of the elders asked my aunt to be the book study conductor.
this was the first time i have seen this happen.
my aunt did a very good job and the bookstudy acted as it was not something from outer space.
Superstitious nonsense at best... patriarchal and abusive at worst. In summary, women were made for men and must wear a tea-towel "because of the angels."
1Cor 11: 1-10
Become imitators of me, just as I am of Christ 2 I commend you because in all things you remember me and you are holding fast the traditions just as I handed them on to you. 3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ;+ in turn, the head of a woman is the man;+ in turn, the head of the Christ is God.+ 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with something on his head shames his head; 5 but every woman who prays or prophesies + with her head uncovered shames her head, for it is one and the same as if she were a woman with a shaved head. 6 For if a woman does not cover herself, she should have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved, she should be covered.
7 For a man should not have his head covered, as he is God’s image+ and glory, but the woman is man’s glory. 8 For man did not come from woman, but woman came from man.+ 9 And what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man.+ 10 That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels.+
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo inthe annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
Just read w07 1/1 “The First Resurrection”—Now Under Way!
I'm not thinking clearly... I think I always knew the 'annointed' where being resurrected to heaven after death from my days as a dub. Probably getting confused with all the "rapture\gathering" talk lately. Prehaps they are going to gather them all together in RL and create a new country Jehovahstan. (I suppose at least then we could invade).
Thanks for the catch.
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo inthe annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
This is a bit 'far out'...
I wonder if they will suggest the 'gathering' of annointed ones has started; technically there's nothing to say how or how long it will take for the annointed to be 'gathered' into heaven. This gathering is the precursor to the full borg invasion. It may be releaved that the gathering into heaven started in 1975 for example(invisibly of course).
Perhaps they are not raptured, just raised after shuffling of this mortal coil!
Surely they will soon want to demonstrate a move towards the big day... as nothing has 'happened' since 1919 when JC chose them. They need a step, they need to show progress, they need a reason for delay.
Fake letter to the BOE.
by karter ini'm thinking of scaning a letter to the boe and useing the letter head to make some fake letters and sending them to alot of congros.. it would read something like this.. "dear brothers we are writing to inform you about all the child abuse casers the wts is now in court about and the ones we have quietly settled outside the courts".
ill name them all and give them links to the courts.. .
anyother idears??.
I admire the initiative! I tend to agree that your letters would quickly be spotted as fraudulent; they would be held up as an example of the lies and deception of apostates further feeding the persection complex.
If you have created a resource of all the abuse cases with supporting docs\links perhaps you could make a video and put it on the tubes? I'm sure there are some with the skills in this forum to help you.
Is this a new "This Generation" or not?
by Doug Mason infirst of all i want to express my sincere gratitude to atlantis and his good friends for making this 2014 book available.. ------------.
as i see it, and i am absolutely open to contradiction, the wts appears to be giving another new meaning to this generation.
this time the term means all of his anointed followers, including his immediate disciples.
@Freedom77 Please do not worry about the those that engage in 'grand-standing' on JWN. IHMO most members, like yourself, know if you are on this board you have been hurt, are being hurt or will be hurt by the borg. Some seem to focus their condescention on recent joiners - which is even more ironic considering you have been around for over a decade.
"Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance" Sun Tzu.
Is this a new "This Generation" or not?
by Doug Mason infirst of all i want to express my sincere gratitude to atlantis and his good friends for making this 2014 book available.. ------------.
as i see it, and i am absolutely open to contradiction, the wts appears to be giving another new meaning to this generation.
this time the term means all of his anointed followers, including his immediate disciples.
I asked my mother (still a dub after 40 years in her 70's now) how she understands the 'generation' teaching... she rolled her eyes and said "I'm not sure, I'll have to check and get back to you". She never did... I think many just do not care or really notice anymore.
IMHO for many dubs KnewLite is a mental\spiritual version of change blindness... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_blindness
Name Some Things That JWs Look Down Upon That Normal People Wouldn't Even Think About?
by minimus injws look down on others for saying, "bless you" if someone sneezes.
it has something to do with the demons.
another example is that it is considered satanic if a man took his hat off for a lady!
For me I think it's women in positions of (even moderate) authority. Common place today; however in dub land if they so-much-as say a prayer they are forced to wear a tea-towel.