Psychology Today has managed to get itself listed on QuackWatch ... not a good sign really.
Some other great articles from the totally quack free journal Psychology Today.
At death, we all know, there is a break in consciousness, and so too, a break in the continuity in the connection of times and places. Without space and time, Newtonian conceptions of order and secure prediction have no meaning. In reality you can take any time, past or future, as your new frame of reference, and estimate all other events relative to it
This artical IMO takes a lack of understanding of what an 'observer' is and somehow ends up concluding " When you die, you will wake up in the present—just like you did this morning."
Our science is so far off the mark that we might just as well be reading comic books instead of textbooks on evolutionary biology or quantum physics. However, recently some scientists have started to challenge a worldview that stretches back—beyond Sir Isaac Newton and Aristotle—to the first thinkers of civilized consciousness.
Comic books I tell you... don't read physics text books no... spiderman is just as good! Plus, if Aristotle does not qualify as a "first thinker" who the bloody hell does?
So say goodbye to death, and fasten your seatbelt for a mind-blowing ride through space and time … and beyond.
In this artical quantum entanglement and the double slit experiment are somehow used to draw the above conclusion.
But physics tells us that energy is never ever lost, and that our brains, minds, and hence the feeling of life operates by electrical energy, and therefore this energy like all others simply can’t vanish, period. The biocentric view of the timeless, spaceless cosmos of consciousness allows for no true death in any real sense. When a body dies, it does so not in the random billiard-ball matrix but in the all-is-still-inescapably-life matrix.
Sign me up for the " all-is-still-inescapably-life matrix".
Biocentrism provides the explanation for why all the shots missed. If the universe is created by us, then no universe that didn’t allow for life could possibly exist. The mystery of the goldilocks universe goes away, and the critical role of life and consciousness in shaping the universe becomes clear.
In this artical we examine how we created the universe with our brains.