I'm not sure if this elder really had anything against me, but I don't care for him too much now. When I first stopped going to meetings, elders were lined up at my door waiting to reprimand and coerce me into attending meetings once again. Somehow they found out about a night I spent at a friends, and my current boyfriend spending the night with me. They asked me if any penetration or fondling occurred; when I told them no, which was the truth, they asked me how I could be sure since I was "inebriated" that night. I told them I'd probably remember such a thing since I was relatively inexperienced at that time. He asked me one more time if such things had occurred. Then, later on during the discussion I revealed to him that I was not entirely sure God existed, and he asked me if I thought I had more "upstairs" than Einstein. I told him no, and he said none of them did; Einstein believed in God, so I should too. The truth of the matter is that while Einstein was a very respectable man, with an insane degree of intelligence, there are probably many witnesses that match his intelligence or top it. His IQ was in the genius range, but he wasn't a Steven Hawkins. Anyway, that's beside the point; (I don't actually know what point I was trying to make since I don't regard IQ as an entirely accurate measure of intelligence). Anyway, then they asked me to go upstairs, and they talked to my mother who was very upset in a disrespectful manner, which pissed me off a lot. A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend (an ex dub as well) who used to confide in this particular elder; he told me the elder had actually told him he had questioned the beliefs as well, but reasoned if he wasn't in the truth, would he be in a better place? Sometimes the hypocrisy still catches me off guard.
JoinedPosts by TheresMoreToCome
Personal vendetta against you
by pratt1 in.
were there any elders, co's or any one else in a postion of importance that had a personal issue with you that clouded their judgement?.
how did you handle it?
How many more years do you think you have left to live?
by JH in.
since i'm relatively healthy, don't smoke, hardly drink (2 beers a day), and if i base myself on my grandparents and parents age, i think that i should live up to anywhere between 85 and 95. which means i should have another 40 to 50 years of posting here.
I used to say I'd off myself at 40, but I'm beginning to value life a bit more. I never wanted to grow old. Even if I did die at 40, I'd have 22 more years, which is longer than I've been alive now. So, bring it on bitches.
How do you express your new freedom?
by free2beme ini was wondering how people express their new freedom and how they create new boundaries.
what i mean, is when i left the witnesses and became someone without their rules, i did not go out and do all the things i was forbidden to do before.
i did not take up drugs, sleep around, etc.
I just smoked pot for the first time two days ago; it wasn't all that I expected it to be, but it felt good just to lose a piece of my naivety. I hate saying that, because it's stupid to take pride in such a thing. Maybe not stupid, but if taken to the extreme, destructive. I respect you tetraspod sapien, because your living proof that you don't need a religious moral structure to care about other people. I feel a little lost at the moment, and want to find a drug that numbs me without offing too many of my limited brain cells. I guess that's not really a good thing because if you look at the short amount of time we have, spending even a year in surreality is detrimental. I guess those are the negative consequences. A positive consequence is being able to enjoy sex, and to truly express. I enjoy writing (although I hardly ever finish a piece I start) but over the past few months everything I've started has been entirely free. I love being able to write of love and lust, and loss without holding anything back. I definitely feel that with a broader perspective, there comes a greater capacity to reason, and to create. So, hopefully I'll find my answers.
My 4-Yr Old Niece Casts Judgement
by truth1 inso, i was talking to my sister and she was quite disturbed.
we grew up in the jw organization and she no longer attends the kh, neither do i. my other sister is a pioneer (btw she was known as the biggest slut of the century).
anyway, my pioneer sister's granddaughter, whose father is disfellowshipped, was eating with my other sister who doesn't attend the kh and my sister asked her to recite some scriptures since she found out she remembered by heart a lot of scriptures.
I remember when I was little during the first few days of school, which would have made me 5, our bus driver had a practice fire drill. I wasn't sure if fire drills were allowed, so I started crying and would not leave my seat. The kid next to me thought that maybe since I wasn't allowed, he wasn't allowed either, and although he wasn't a witness, he started crying as well and held my hand. It's actually somewhat of a humorous story now.
Am I reading this right?
by RedhorseWoman inthe latest wt questions from readers on blood.
fractions of all "primary" components are now allowed?.
is this saying that everything is allowed except when they're combined together?
This is an issue that has stumbled me a great deal, although I am not very knowledgeable about the subject. I never understood why God would want someone to die for something so minute. I feel sick just thinking that people have died because of this, and then, they have the nerve to go and change it? Oh God, I feel sick.
Not everyone left the JW Org for the same reason...Why did you leave?
by JH insome left because they couldn't follow the pace.
some left because they knew they were living a double life.. some left because they rathered live a life of sin.. and some left because they considered it a cult.. i stopped going because i was unable to keep up with all their demands and expectations, and i found them too controling.
also because they cover their past and give false hope for the near future.. why did you leave?.
I left because I felt empty and trapped. I left because I didn't trust or love anyone there (with a few exceptions), and because I wanted more out of life. I left because I had been exposed to new ideas (thank you- all of you who exposed me to them).
If I have an apostafest...will you come?
by kittyeatzjdubs inok. i feel like i'm the only one on this discussion board who hasn't met at least one member.
so i figured it was time to open my door and invite ya'll in for some southern hospitality.. i live in horn lake, ms which is about 35-40 minutes from memphis (depending on traffic).
so you can use that to gauge how far you are from me.
Anyone in here from Ohio? I need to meet new people bad...someone to show me around. Someone to smoke pot with me and chill, or sit naked in a hot tub with a few beers...(Read my "wildest party" post if you're lost).
Describe the WILDEST JW party you ever attended!! no seriously......
by kid-A ini realize this is totally context and culturally dependent, but the old toronto jw youth scene was quite wild during the years 1984-1994. .
one example, a group of about 40 jw kids would go up to a ski resort (usually mount st.louis/moonstone or blue mountain) over the x-mas week-end.
one year we rented out a block of rooms in a resort close to the ski lodge.
I hate you Toronto bitches. Man, my whole life, I've wanted to just smoke pot and chill. Or drink and get naked in a hot tub...and as to date, it hasn't happened. I've done stuff here and there but I've never partied, partied and I'm not a Jdub anymore. The reason for that is I'm still trying to adjust to not being a dub, trying to meet new people, etc., but am having somewhat of a hard time not attending school, and working at a place with people much older than I. If only I could have been in a rebel congregation. My best friend was a "rebel" when we were real young, and I know she would have smoked pot with me if we had stayed friends, but I was warped then and wanted to be good, and we ended up fighting a lot, and then finally discontinuing our relationship.
JWs picking and choosing which rules to follow
by kristyann indoes anyone else find that many, many jehovah's witnesses pick and choose which rules they want to follow?
my boyfriend's parents are jws and i have many, many examples to share with you!
i'd love to hear if any of you have known of similar type things, or if you know any other rules that jws commonly break.
My grandma calls me on my birthday and asks me how it feels to be a day older. I find it funny, because she avoids actually saying happy birthday, and instead just hints around at it. I never understood why we couldn't celebrate birthdays to begin with. Because everytime it's mentioned in the Bible someone dies? That could just be coincidence. Regardless, it's a little extreme.
by stillAwitness ino.k i confess: sometimes i still wish i was in high school where i was tucked away safely away from the real world.
oh yeah, and i pick my nose sometimes.
what are your confessions?
I confess that I've had sex, more times than I have fingers & toes.
I confess that there are cigars hiding in the panels of my ceiling, and when my family goes to meetings I sit in the attic and inhale.
I confess that I coaxed my friends into huffing paint, and drinking.
I confess that I still feel clean.