Posts by stev
which actor could play Russel, and which actor could play Rutherford?
by boy@crossroads ini was just curious.
if ever somone would make a film based on the conception of the jw religion.
which actors would be chosen?.
which actor could play Russel, and which actor could play Rutherford?
by boy@crossroads ini was just curious.
if ever somone would make a film based on the conception of the jw religion.
which actors would be chosen?.
Maria Russell
Anne Baxter as Maria Russell.
AB: Oh, Moses, Moses! Why of all men did I fall in love with the prince of fools? Why must you deny me and yourself?
CH: Because I am bound to a God, and to a people, and to a shepherd girl.
AB: A shepherd girl? What can she be to you unless the desert sun has dulled your senses.
Does she grate garlic on her skin or is it soft as mine? Are her lips chafed and dry as the desert sand or are they moist and red like a pomegranate? Is it the fragrance of myrrh that scents her hair or is it the odor of sheep?
CH: There is a beauty beyond the senses, Nefretiri. -
which actor could play Russel, and which actor could play Rutherford?
by boy@crossroads ini was just curious.
if ever somone would make a film based on the conception of the jw religion.
which actors would be chosen?.
Charles Taze Russell
Pastor Russell holding the world
Charlton Heston as Charles Taze Russell. -
which actor could play Russel, and which actor could play Rutherford?
by boy@crossroads ini was just curious.
if ever somone would make a film based on the conception of the jw religion.
which actors would be chosen?.
I wish I studied their history
by Woodsman inif i had i would have noticed what i do now.
for over 40 years, 1874-1914 and beyond the wts claimed that there was a time of trouble like the world had never seen before going on.
this was to be a terrible time leading up to armageddon in 1914. bible students used to write to russell and ask if his calculations were correct because they couldn't imagine the world going on much longer.
The above post is from this website:
New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
I looked for the original publication date, but could not find it. A. E. Williamson wrote the article "Millennial Dawn." I think he was C. T. Russell's secretary at one time. Notice the date 1904 for the New Creation. Also the expectation for the year 1914. Millennial Dawn was the first title of the Studies in the Scriptures. Perhaps this is a revision of an earlier article that appeared in the previous edition of the encyclopedia.
I wish I studied their history
by Woodsman inif i had i would have noticed what i do now.
for over 40 years, 1874-1914 and beyond the wts claimed that there was a time of trouble like the world had never seen before going on.
this was to be a terrible time leading up to armageddon in 1914. bible students used to write to russell and ask if his calculations were correct because they couldn't imagine the world going on much longer.
If the Bible best-selling book in history, what is the second best-selling?
by ithinkisee in.
anyone know?.
(Investigator 79, 2001 July)
The following is a list of books with the highest printings. It excludes newspapers, booklets, brochures, pamphlets and magazines. The list is based on information to hand and some of the figures are not the latest or final figures. The list omits various separate translations of the Bible and the lower end of the list probably also omits other books.
The Bible (All versions) 1815-1999 3,880,000,000 Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung 1966-197 800,000,000 Good News Bible 1976-1995 122,000,000 The Highway Code (United Kingdom) 1931-1996 117,000,000 The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life 1969/1981 108,000,000 New World Translation (In whole or part) 1950s-2000 100,000,000 American Spelling Book 1783 Noah Webster 100,000,000 Automobile Association Handbook 1908-1991 98,000,000 Guinness Book of Records 1955-1999 85,000,000 The McGuffey Reader 1853-1879 William H McGuffey 60,000,000 A Message to Garcia 1899 Elbert Hubbard 50,000,000 Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life 1995 46,000,000 The Living Bible 45,000,000 Deutsche Bundespost 1993 (Initial print) 42,000,000 You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth 1982/1989 42,000,000 World Almanac 1868-1980s 40,000,000 True Peace and Security 1986 37,000,000 Your Erroneous Zones 1876 Wayne W Dyer 34,000,000 In His Steps 1896 Rev. C M Sheldon 30,000,000 To Kill A Mockingbird 1960 Harper Lee 30,000,000 Gone With the Wind 1936 Margaret Mitchell 30,000,000 Valley of the Dolls 1966 Jacqueline Susann 29,000,000 The Diary of Anne Frank 25,000,000 The Commonsense Book of Baby and Child Care 1946
Benjamin Spock25,000,000 Let God be True 1946/1952 19,000,000 The Late Great Planet Earth 1970 H Lindsey 18,000,000 American Red Cross First Aid Book 16,000,000 Is the Bible Really the Word of God? 1969 15,000,000 Roots 1976 A Haley 12,500,000 From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained 1958 12,000,000 Sophie’s World 1996 J Gaardner & P Moller 12,000,000 Life—How Did It Get Here? 1985 11,000,000 The Bermuda Triangle 1975 Charles Berlitz 10,000,000 What’s the World Coming To? D E Stanton 10,000,000 Things In Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie 1965 10,000,000 Member’s Handbook, Auto. Assoc. 1990-91 (Initial print) 6,000,000 Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace 1986 6,000,000 Divine Plan of the Ages 1886 6,000,000 Notice how often the books of one sect – the Jehovah’s Witnesses – appear in the list. These are indicated by being underlined.
How would JWs run a country if they had one?
by Spectrum incan anybody imagine what it would be like to live in a country run by jws?
what would they call it?
what laws would they have?
In a totalitarian regime. There is a book "The Orwellian World of the Jehovah's Witnesses" which compares them to the book 1984 written by George Orwell. I paged through the book recently, and read that Orwell knew of the JWs, which leads me to wonder whether this influenced Orwell at all in writing the book.
There is a previous thread comparing the JWs to "Animal Farm", also written by Orwell. In the thread, the comparison is made between the Russian Revolution, which is allegorized in Animal Farm, and the JWs. Lenin is compared to Russell, and Stalin to Rutherford. The character Napoleon in Animal Farm is comparable to Rutherford.
Rutherford and Elevators -- All Others Use the Stairs
by VM44 induring the olin moyle court case, some of the "jehovah's witnesses" witnesses were asked on the stand if they knew if the elevators were held at ground floor at lunchtime so that rutherford would not have to wait to use them when he returned to the building.. other people had to use the stairs; the elevators had to be kept ready for rutherford.. the jw witnesses denied knowing anything about this.
but in reading the transcript of the trial, one gets the impression that none of the jws wanted to admit anything negative about rutherford, for instance, that rutherford would give "trimmings" (verbal scolding) to individuals at lunchtime was not readily admitted by even clayton woodworth, a person who had direct experience being reprimanded by the "judge"!.
trying to get info from the witnesses appeared to be like squeezing water from a stone!
The book "Apostles of Denial" by Edmond Gruss has 3 letters of Moyle in Appendix B, including the one posted above. Remarkably, Moyle wrote of Rutherford, "I am in a good position to make such protest because your treatment of me has been generally kind, considerate and fair." I wonder at this - why would Rutherford treat Moyle fairly and not others? Moyle was a lawyer, like Rutherford himself, and perhaps Rutherford respected him more or had more in common with him, just a guess. However, afterward, Moyle was disfellowshipped and wrote that Rutherford had spread falsehoods about him, and had not treated him well at all.VM44 asks "How did it happen?" This is a good question. Russell had already set a precedent for one-man rule of the Society, and received some preferential treatment. However, there remained a tension between one-man rule of the Society and the democratically-run congregations, and the authority of "that servant" and the equality of the brethren. Russell in his Will and Testament desired that the one-man rule come to an end, and planned for the Board and Editorial Committee to come to the fore, but failed to prepare them for their expanded role. After Russell died, there was a struggle between the Pres. Rutherford and Board. Rutherford was following Russell's example, but the Board wished to follow Russell's Will. In hindsight, it is more clear now that control by a Board and Editorial Committee could have restricted spiritual abuse, caused by an authoritarian leader with no accountability. The pattern of Rutherford's management style was consistent from the beginning, and Moyle's letter is line with other accounts of Rutherford. Many times the only proper response to a spiritually abusive leader is to leave, which many did. It seems that the most departures occurred during the later 1920's, probably in response to the 1925 disappointment, but also to Rutherford's attempts to bring the congregations under the Society's control. Several years ago, an elderly gentleman related the story to me that he had in 1914 in Germany started with a few others a Bible Student class, which grew to 75. Rutherford came to visit Germany in the mid-1920's. After hearing him speak, they did not like what they heard, and the entire class ended their association with the Society.
Would an Book on Rutherford really be worthwhile?
by VM44 ini have to make a decision now as to continue researching judge rutherford with a view of writing a book, or just let him go (after all, he died 63 years ago!
what do people here think?.
would a book about rutherford be a worthwhile project?
Anne Baxter as Maria Russell.AB: Oh, Moses, Moses! Why of all men did I fall in love with the prince of fools? Why must you deny me and yourself?
CH: Because I am bound to a God, and to a people, and to a shepherd girl.
AB: A shepherd girl? What can she be to you unless the desert sun has dulled your senses.
Does she grate garlic on her skin or is it soft as mine? Are her lips chafed and dry as the desert sand or are they moist and red like a pomegranate? Is it the fragrance of myrrh that scents her hair or is it the odor of sheep?
CH: There is a beauty beyond the senses, Nefretiri.