Research the Watchtower March 15, 1980 pages 17-18 U.S. version
Yearbook 1980 pages 30-31 U.S. version. As well as what was written in the Watchtower in 1976.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Research the Watchtower March 15, 1980 pages 17-18 U.S. version
Yearbook 1980 pages 30-31 U.S. version. As well as what was written in the Watchtower in 1976.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Promoting jwfacts as irrefutable truth once again. The objective words is “imply” for those that didn’t understand the significance of 1975. Research!!!
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
When the book Life Everlasting came out. To those JW’s that understood, the WT was attempting to draw parallels to man’s existence, the 7 millennium. But just like everything else, those JW’s that were new or didn’t understand the premise took 1975 to mean the fulfillment of Christ presence and overstepped their expectations, by overshadowing what had been published earlier.
But if you consider the Watchtower of 1976, it was made clear about the disappointment which the WT never shied away from. I guess you would have to have been there to fully appreciate the meaning of 1975 rather than what you read in jwfacts.
is not this ironic ?
that they can claim to believe something that was written 2000 years ago and base their life and some cases their death on it , yet disown writings of the modern day founders of their religion such as c.t.russell , the so called first president of the i.b.s.a.
, later re-named jehovah witness.. and the same fate awaits the so called second president of now re-named jehovah witnesses ,if the writings ,books ,tracts ,etc .still exist in the library you sooner or later will be quizzed as to why you want to read them , it will be discouraged , and if you persist you will be brought before the elders .. so what are they afraid of people learning ?
To understand, Jehovah’s Witnesses is the only religion that has changed doctrine upon their new understanding that comes as man increases its understanding and knowledge.
The Protestants are the same as Catholics, Roman Catholics, Anglicism, or Orthodox not to mention the Episcopal Protestant. There are no doctrine changes there.
The Mormons are the same as the Mennonites, or the Amish. There’s no doctrine difference.
The Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and Pentecostal are the same. There’s no doctrine difference.
Got it!technically incorrect, but effectively he does .... if we're to believe the genesis account the serpent deceived eve and made her eat of the tree of knowledge.
it all went pear shaped from there on in, although most people believe it was an apple (boom tish).. but anyway .... either it was a literal serpent that could talk on it's own behalf or, as people typically believe, it was satan who was the puppet master and possessing the creature.. the first raises all sorts of questions that contradict the whole bible narrative (another creature that could reason, talk, debate existence and law etc...) so let's go with "the satan theory".. how does got react to his 'perfect' creation immediately being completely imperfect as soon as he takes it out of the box?
(he's like 0 for 4 ... satan, serpent, woman, man ... all break his rules).
The name HaSatan, (satan) - and the feminine form Sitnah: - come from theverb (satan) meaning to resist or be an adversary and is used six times in scripture,
for instance in Psalm 38:20, where it reads: '...they me because good follows me.')The noun (satan) is used much more frequently.
N fS = Satan
c Sheen - is a picture of teeth and communicates the idea of devouring, consuming,
or destroying.
T Tet - is a picture of something coiled like a serpent and carries the idea of thecontrast of distinguishing between good and evil.
N Nun - is a picture of a fish and can represent something that is perpetual and or
eternal and is symbolic of life.
when we put it all together we can see the devouring consuming snake is seeking to
destroy man by convincing him that evil is good that in doing so as man partakes of evil
it will warp his ability to distinguish between the two thereby robbing him of his eternalexistence and forfeiting a life with HWHY (Yahuah).
HaSatan tempts a man to give up "all" to gain what he thinks he might want, need oreven what he might think is "good" for the gain of his own soul and ends up forfeiting
his life to get it.
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or
Matthew 16:26
what will a man give in exchange for his soul?As man thought once to give up his life in order to gain. Christ asks him to do it again...Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will
Luke 17:33
preserve it.
HaSatan (Hebrew: ה ש ןט ha-Satan ("the accuser"); Persian "sheytan"; Arabic:
ناطيشلا al-Shaitan ("the adversary") both from the Semitic root: Ś-Ṭ-N) is an
technically incorrect, but effectively he does .... if we're to believe the genesis account the serpent deceived eve and made her eat of the tree of knowledge.
it all went pear shaped from there on in, although most people believe it was an apple (boom tish).. but anyway .... either it was a literal serpent that could talk on it's own behalf or, as people typically believe, it was satan who was the puppet master and possessing the creature.. the first raises all sorts of questions that contradict the whole bible narrative (another creature that could reason, talk, debate existence and law etc...) so let's go with "the satan theory".. how does got react to his 'perfect' creation immediately being completely imperfect as soon as he takes it out of the box?
(he's like 0 for 4 ... satan, serpent, woman, man ... all break his rules).
The absence of cultural truth should be redefined to those differences. A point made by our ancestors.
One point of which would be religious reasoning.
a member of a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship.
· A person with censorious moral beliefs
The Atlantic Passage of the Puritans
Puritan Reasons for Leaving
William Laud (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury
At the time Archbishop William Laud was the head of the Church of England. The king sent him a decree giving him the power to visit all the churches and buildings controlled by the church to state the condition of the properties. When he went he found that the Puritans had been abandoning the Church of England’s elaborate rituals, and allowing ecclesiastical property to fall in to disuse and in some cases disrepair. Contrary to the universal practice of the church, children in these nonconformist towns were going through life not having participated in confirmation.
This air of nonconformity prevailed in these separatist towns because the lecturers who were unauthorized by the church and as such had freedom from clerical control. With this newly gotten freedom, these lecturers would encourage their congregations to side with the nonconformists. Even those who were ordained by the church were ripe for a change. When William Laud was mad the Arch Bishop of Canterbury in 1633, he began his war on nonconformity almost immediately.
A Stone Church from Cheshire England
When Laud was given the power to visit all the churches poor houses, hospitals and schools in the province of Canterbury, he authorized all the Justices of the Peace to arrest all non-conformists who met in private, behind closed doors, to carry on conventicles contrary to the law and to hale them before the Ecclesiastical Commission.
Some of the earliest efforts of the Archbishop included compelling foreigners that still believed in their protestant ways to conform to the Church of England. He suggested to the King and the council the best way to rid the overwhelming sense of nonconformity found in the highly diverse immigrant communities was to make them conform to the Anglican ways. At first these rouge churches said they were exempt from the authority of the Church of England, but Laud stuck with it and finally the churches came around but not in the numbers Laud and the Kind had originally hoped for. Laud wanted more than just partial conformity for the good of the church.
Laud proclaimed, he was not actuated by a desire to abolish toleration, but by a “Fear the existence of such independent ecclesiastical units, each maintaining its own discipline, would impair the unity of the Church of England, and might establish what would be, in substance, a state without a state”. On his visitations, the archbishop found in certain quarters, evidence of a fast growing Puritanism accompanied by a general indifference, and sometimes, by an open hostility to the Church.
The symbol of the Church of England
This desire to unify all of England under one church, the Church of England, was what set off the migrations of the Puritans. Whom the church was unable to control had been brought before the council for censure. These lecturers would go before the council and were given a choice between removal to the colonies or censure of their nonconformist teachings.
It was difficult for the church to do all of this on its own as its power had been diminishing with the reformation and the continued defiance of the Separatists. The people whom the archbishop wanted to impact would not
Be affected by idle threats or arguments. As a result of the inclusion of civil law, there was an increasing desire for the upper-class to leave the country and seek refuge abroad. This naturally affected churches and towns in a negative way. Towns were depopulated; churches abandoned services and fell into a state of disrepair. The congregations that did remain were consolidated and forced to join other parishes.
John Winthrop (1588-1649)
One of those people that did make the journey to North America, Thomas Shepard, was banned from preaching by the Archbishop. Shepard felt unable to conform to the church’s demands, and having felt that his liberty was threatened, and seeing no reason for preaching in England left for New England. Many left in the previously separatist towns wrote to Governor Winthrop in New England affirming their fears for the future with so many ministers and Christians leaving for the colonies. Then a man by the name of Cotton Mather preached to a great many Puritans saying, “It was now also a time when some hundreds of those good people which had the nickname of Puritans put on them, transported themselves, with their whole families and interests into the deserts of America, that they might here peaceably erect Congregational Churches.”
the first edition of the watchtower magazine, july 1879, made the following comment on page 5 regarding how "soon" the end of this system will come:.
exactly 136 years later the latest edition of the watchtower magazine, july 2015, (paragraph 3) made the following comment on page 15 regarding how "soon" the end of this system will come:.
jehovah's witnesses ... proclaimers of "soon, very soon" since 1879.. .
Correction. The IBSA
The publication was started by Charles Taze Russell on July 1, 1879 under the title Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence.
technically incorrect, but effectively he does .... if we're to believe the genesis account the serpent deceived eve and made her eat of the tree of knowledge.
it all went pear shaped from there on in, although most people believe it was an apple (boom tish).. but anyway .... either it was a literal serpent that could talk on it's own behalf or, as people typically believe, it was satan who was the puppet master and possessing the creature.. the first raises all sorts of questions that contradict the whole bible narrative (another creature that could reason, talk, debate existence and law etc...) so let's go with "the satan theory".. how does got react to his 'perfect' creation immediately being completely imperfect as soon as he takes it out of the box?
(he's like 0 for 4 ... satan, serpent, woman, man ... all break his rules).
The Early Snakes of the Cretaceous Period
Needless to say, the key event in snake evolution was the gradual withering
away of these reptiles' front and hind limbs. Creationists like to claim that there are no such "transitional forms" in the fossil record, but in the case of prehistoric snakes they're dead wrong: paleontologists have identified no less than four separate genera, dating back to the Cretaceous period, that were equipped with stubby, vestigial hind legs. Oddly enough, three of these snakes--Eupodophis, Haasiophis and Pachyrhachis--were discovered in the Middle East, not otherwise a hotbed of fossil activity, while a fourth, Najash, lived on the other side of the world, in South America.
Yes the ancestors of snakes did have legs and once in a
while you will find a snake with a mutation that leads to it having real hind
legs, though they aren't much use. The whole genetic apparatus for developing
legs is still there in various snake genomes, and mutation in the gene that
suppresses that development can turn it back on. The same can happen with
More recently in evolutionary history a group of lizards has gone down a the
same path and lost their legs. Slow-worms found in the UK are not worms, and
though they look damned like them aren't really snakes either, they are legless
lizards. There are also two legged lizards known that have just a front pair,
like the Mexican mole lizard.
a few seconds ago this hit the net today
conventions, kingdom halls, relief funds, and other financial scams and schemes of jehovahs witnesses.
jehovahs witnesses often note that at their meetings (like church services), they dont pass a collection plate.
So through hundreds of pages of research, it turns out the WT is no different from any other Religion when it comes to corporate money. Catholics, Protestants, Baptist, Mormons, Scientologist, etc. Well except the Evangelist like Joel Osteen that will tell you outright to give them the money for personal use. I wonder how transparent those other religions are with their finances. Could you research those as well?
.. .. 1883-1884-the world's hope-from the book..
It’s a shame The World’s Hope books had nothing to do with the Bible Student movement. The only books Paton wrote for Russell before their separation was The Day Dawn of 1880 and 1882, and of course has nothing to do with the separation of doctrine established by the JW’s in 1931, but it’s a good read for the Advent or Baptist faith.