Okay, everybody lost me a few threads ago. What topic are we on now. The original question was: Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up? What.
List: 1. Creationism
2. Intelligent Design
3. Theistic Evolution
4. Atheist Evolution
5. Additional Positions
Some hypothesis came from the Catholic Church such as the big bang. This is why the Catholic Church by the most part stay silent. That’s been going on since Galileo.
List: 1. Expectation
2. Perception
3. Presumption
4. Additional Positions
Science is not faring any better. When the scientific community screamed success for finding the Higgs Boson particle by the CERN, it was premature since 2 years later a portion of the same community screamed foal. Higgs had not found the God Particle. The answer to the simplest question on how matter evolved. The conclusion would allow science to prove string theory and therefore dark matter.
Since both theories are mystic, there’s no winner. They both cancel each other out according to the laws of physics.