They block Jehovahs spirit by setting up that Oganisation trying to stop you from reaching
Jehovah, thats what idolatry is. It was not always like that, there were times when you were free
Its quite wicked.its been very subtle" Remember Jesus said the Devil will do miracles that will
decieve the very elect if that were possible" You have to be awake to see it! its a form of thought control.
JoinedPosts by compton
Idolatry....Do the JW's do it?
by Tammie innow please bear with me on this.
i came across this information in a book.
i'm not trying to preach to anyone, but just wanted to share with you all what i learned (and some that i already knew).
Open letter to Ciro Aucilino
by belbab indear friend,.
your talk, what the future holds for us, delivered, i believe, to a select audience of jehovahs witnesses; the twenty pages of which i downloaded from the internet, has raised for me some serious questions and since the scriptures exhort us tomake sure of all things i am writing this open letter to you.
a very excellent rebuke. -
Raymond Franz's Betrayal
by IslandWoman inthanks for calling this to my attention.
my reason for not wanting book material to be run on certain web sites is purely because of finding their approach out of harmony with my own principles and standards, so many are engaged in watch tower trashing and extremely negative.
some sites present material that promotes agnosticism and distrust of the scriptures, even atheism (one such site being in scandanavia).
Be careful what you say, remember Jehovah is the judge. Ray's book was very helpful
and he pointed to the true source truth. Christ Jesus any the true way.. -
Can you answer this please?
by sleepy inyesturday my wife bumped into one of our former friends from the hall.. she tried to discuss a few points with him but as she hasn't done much research herself was a bit stuck when he told her that the reason the society dates the fall of babylon to 607 was because the jews were in captivity for 70 years which working back from 537 you come to 607.. i tried to explain to her that the bible does not specifically say the jews would be in captivity for 70 years but that in daniel it talks of the devestaions of jerusalem ,which could mean it rulership by babylon which started before they were taken captive.. beside that isn't it true that people were left over in jerusalem and only the elite taken?.
anyway at the end of 2 chronicals particually verse 21 it talks of the land laying desolate 70 years this would sujest that the 70 years maybe did refer to the desrution of jerusalem.. can anyone point me in the right direction on this?.
by the way this has no bearing on what i think just my wife as i don't believe the bible to be the word of god anyway, and there are far bigger problems with the witnesses time prophecies , i just need to show from the bible it is wrong as that is the only source of authority for some people.
Thats good info at 587v607 site. most Bibles today state Jerusalem fell in 587BC.
Apparently the Babylonians carried off Jehoichin the king before the fall of Jerusalem
and it didnt fall till later. you will find lots of proof from that website (607 v 587 ).
Remember Jesus was talking to the Jews, when he gave the prophecy of the time of the end.
and 2520-587=1933 (a time of trouble )(Hitler assumed power that year, the start of the
third Riech+ 6 Million Jews would be murdered. Now they are safely back in Palestine
all sorts of Prophecies are beng fulfilled. -
All JWs have already been disfellowshipped!
by Pablo inive been visiting this site for about 8 months, just taking in all your comments and the issues that are of importance to those who have been jehovahs witnesses and the problems that you have identified with the religion.
i was brought up in the truth in the 60s and 70s but my parents left before i reached the age when i would consider being baptised.
subsequently my parents divorced but have remarried separately and are both back in the religion.
We are not xjw's, we are x watchtower,Jehovah never abandoned us, your quite right
we still love him thats why we are out.Disfellowshiped.
Here is something to meditate on
Jehovah's Love is far greater than we realise
Remember the individual who asked Jesus " how many times should I forgive my Brother.
seven times? the answer "no seventy times seven" Remember Jesus stated " he that has
seen me has seen the father because we both work as one. -
Lion with a heart
by compton indid anyone see pbs a few nights ago ?
they showed a moving photo of a lion that .
that was found on the serengetti in kenya looking after a baby onyx ( thats an animal.
It was on the nightly news with jim Lehrer. Not so imposible,remember Isiah "the Lion
shall eat straw like the ox." because the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. -
Dad & Pink Floyd
by peaceloveharmony inmy dad is in his early fifties.
he has always been a lover of music.
last year he gave me his guitar, the one i remember him always playing when he was home, except of course during dinner hehe.
I'm nearly 70 years old and I still enjoy listening to the "Wall" , also "1944" about the Allies
landing on the beachead at Anzio during World War ll. -
Lion with a heart
by compton indid anyone see pbs a few nights ago ?
they showed a moving photo of a lion that .
that was found on the serengetti in kenya looking after a baby onyx ( thats an animal.
Did anyone see PBS a few nights ago ? They showed a moving photo of a lion that
that was found on the Serengetti in Kenya looking after a baby Onyx ( thats an animal
that looks like a small Deer or Fawn, on the Endangered list.) . Another lion eventually
killed it. -
"Why are we Jehovah's Witnesses?"
by Englishman inthis is straight from touchstone forum:
"why are we jehovah's witnesses?".
let me approach the big picture from this angle.. jehovahs witnesses know that the christian organization that they are affiliated with has made errors in the past.
Jesus stated he had to gather other sheep which were not of the Jewish fold.
The gentiles ! Haven;t the gentile times ended !
Its now the Jews turn,and they are back in Palestine were they were prophetically
told they would be at this time. they will be back as Jehovah's witnesses too. You
must understand Jehovah is going to use them to MAGNIFY HIS GREAT NAME.
the whole world is watching this. -
time to look into the Koran !
by compton inyes, be sure to get a copy by an arab translater you will be surprised at what you read.. one teaching you will read is that they believe jesus was simply the son of mary and a prophet .
of god.
this is to deny the main teaching of the scriptures, the original sin and the ransom sacrifice.
yes, be sure to get a copy by an Arab translater you will be surprised at what you read.
one teaching you will read is that they believe Jesus was simply the son of Mary and a prophet
of God.
This is to deny the main teaching of the Scriptures, the original sin and the ransom sacrifice
there are all sorts of interesting teachings.
you must be DISCREET after you have examined it then remember the Moslems are a very devoted
people as you see at prayer time and are cousins of the Jews.
you can buy a copy from a half price Books store for less than $10.00