Never in a million years.
JoinedPosts by yaddayadda
Do you think that "JW's" will get rid of the "Paradise earth" doctrine?
by booker-t inwith all of the changes regarding the 1935 closing of the heavenly calling that jw's taught for over 70 years what will be the next thing to go in their doctrinal system.
will they one day say"we were wrong the earth is going to burn up and all christians will go to heaven".
russell was right after all and yes the "great crowd" will indeed go to heaven.nothing suprises me anymore with the jw's.
Do you still feel guilty, not going to the memorial?
by JH inthe first time i missed the memorial, i was sick and couldn't go, and felt guilty because that meeting was so important.. then another year, i missed again, this time i wasn't sick.
i still felt guilty, because i still believed in the religion to a certain extent.
i didn't go because i didn't want to go back to the meetings, and feel trapped once more.. maybe some feel guilty that they aren't doing anything for the memorial or easter, depending which religion you think is right, because after all jesus did say to remember him..
A little, but only because my mother will be upset by my non-attendance.
Are you a faster typer because of the forum?
by avidbiblereader inmost people that i am around in real estate are peckers or pickers, they can't type fast, has the forum made you a faster typer.. yes or no?.
Yep it helps. I taught myself to touch type years ago. Best thing I ever did. Saves me hours at work. I am up to 80 WPM and I'm a bloke.
Who wants to see this year's DC invitation?
by sir82 inif someone is willing to host them, send me your e-mail address in a pm.
i will send you 4 scanned jpg files, of the invitation & boe letters associated with it.. .
teaser: there are some brand-new, unprecedented features to this year's dc!.
Come on, just scan them and stick them up here for everyone to see ya big tease.
King of South Still Pushing
by proplog2 inthis is a link to a rather long article:
many on this board have thrown out bible prophesy along with the watchtower.
even the watchtower has stepped away from identifying the new king of the north.
I find it astounding how a self confessed atheist can get so steamed up about interpretations of bible prophesy.
Parallels between Jonestown and WT org?
by skeptic1914 inhow many saw the recent "jonestown-paradise lost" on the history channel?
i realize the suicide/murder of over 900 in jonestown, guyana on novemebr 18, 1978 may be old news but i've always been interested in how cult leaders hold power over their believers.
i've been reluctant to classify jw as a cult but some obvious parallels struck me:.
There are obvious parallels but beyond a certain point the comparison becomes a real stretch.
Perhaps in decades to come if the organisation splintered then you might find some small clique that becomes extreme and radical like Jonestown did. But presently the comparison wears thin. -
NWT Contradictions on the Identity of Christ.
by roflcopter inso in doing some research into the identity of christ we all know that the nwt quotes john 1:1 as: .
2 this one was in [the] beginning with god.
yet lets rewind a little bit here in our copies of the nwt and go to isiah 43:10: .
The word 'God' has shades of meaning. The simple defense is that there is a scriptural distinction that can be shown between the one true Almighty God, the God of Israel Jehovah, and all other gods, even Jesus. Even Israel's judges are called 'gods' in the OT, a point Jesus noted. So Jehovah saying that before or after him there is no other God means that only he will forever be the 'only true God', as Jesus himself acknowledged at John 17:3. Rather than Jesus indicating he was the one true God along with the Father (a contradiction in itself), any apparent allusions to Jesus as 'God' should be read as Jesus acting as a divine agent, a representative Son sent by his Father Jehovah. This is how any OT titles or roles applied to Jesus that were originally ascribed to Jehovah should be intepreted. Eg, Emmanual meaning 'God is with us' means Jehovah is with Israel through Jesus, not literally as him.
King of South Still Pushing
by proplog2 inthis is a link to a rather long article:
many on this board have thrown out bible prophesy along with the watchtower.
even the watchtower has stepped away from identifying the new king of the north.
The Cuban missle Crisis was a lot worse. Why should one read so much into the US's intentions to put a few more nukes in Europe. Naturally Putin is going to spew a bit over it but that's what politicans and diplomats do.
WTS misrepresented what CTR wrote
by Doug Mason init is bad to make a false and misleading prophecy.
it is worse to later infer that the prophecies were correct.
in 1973, at the height of the frenzied anticipation for the imminent start of the millennium in 1975, the wtbts published gods kingdom of a thousand years has approached.
You are right, but this kind of criticism hardly makes a dent with most JW's because they are convinced that it has to be more than just coincidence that Russell pointed to 1914 as a 'marked year' in bible prophecy and WW1 erupted in that very year - an event that numerous statesman and historians describe as a significant 'turning point' in modern history.
<br><br>Russell did, after all, predict something tumultous in store for the gentile 'nations', and WW1 was certainly tumultuous for Europe. That's good enough for most JW's. Thus the great majority of them remain spellbound by Russell's chronology after all these years, and even after learning that Russell stated 1914 was to be the terminus ad quem of the last days, not the beginning of them.
So most JW's feel comfortable in defending the accusation that this was a 'false prophecy' by Charles Russell. There are better examples of 'false prophesying' by the Watchtower Society imho. -
Watchtower 1914 Statements. Don't they know?
by prophecor inhave witnesses been informed about the statement on the inside cover of wt regarding 1914 is no longer an issue.
do they realise that the statement has been removed?
i was in the supermarket and a brother from my old congo asked what hall i attended now.
Prophecor, presumably you are referring to the change in the statement of purpose for Awake! magazine from this:
"Most importantly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." (pre November 1995) this:
"Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things." (November 8 1995)
I'd say less than 5% of JW's noticed this sneaky little change and that's being generous. (Compare Deuteronomy 18:21-22.)
This change in the Awake!'s stated purpose was necessitated by their technically ending the connecton of 'the generation' to 1914 and replacing it with this:
On page 17 of the November 1 1995 Watchtower, in the article "A Time to Keep Awake", the Society stated:
"Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics."
The theme was expanded on page 19 of the same magazine:
"Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, "this generation" apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways."
Of course, since 'the sign of Christ's presence' is still taught by the Society as having been in evidence since 1914, the link is subtly still there in many JW's minds.