The USSR was a command economy and the Watchtower world is a command theocracy. The Watchtower superfine apostles are control-freaks obsessed with monopolising the information flow. They are shit-scared of any independent clique of elders congealing and gaining momentum.
The restoration of primitive Christianity? Yeah right! Show me in the bible where the so-called first century Governing Body completely controlled all teaching in the congregations.
True Christianity means handing your brain over to the Watchtower overlords.
JoinedPosts by yaddayadda
Does anyone have the new guidelines for taking the Watchtower Study?
by jwfacts ini just read the following on another discussion board.. the body of elders had received a letter from the society outlining a load of petty, irritating rules on how to conduct the wt study and the elders weren't happy about it.
"pathetic" was the phrase my dad used, and i get the impression he wasn't the only elder who had used that expression.
has anyone heard of this or have a copy of the letter?.
Is the WTS saying Armageddon is 'delaying' - Matt 24:45-47?
by yaddayadda inyes, it appears they are.
there seems to be a trend lately for the watchtower society to increasingly refer to habakkuk 2:3 and indicate that we are now in a period of 'delay' before armageddon.
for the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie.
Ok, thanks for looking up those quotes Leolaia. So much for that theory. I could've sworn there were more quotes in recent years that alluded to some kind of 'delay' period the Society hints we are in. It may have been a talk I heard around 1999 (something about how we are all sitting in the theatre now, the lights have gone out, and we're just waiting for the curtains to go up.)
Nevertheless, the Society seem to be increasingly acknowledging that many JW's thought the end would have come by now, especially those who have been in the 'truth' for ages. There has been a palpable sense of this in the congregations, particularly since 2000. Everyone except the youth and newly baptized ones is wondering why this system is dragging on for so long.
The irony is the more that JW's puzzle over why the end hasn't come yet, the more they believe it must be ever so close now. The Society has built up so much expectation that the end is near, at hand, close, soon, imminent, that the JW's are all sitting on the edge of their seats now, literally imagining it must be right around the corner now, surely just on the horizon. It's the same mentality as an addicted pokie machine player who has sat at the same machine for hours and hours and hours, but refuses to give up because he is just so sure that he is going to strike the big one any second.
Remember this quote? It really sums up the JW mentality right now:
'You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth', page 32-33, para 20:
20 How should you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, traveling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not. What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubborness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life!
Most JW's have invested far too much time, money, and emotion in the belief that the end of this system of things is just around the corner. They've been following a road-map that always tells them the end of the road is just up ahead. When the journey has been so long and you've invested so much it's easier to just ignore the doubts and keep going. Too late to turn back now. Cross your fingers and hope for the best. -
Is the WTS saying Armageddon is 'delaying' - Matt 24:45-47?
by yaddayadda inyes, it appears they are.
there seems to be a trend lately for the watchtower society to increasingly refer to habakkuk 2:3 and indicate that we are now in a period of 'delay' before armageddon.
for the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie.
Yes, it appears they are. There seems to be a trend lately for the Watchtower Society to increasingly refer to Habakkuk 2:3 and indicate that we are now in a period of 'delay' before Armageddon. This is peculiar in terms of Matthew 24:45-47 where Jesus warned about a wicked slave who would say in his heart 'My master is delaying' and start to beat his fellow slaves.
Here are two I found (pre-2000):
*** w97 1/1 12 The Greater Glory of Jehovah's House ***
2 From these words of Jesus, we gather that our work today must focus on preaching to others “the glorious good news of the happy God,” with which we are entrusted. (1 Timothy 1:11) The more we happily immerse ourselves in Jehovah’s service, the faster the end will appear to come. At Habakkuk 2:2, 3, we read Jehovah’s words: “Write down the vision, and set it out plainly upon tablets, in order that the one reading aloud from it may do so fluently. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.” Yes, “the vision” will come true “even if it should delay.” In this the 83rd year of Jesus’ Kingdom rule, some may feel that we are in a period of delay right now. Should we not be happy, though, that the end has not yet come? During this decade of the 1990’s, restrictions on preaching the good news have been lifted, miraculously it would seem, in Eastern Europe, parts of Africa, and other lands. [b]The apparent “delay” is allowing time for many more “sheep” to be gathered from these territories that have recently opened up [/b].—John 10:16.
*** w98 11/15 16-17 Walking With God-With Eternity in View ***
6 In part, Jehovah answered Habakkuk in these words: “The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:3) God thus made it known that he would act at “the appointed time.” [b]Though there might seem to be a delay, Jehovah will fulfill his purpose—without fail! [/b]—2 Peter 3:9.
(Sorry unable to format the quotes as use Firefox)
I only have the Watchtowr CD-rom up to 1999. Could someone with the latest CD-rom please, pretty please, do a search on Habakkuk 2:3 from 2000 on to see if they can find any more quotes where the Society are hinting at Jesus 'delaying'. -
ThE recENt Watchtower coVer!!!- May 07
by themonster123 inhas anyone seen the recent cover of the watchtower?!
i think it's may or something-it's really hard to look at.
it just has a bunch of people looking upwards- the title is "what does the messiah's coming mean to you?
NoPE I haVEn't sEEn it YeT.
Attended Memorial Service, disgusted...
by Wasanelder Once inout of loyalty to a friend that died i went to his memorial service today.
get this, in 30 minutes of service his name was said 3 times.
three times.
Strange. The two JW funeral services I went to in the last couple of years were quite balanced. They had a range of people getting up and giving experiences about the persons life, including one or two non-JW relatives, but there was also some preachy stuff. The focus was on the person with some stuff about the resurrection, etc, thrown it, because that was what the person believed and would have wanted everyone to hear. The preachy stuff certainly wasn't the main part of it. Seemed fair enough.
Maybe it varies from region to region.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. -
Paris Hilton headed to prison
by Elsewhere ini wonder if she will do a "simple life - prison style"... of course it will be one of those "women in prison" movies that are shown on late night cable.
(not that i would know anything about such movies .
Serves the tart right!
She's nothing but a snooty, spoilt, super-rich brat. The media is absolutely obsessed with this stupid tart. What on earth has she ever done to deserve all this attention besides being Mr Hilton's brat daughter! Makes me sick. -
ALERT: All Child Abuse Lawsuits have been settled. Millions cashed out???
by What-A-Coincidence inre:
a bethel insider in the know told me that all of the child abuse lawsuits where the watchtower bible and tract society was one of the defendants were settled back in the beginning of this year.
i questioned it and called napa myself and they were absolutely settled back then.
So how come the Catholic Church has been dragged over the coals in the media numerous times over this issue but the Watchtower Society gets off scott-free? Surely the Vatican has been prepared to settle just like the WTS has?
I'm amazed that none of the claimants declined to settle so they could see the Watchtower Soc hauled through the courts and suffer public humiliation. Obviously they had a very good claim for the Society to offer to settle. Why has it just boiled down to money for these claimants? Why weren't they anxious to see the Watchtower Society brought to their knees on this so they are forced to change their policy? Don't they care about all the other victims out there, past, present, and future?
Something smells fishy about this whole thing. -
Plucking rafters from thine eye...
by Crumpet inokay anyone got a cure for styes - i'm not sure it is a stye - just my eye is twitching and its really annoying.
anyway i can stop it short of pegging my eyelid?
i am not going to america with a twitch - you'll think all us english folks have that problem.. .
A badly twitching eyelid is a sign of a significant calcium deficiency. Try an organic, bioavailable source of calcium, such as unsulphured blackstrap molasses, coral calcium, etc.
upcoming convention titles
by MR. BORN AGAIN incan someone please let me know what the upcoming convention titles are?
i think that someone posted them in the past.
i just want to know so that i will have somewhat of an up and up after my family members are full on all the wt spiritual food?
Here are a few talks to be given at this year's DCs:
Do Not Follow False Teachers
Do Not Follow False Stories
Keep Following The Lamb Wherever He Goes
My Sheep Listen To My Voice ... and They Follow Me
Help Them Return To The Flock -
by nvrgnbk incentury is no where in sight!.
what the hell happened?.
Oh didn't you hear it was a misprint. They meant the 21st century! Do more til 2094!