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JoinedPosts by Borgia
WORLDS APART: Actors Going in Service
by compound complex inthe orthodox muslim faith is a constant source of debate in the western world today, and it would be obvious to draw a parallel between saras dilemma and the difficult situation of young muslim girls in a western country like denmark today.
director niels arden oplev has openly stated that this was a parallel he had in mind when he made to verdener.. .
sara goes proselytizing with her father (jens jrn spottag) and younger sister (sarah juel werner).
For the converts: Do you ever feel your life has come full circle?
by truthseeker injust a thought for those of you who converted to jwdom.. now that you're out, or in the process of leaving, do you feel that your life has come more or less full circle?.
do you feel that you're back where you started?.
Nope! Not full circle, not crazy iwan, spiral, or whatever.
As far as my situation is now, I consider it profit / loss situation. Over the course of my JW period though I had been a religious dumbhead, from a business point of view I'm not bad off. Maybe I could have been better off if I had used my time better. But that's hypothesizing. I'm afraid my wife will never leave jw-land but have good hope that my kids will.......
When it comes to God. I'm atheist, so I've gone from dependent to independent mindset. That's not even close to a circle. But certainly something of the opposite heading....
Borgia -
I asked about the Sept 2007 okm
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini am already getting some answers.
please check it out and respond if you like.. thanks!.
hm....I tried to get back to the page of your question but yahoo said it was deleted. Then I tried it through my profile. But again: answer deleted. Strange.....First it was cut in half, now totally deleted.
Well, you can't win 'm all.....
Borgia -
A way to destroy the Watchtower! -- This will really work!
by AlmostAtheist in
(aw phooey!
the link doesn't work!
I liked the demonstrations....
Borgia -
I have forsaken my dedication
by wobble ini don't think you can, because they are completely fixated with territory maps, hours and doors to knock on (and literature to present).. how many years have jws been active in the uk?
well over a century.. how many hours were spent "preaching" in the uk last year?
must be well over 500,000 hours.. if you were to ask a member of the public what jws believe, now many would you have to ask before anyone mentioned god's kingdom?
if post 1985: Yes you have.
If pre-1985: you have not.
It feels good, does it not?
Borgia -
I asked about the Sept 2007 okm
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini am already getting some answers.
please check it out and respond if you like.. thanks!.
I wrote a little response with reference to the organisation book, elder manual and other material.
I hop it will be helpful.
Borgia -
Less Focus on Doctrine, More Focus on OBEDIENCE.
by easyreader1970 ini went to the convention this past weekend.
it was a bit different than most conventions i have gone to (all 26 of them).
there was pretty much no doctrine presented at this convention at all.
obedient Look up obedient at
c.1225, from O.Fr. obedient (11c.), from L. obedientem (nom. obediens), prp. of oboedire "to obey" (see obey). Obedience in ref. to dog training is attested from 1930.
obeisance Look up obeisance at
c.1374, "act or fact of obeying," from O.Fr. obeissance "obedience," from obeissant, prp. of obeir "obey," from L. oboedire (see obey). Sense in Eng. alt. late 14c. to "bending or prostration of the body as a gesture of submission or respect" by confusion with abaisance.Not much difference is there.........Golden Calf alert!
Borgia -
Do Paul's Letters Really Count?
by almostbitten inif there is anyone here with some heavy bible knowledge, i would like to throw this nugget up in the air.
in 2 timothy 3:16, paul reminds us that "all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching...." nwt (because that was the version that was sitting nearby).
my question is: did paul consider the personal letters he wrote to the various churches and to timothy, titus, and philemon as scripture?
He was referring to those pieces of scripture Timothy had known since childhood. That would exclude many if not all of the NT books. Check the list in your NWT with bible books and their presumed date of writing against what you think has been Timothy's age when receiving the letter you refert to.
The rest is as they say history.
Borgia -
new light on blood ;-)
by processor inawaken in gilead wrote on may 26th:.
i like the point that plasma is 90% water.
this means that jws should reject water since it is a component of blood.
I like it. You wrote in a good tradition of that of Erasmus: Praise of Folly.....The first book I read about the follies of religion.....
Borgia -
CO sez...(ladies, cover your eyes)
by sir82 in..."i am fully convinced that the devil knew that as his old system of things crumbled, he wouldn't be able to keep people from listening to us.. "so you know what he did?
he got the women out of the house and sent them off to work.. "now when we go door to door, the only ones we find home are the dogs.".
i warned ya!
Pantyhose:...What rubbish is that.... stockings