Interesting read!
The rewards of membership are found in possessing and proclaiming the truth, rather than in access to rituals, emotionally uplifting worship, or a range of social opportunities.
note "emotionally uplifting worship" and "range of social opportunities". Assemblies are for some persons an utter flesh market where they can finally check out the hot studs and girls.............An assembly can be emotional uplifting if you allow to get carried away by the whim of today. But if you use your's rather an emotional wearing experience. Ther meetings.....well.......the ROI here is quite spent 4 hours (2 hours prep + 2 hours attendence) and what do you get?
Meetings resemble training seminars more than conventional religious services.
Sure enough. The 5 minute song and prayer are only about what you need to do. Check the any song. Hardly any song is related to praise. But mostly related to what you need to do...e.g. you are falling short again! So is prayer. It in effect says this: listen Lord, we're stupid so we need you spirit to understand your ideas. On top of being stupid for not understanding we're being stupid for sinning. So we need you spirit to do the right thing. We know you find sinning heavily offensive (why do we like it by the way?) but maybe want to forgive us. Let's now start with the training seminar.......
The difficulty is that if recruitment appears to be the raison d'etre of activity,
It not only appears to be, it is propounded as the main reason the "christian cong" exist at all. Social cohesion is only a means to an end..........
and then for extended periods not merely the individual publisher but the entire congregation experience no success, the consequential loss of morale could be substantial.
This ties in with uplifting assemblies. That's why you have 3 of which one is a biggie. Read "merchants of deception" and you'll see it is a clever ploy to keep people attached.
If members stay firm in their faith
That's the problem, is it not. Many members to not stay firm in their faith. Check out the WT's and you'll soon find that faith in the visible representation of the WTS is important to remain a strong going JW
and enjoy the solidarity that comes from mutual striving (however fruitless),
Although there is encouragement to disciple making.......I fail to see the mutual striving. Maybe a covert jealousy. But the interesting thing is it does not invoke a major thrust to improve own skills and opportunities. I wonder how deeply entrenched this disciple making wish actually is?
the position is sustainable.
As we all know the growth comes from a few areas: foreign language (poor bastards who all want a better life in a country where they have social isolation) and kids. 67% is falling away.......
If they are more like members of a pyramid scheme that must continue to grow in order to survive, however, the prospects may be bleak.
Quite a mathematical approach.....what this does not take into account is one major spoiler: END TIME!.........