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spoiler alert: please do not watch this video if you've never seen the film, 'the sixth sense'.
the youtube is not about the film, but the film will be ruined for you, if you view this video prior to the film.
"i'm reasonably certain the sun will rise tomorrow.
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okay...i'm a hardcore skeptic and i admit it.
i have no use for the supernatural at all.. having said that though, once in a great, great while i'm truly, honestly stumped.
one instance was a book i read in the early 1970's entitled, arigo: surgeon of the rusty knife.
Do you have access to and can your read/ understand German?
I've been wondering aboutthese things as well. German Television Corporation ZDF has for decades financed the series Terra X in which teams of scientists have tried to cautch sathya baba and rifa'i masters red handed with high speed camera's etc, etc. Nothing so far I know off. To me it is clearly something out of the ordinary, but to apportion that to the supernatural .... I'd like to think we not yet know the natural explanation due to absence of a framework. At least that is what history tells me.
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
What? A lie? Of course not. Those guys are alive and kicking ..... invisibly in heaven sitting on their big asses waiting till they can step on some dragon.
so the elders are coming by for a shepherding call on tuesday.
i am not ready to "out" myself just yet.
i don't know how to act when they are there.
O very simply. We had these encouragemen visits go over us just like that. Let them take the lead. They will probably want to read a scripture or two, asking your wife to read them and for commentary, ignoring you being the head of your family. Then they will probably want to make some appointment to do some witnessing, like coming saturday. Your answer is not a glaring no, but something to the effect of thank you brother, we will consider these things under prayer. (Hasta la vista, baby)
That's most likely it.
But what if your wife starts to bring up your critical attitude. That's what happened to me you see. In such a case, you are screwed! Depending on what you want to achieve you might want to chose to give them a real blast or be as non-judgemental as you can be and trying to convey your being willing to give the advantage of doubt.
I gave them the full blast in such a way, that there was no denying, but I always kept it friendly and forthcoming. So the end of the story was that they just had to accept it as a given and that I was not "yet ready" to return to the fold ....
Anyways, you can have a real good time when it comes to this. Prerequisite is that you are at peace with where you are now. Any anger and negative emotion towards the borg is not very helpful, unless of course you want to skin these guys ....
in the bible at 2 chron 17: 9, 10 it points out that all the nations that were around judah were in dread of jehovah, seemingly because in vs. 9 it mentions that "and they began teaching in judah, and with them there was the book of jehovah's law, and they kept going around through all the cities of judah and teaching among the people.
" this to me seems ridiculous, why would any nation be in dread of a god they didn't worship?
how were all the nations around judah to know of thsi god jehovah?
Couple of reasons:
1) This story was crafted with a political agenda. Hence the inconsistencies
2) This explains why they had to go round and teach. THe books of Moses were "lost" or rather they had just been crafted. And now the whole country had to get submerged into this new religion.
For examples of this see: Akhnaton, the wars in Brittain: Britons, Saxons, Vikings, Christians. All had a different God. Conquered territories had to accept the new religion by forced conversion. (It was a sign of submission to the new ruler. A biblical example: Nebu had the hebrews in the oven for this very reason)
oddly enough....the governing body don't make the policies; the policies make the governing body!.
think of it this way.... the economy is every transaction, asset and liability within our country which is inside a greater context of the world markets.. each family has their little piece of the greater pie: debts, savings, purchases, credit-you name it.. but--get this--nobody is in charge of the economy.
nobody runs it.
I guess I can agree with the post title. Many of the policy changes are steered by legal department. Within a framework of religious understanding: like: the evil doer must be done away with, legal jumps in to devise a 10 step policy to implement the idea. The boys and boys on the GB team only have to say yes or abstain. As with any organisation, be it the state embodied in a person like a king or emperor, a committee, there are those in the hallways of power. One could say the invisible equal to the civil servant.
Here is where policy is being made. And nowher else. Policy is an expression of a strategic view. It is never made by those who decide. But by those who influence the decisionmaker(s)
Life after people .....
I just imagine in some future that some historian will try to figure out what the hell these people had in common. I think the hypothesis will go the direction of a home for elderly and disadvantaged.
Again I'm reminded of Jesus words that heaven and earth will pass sooner than his words .... I guess the above is living proof of that ... keep waiting!
just had 2 elders invite me to my judicial meeding about my marriage of two years.
they think my husband was not legaly divorced.
but he was and i had 3 lawyers tell me he was.
I am 100% inocent in this and think this is the USA inocent till proven guilty and I am Inocent
Problem is: they do not have to apply this. Innocent presumption is not what they are dealing with. They look, find a reason and will form a JC. And if you are not bending under their scrutiny, then you are rebellious. Even if the reason for a JC is found to be superfluous, they may DF you just the same. And with the new elders book, it will not get any better.
So, in your case, don' t even bother to sent any paperwork. It's not their business and you are not under any obligation or sanction to cooperate other than facing being DF-ed for rebellion.
When I was cleaning up my emails today, I stumbled across an email exchange with some brothers of which one is highly critical of theJw procedures in these matters. The response from the apologetic JW:I have not yet met you in person but if you continue like this, I won't be bothered to meet you at all. .......What you are divulging about this brother brings reproach on Jehovah's name. ...... You are dscrediting Jehovah's organisation ......
After all the bla bla ... the zealous and pious will want to keep the dirty laundry hidden because they are convinced that the two most powerful beings in the universe cannot keep their own name clean and need a little help from mortal imperfect men. RIGHT!!!!
Only when it comes to facists .... be they political, religious or commercial.