Usually just a bud light....but tonight.....Jack and Coke...yum...
JoinedPosts by mariposa
Your Drink (in pub, bar or club/restaurant/home)
by KW13 in.
i love carling 'extra cold' lager.. .
i am going to the pub tonight - whoo!
The kitty kat who stuttered...
by mariposa ina teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students.
beings are the only animals that stutter", she says.. .
A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students. "Human
beings are the only animals that stutter", she says.
A little girl raises her hand. "I had a kitty-cat who stuttered", she
The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become,
asked the girl to describe the incident.
"Well", she began, "I was in the back yard with my kitty and the
rottweiler who lives next door got a running start and before we knew
it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!
"That must've been scary", said the teacher.
"It sure was", said the little girl. "My kitty went 'Fffff, Fffff,
and before he could say "F**k," the rottweiler ate him!" -
Small Business Banking
by mariposa in.
this has absolutly nothing to do with the dubs but i was hoping maybe some of ya'll could help me.... i have had it with my bank.
This has absolutly nothing to do with the dubs but I was hoping maybe some of ya'll could help me...
I have HAD it with my bank, Suntrust and am looking for a new one for my company. Do any of you guys have business banking experience with other banks, good or bad? I was thinking of going with Wachovia, they seem to have alot of commercials for small businesses, but I truthfully have no idea if they are ok. Please help!!!! I need to do this asap! Thanks!
Permanent Make-Up
by AudeSapere inpermanent make-up.
has anyone here looked into it?
are you happy you did it and how often to you have to have it touched up?.
The second to the last congregaion was in, it was IN thing to do. There were a couple sisters who had just moved here from Columbia or Venezuela and it was the fad there too. Mostof them were getting the eyebrows, eyeliners and lip liners done. It wasn't very much money, like $75.00 or so for each thing, but it was sisters who were doing it to you. There was even an elder's wife who had it done w/o his knowledge because he had told her no.
They kept trying to get me to go for it since I have red hair and blonde eyelashes and eyebrows and they wanted to see how it would look on me. But I work outside and don't wear too much makeup, I thought it would look pretty stupid since I couldn't keep up with all the other makeup on a daily basis. I'd be the freak landscaper...AHHHHHHH
Something Jakes said
by Annie Over ini'v been lurking for a few months, but something jakes said about the 2005 wt caused me to think about what a brother said one sunday in one of the very last talks i attended in 2005. he said, "you have to believe what the society says, even if the bible doesn't say it, because after all, they are your brothers".
i was thinking about going back at the time, but that statement really floored me.. that statement along with the unfair way i was treated has caused me not to go back to the meetings.
but even so, i am still pretty much confused, as i still believe they have more truth than other religions.
Hey Annie
Glad you found this place too! I can relate to being treated unfairly as can many of the people here!
Take your time to tell your story if you need to. I still haven't told mine
Was there anyone in your congregation that you couldn't get to like?
by JH ini won't use the word "hate", but were there some in your congregation that you just couldn't get along with?.
i recall a brother in my congregation, he was single about 50 years old, and he never smiled, and seemed very rigid and he loved to criticize and say the opposite of everything i would say, when we talked together.. i went to the mall a few weeks ago, and came face to face with him, and he totally ignored me.
so, then i thought to myself, that maybe he is dfd.
There was this one girl about the same age who had been in the troof since birth. Her family was well at anointed etc...
I couldn't stand her..all she tried to do was one-up me. Here I am this new worldy girl and all she could talk about was how she had done this one thing or another that was "Oh my, scandalous" like drink a few beers and a SHOT or dance with 3 different bethelites at the same dance.
I was like girl - you have no idea what I've done or been through. But then that stuff doesn't account for anything cause I was in the world when it happened. She was so damn arrogant and this was a WITNESS!!! Big shocker, eh? I wish I could see her now. I'd love to go up to her and just give her a good smack right across the face.
Is this life all there is???
by Core88 ini have been a df'ed witness for two years now.
i have had a son around that same time moved twice and changed jobs all around that same time.
it has been the hardest two years of my life.
Welcome Core88 -
We're kinda in the same timeframe - it's been about 3 years since I faded and I had been ready to go back when I found this site a year ago. I still don't know what to believe about this life that we live and I surely don't have any ideas of what happens when we die. I'm just living for the moment and we'll see what happens next. This past year has been a blur...I got a 12 month old, we moved ,I started a business so I really haven't had too much time to think about it.
I really took to heart what James Thomas said. I hope you get as much out of the people here as I have!
I Want a Tat.
by lost_light06 inok, so im now a big fan of the show miami ink.
after watching this show and seeing the amazing artists and their work i have realized that i want a tat.
i want something with my kids names in it.
I wouldn't worry about being marked and I don't know if it's df'ing offense to get one while still active. Did you grow up in the troof or were you brainwashed like me? I had 3 when I became a dub. One on my ankle that everyone saw all the time...what am I gonna do..wear bobbie socks with heels to go with all that meeting garb?
Just make sure you really want what's gonna be written! I have one I don't want anymore.
I think going with something about your kids would be nice. Let us know what you decide on!! Be careful....they can be addictive!!!!
My Cake is Doughy in the Middle
by Gary1914 ini am trying to help my wife out by baking a pound cake.
i volunteered after going over the recipe.
actually it seemed simple enough and i thought it would be a snap to do.. i was wrong.. the problem is it looks fine in the oven.
Yeah, my question is the long are you cooking it for? It sounds like you need to cook it longer.
We just moved to a rental house that's old and the heater element in the oven cooks on like nuclear! I can't cook anything over 300 degrees cause it will burn. I've done 2 cakes and I keep checking em every once in a while. Stick a knife (or toothpick) into the middle and see if anything sticks to it. If it does keep cooking until it comes out clean.
I was inactive for about 2 years and was on my way back when I found this place. I was inactive beacuse I just couldn't cut it and figured I wasn't good enough to keep up with all the spiritual
rulesguidelines. So for 2 years I lived in fear that I would die in the big A, Jehovah's big thumb would come down and smush me. I drank myself silly, went back to smoking and somewhere in there got married to a worldly guy and had a little girl.I figured I don't mind if I die but I don't want my little munchkin to suffer the same fate. All I thought about was this one article about a woman who had a baby and went back...I kept repeating it over and over in my head and decided it would be the best path for me. So I was planning on going back when I did the NO-NO. Googled the dubs on the internet...and here I am.
I think everyone has their own reasons for wanting to go back to the org.