During the winter I also suffer from a funk and I feel like such a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins.
On warm sunny winter days, like today, when I get down, I go outside with no hat and in a short sleeve shirt and just stand in the sun. I close my eyes, clear my mind, ignore everything around me, breathe deeply and just stand and absorb the sun for 5-20 minutes. It usually makes me feel much better. But then again I can do that in New Mexico, I don't know how cold it is in Mississippi.
As far as Art and music you might try a different form. I can't draw either, but I can draft the crap out of anything on the computer (I see CAD as a form of art), I can't play an instrument, but I can download music like no other. I can't write a novel (short storys maybe, but not novels) but I file folders like there is no tomorrow. Not everybody is perfect at everything, everyone is different, you just need to find out what you are good at and stick to it.
Sorry about your job, something that helps me at work is to remember that my job is not WHO i am, but it is mearly WHAT I do to make a living, it IS NOT my life, it is only PART of my life. There are ALWAYS going to be people that are unfairly premoted ahead of you so don't worry about CAN'T change and only work on the things you CAN change.
You might take that dog poo shoe and put it in the office of the someone else that was promoted ahead of you. lol