JoinedTopics Started by Sheepish
The Eden Story
by choosing life inin the garden of eden, god supposedly didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
he preferred they remain innocent and incapable of deciding for themselves what is right or wrong.. along comes satan who wants them to eat of this tree and says they will become like god, knowing good and bad for themselves.
he says they will be like god.. as we all know, they chose to eat and find out what they were missing.
Let the stones cry out!
by WTWizard inhow often have you heard the phrase "if we don't preach, the stones would cry out"?
this is in regard to the ministry.. what i cannot figure out is (1) this is so urgent that we have to be out 18+ hours a day doing it, (2) we have to endure all sorts of conditions to accomplish our ministry, and (3) we are supposed to get it perfect so people can be drawn in.
so, why don't the stones get to help us out?
Why return to the "New World"?
by hamsterbait inafter years of hawking "new order" and "new system of things", why are the wtbcs using a term that to my ears at least sounds antiquated?.
has the writing committee got different personnel again.
so can we expect the return of other ideas??.
More fanatical?
by Agnostic Front inhi all, i came to this site a few months ago looking for some advice regarding my involvment with a jw girl, i was under the impression that love was the most important thing in a relationship and that we could get around the whole 'she's a witness and i'm not' thing, the responses i received soon cleared my head of those thoughts!
i've since made the break with elizabeth and feel so much better, although it was a painful thing to do, i still bump into her every once in a while and receive an endless stream of jw literature and invitations to various gatherings in the post, the latest being a three day convention, i read the stuff and become more convinced with every one that i've done the right thing.
i'm still trying to work out how otherwise intelligent people can be sucked in by this bs, i hope one day that she may see the light, not so we can get together but because she's a great person.
Anyone done much study on MEMEs? Curious...
by Dogpatch inmeme, myself, i. .
susan blackmore.
new scientist 13 march 1999 40-44. also published at new scientist, archive 13 march 1999hold out your arm in front of you.
Door to door non-denomination christians
by Bob Loblaw inso a young man and a young woman approached my new investment property yesterday and opened with the line,..."hi, we are just talking to people in the neigborhood about jesus.
they were dressed in street clothes so i was kind of taken aback.
they are missionaries and there are group of about 15 of them that are attending to my neigborhood and surrounding neigborhoods.
Disgusting comment re: education from Tacoma 2007 District Convention
by Justitia Themis inthis is from saturday afternoon program.
the speaker first starts with what he called the "alphabet soup" of degrees....a.a., b.a., m.a., ph.d., etc.
; he said they were nothing more than "sheepskins on the wall.
Christmas photo............had to share
by Mulan inthis is my brother and me at my son's house last night (christmas).
the whole family was there, almost, that are not jw's anymore.
16 adults and 7 children.
Is America one big cult?
by barry indont get me wrong im not a yanky basher like some we know but when visiting my dad the other day got me thinking when he played a dvd he had.. the dvd was of a concert of religious music by the assembly of god and the sdas most of the program was very good with excellent prerformers and uplifting music.
i thought the sdas in the states looked like they were being influenced by the more charasmatic a of g people because many were raising there hands like the aof g do.. there was nothing too unusual until about two thirds through when some marines marched in with the yanky flag with a marine either side complete with rifle .
the remainder of the concert was dedicated to nationalistic hyms of which i cant recall the titles.