sunstarr, you made a good point - the begining of my post was more of a rant than anything else, kind of on topic, but unanswerable notheless. Thank you for keeping me honest.
As to my question of the difficulty of faith - I too know many many people who 'claim' to have faith, and yet they lead their lives to the contrary. I also know many people who lead fruitful, content and peaceful lives without the benefit of religious convictions.
I directed my question specifically to you as a person who seems to have an abundance of faith and my lack thereof could benefit from your experience, or you from mine. So please bear with me if I go off topic, I'll return eventually.
I was a person of faith at one time. I beleved in the promises that god made, I believed in the sacrifice of Jesus - all of it, I was a believer and I defended my belief to those of little faith, as you do now. Then I found out that my beliefs were wrong.
Some people leave the JW religion and find it easy to put their faith in another belief system, I do not.
I take faith very seriously - it is a relationship between a person and god. Going through the motions and not really believing isn't good enough, you have to believe with everything you are, and I did. Some people are rewarded for their faith, I was punished for mine. I don't blame god for my negative experience with the JWs, but my faith is broken - I can't fix it, I don't know how.
Faith is the hardest thing we can give. Putting everything I have and believe on the chopping block and waiting to see if I chose correctly, what could be harder than that?
You said you think faith is like an extra sense that allows you to be closer to god. What happens when that sense is covered by experience - my relationship with god has foundered to the point that I don't even know if he exists or not.
I don't know if you are going to respond, or how, but in this light how can you say faith is easy?