hi cordelia. i agree with vitty on this. being the person who is being hidden from the jw family i can tell you it hurts like hell. you owe it to your boyfriend to be honest with him. you owe it to yourself. if your own life is the one you wish to lead, honesty is the only option... it is real....telltruth
JoinedPosts by telltruth
ok i think i finally have made a decision
by Cordelia insoooooo any of you thats been following my threads thanks (and poor u) i have changed my mind so many times.
i have finally decided that i must stop trying to get reinstated, basically i got dfed 9 months ago had a boyfriend i felt i loved, was married tho still to my hubby who is only just starting to divorce me, (hes waited coz he keeps saying we could try again for the sake of our daughter but he would expect me to be completly in the 'truth') i hid the bf from my family coz they were so heartbroke and i decided to please them i would get reinstated and then fade, but as time went on i realised that wasnt an option as with a family like mine it would be so hard to do, plus there was the bf still hidden poor guy, anyway we spilt up several times, i was a complete physco i kept blaming him for everything,.
anyway last month i put my letter of reinstatement in and sat there scared stiff that they would reinstate me (as that would defo mean the end of the bf) they didnt reinstate me, and i blamed the bf and we spilt for good;.
Friday Night In Toronto...
by telltruth inhello everyone, hope all is well with all of you.
anyone who would like to be a part of a friday evening get together/apostafest in good old downtown toronto please jump in and we will make the arrangements.
hope to see a crowd, let's have some overdue fun.....telltruth
hello everyone, hope all is well with all of you. anyone who would like to be a part of a friday evening get together/apostafest in good old downtown toronto please jump in and we will make the arrangements. hope to see a crowd, let's have some overdue fun.....telltruth p.s: if any of you would like to keep your participation on the qt pm instead...
I got a nice surprise yesterday...
by Mastodon inmy wife and i started fading about 2 1/2 years ago, but for different reasons.
she had noticed the lack of love and justice in the congregations, even experienced some firsthand and the abusive conduct of elders against the r&f.
on the other side, i was starting my research on the wt and had pretty much decided i didn't want any part in the borg.
congratulations! you and your wife are very fortunate to have each others support. have the most wonderful christmas.......telltruth
I need help refuting a very common and stupid jw argument
by Check_Your_Premises in"if you participate in activity x it will leave less time for spiritual activities"
this i think is a false "or" type of fallacy.
as if our choices are a matter of choosing between non-spiritual or spiritual activities exclusively.
c_y_p.... i hope you are doing allright, all things considered. combatting anything jw with scripture never seems to get anywhere except running around in circular arguments. scripture is so full of triggers for the jw that you end up facing the good old blank stare, and being told to wait while i find the answer that will refute what you have said. (some elder somewhere will quote some nwt/wt blah,blah,blah) said answer will no doubt completely ignore or circumvent any point that you have no doubt made with considerable effort. remember what you said to me....they are right and you are wrong. instead it may be far more productive to capatilize on what your daughters' interests are. the idea of going to university under a previously mentioned "performance contract' seems like a great place to start. real schooling will present her with so much exposure to the real world among people who aren't constantly driving at her with wt doctrine. if any hard feelings towards this exposure develop they will not be directed at you. not to mention that she will be as all people do, wanting to fit in and belong amongst her new peers. this presents all sorts of opportunities for information from the real world and random knowledge outside of wt doctrines bubble. if presenting this idea to her and her mother/your wife brings up opposition perhaps you could pick up any old watchtower and point to the numerous mention and quoting of some highly qualified doctor or scientist. in fact there was in recent issue some heart warming story of some young jw who went on to become the youngest doctor ever(aren't jw's great) i wonder how one becomes a doctor or scientist that the wt feels fit to quote without a proper university education? just a thought.......telltruth.
"It is finished"; Now What is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Now What? injust thought that i would hop on real quick to share the news.
my fade was going very well, but i decided to end the charade.
i started feeling deceptive, letting them think i was still a good dub when i didn't believe anymore, so i decided to initiate a meeting with the elders.
very pleased to hear of your new found peace. congratulations and the best of everything in your life.......telltruth.
Prince lyrics...wow...
by wanderlustguy inlove, like a rose in bloom .
all of the rainbow children will feel it soon .
2 the east, word traveled about this energy .
this very confused dub goes to kh in toronto, lives here too. also parties on college..... but don't tell the elders.....
ontario, canada
by telltruth inhope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
hey everyone. i haven't heard from anyone regarding this weekend so i'm assuming we're looking at next weekend? i'm going out for a beer regardless, if anyone cares to join me please do. pm for details......telltruth
anyone feel like talking about whatever?
by telltruth ini hope everyone had a good day.
if anyone feels like a conversation please join in....telltruth.
mariposa.. hello and nice to hear from you. it has rained all day and continues as we speak. if you like i can can/jar/bucket some for you to spread on your plants. just realized i wrote can can.
anyone feel like talking about whatever?
by telltruth ini hope everyone had a good day.
if anyone feels like a conversation please join in....telltruth.
dan.... yipes! i hope you can recall your work. nothing worse than missing a key sometimes.
anyone feel like talking about whatever?
by telltruth ini hope everyone had a good day.
if anyone feels like a conversation please join in....telltruth.
good evening tetra. sounds like an interesting place to work. as far as some atheist babes, their are probably a growing number around here (wt exodus) perhaps a thread to locate some would be in order. I had noticed on another one of your threads that you had invited folks to pray in your direction..... if you get a moment from the babe search i could use an answer to my prayer.
tetragod, please give my friend the strength to open her eyes to the troof , start questioning and coming to her OWN conclusions regarding the wts. please keep her strong, safe and healthy.... i pray this in your name and all other gods of mercy. ......telltruth