there is potential in this practice of possessing information that one is not supposed to be aware of. much potential if as others have said, to be used carefully.... food at the right time you know......telltruth
JoinedPosts by telltruth
Cowardice -not handing out elders school notes
by stillajwexelder inso last night our po was all enthusiastic about the elders scholl (km school) he will be attending this weekend.
i just completely lost my courage.
i really wanted to hand him the notes i got from sir 82 on this site - toned down but basically with all the talk titles and synopsis on - without his comments!!
apocolypse delayed.....................................
by telltruth incan anyone tell me how many times the wts has changed or indicated a date for the end since 1975?.
actually if anyone feels like it just give me the whole bag o crap... from the beginning of the wts to what ever the date is now.
if there are direct quotes from the wt the better.
can anyone tell me how many times the wts has changed or indicated a date for the end since 1975?. actually if anyone feels like it just give me the whole bag o crap... from the beginning of the wts to what ever the date is now. if there are direct quotes from the wt the better. thank you.......telltruth
Did you get rid of most or all of your JW books and magazines?
by JH in.
if you didn't, what did you keep, and why?
i can understand wanting to throw out or destroy wt/jw stuff as theraputic, however directing past lit to someone collecting the stuff fo purposes "hanging them with ther own words" would ensure this stuff doesn't disappear. i'll bet that someone paying $400.00 for old jw stuff probably is a member trying to sweep the stuff under a rug....... telltruth
My One Year DA Anniversary
by GetBusyLiving inhey so today is my one year da anniversary from the evil clutches of the vile watchtower society.
tonight i'm going out to celeberate.
love you jwd folk, thanks for all your support over the months.
congratulations GBL, sounds like you have quite a party planned. enjoy!....telltruth
What are you Thankful for this year?
by Gretchen956 ini don't know about you all, but i've been out a long time, long enough to form some traditions.
this time of the year i get reflective about what i'm thankful for in my life.
here's my list (by no means complete, in no special order, but what i can think of off the top of my head):my brother came out safe from his fire and only lost a few possessionsthat i have two brothers of my family of seven siblings that i can be close to and we can all love each other unconditionally outside the borg.that i have a partner that puts up with me!that i have two dogs and two cats that make me smile and laugh out loud every day.that i have a son that i'm good good friends with.that i have a roof over my head and food to eat.that i have transportation to where i need to go.that i have love in my life.that i have my spiritual base.that i have a job to pay my bills and a little extra.for my friends.for jwd and all you awesome posters here.that despite problems, there is still beauty in this earth.that there are still good, generous people.. sherry
i am so thankful for jwd and the posters here. i am new to the board as the whole jw/wt thing is new to my life. someone who has become quite close to me is a jw and i guess that makes me a ubm. this forum has been very helpful so far and i can only hope will be of assistance to my friend in the future. i am thankful that those of you here who i have had a chance to communicate with have made me feel welcome....telltruth
happy anniversary mouthy.....telltruth
Two weeks 'til DA day?
by AuldSoul inif you have been following anything about my situation (likely not), i have been baptised for 20 years.
my profile (as of today) says:i have committed no immorality.
i have only stopped believing that the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses represents the interests of god in any way.
AuldSoul.. good luck with your situation. i thought that finally-free made a very good suggestion... writing a letter to all of your friends at the kh expressing your own version of the events prior to having it be announced for you.(and misrepresenting you as well)......telltruth.
by serendipity inhi, newbie here.
i'm a "liberal" jw (please don't hold that against me .
peace and love to all..... ~ serendipity ~
welcome Serendipity........telltruth
by Es inhey all.
one more week till my wedding hooray!!!!!!!!.
im so excited, as you all can prb tell i talk bout it all the time heheh sorry.. .
good luck es. wishing you and your future husband the best of everything together....telltruth
last night in toronto
by telltruth inhappy saturday everyone.
last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well.
something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved.
big willy... tallpenguin had her watch set so we would know when you were going in. we all knew you were there in spirit and we were thinking of you. next time some more people would be great, the more the merrier. florida is ONLY a 25hr drive away, so just leave early! new york, michigan, mississauga...(the infamous one) are even closer. get the lead out and attend the next time...soon i hope.......telltruth