There are over 20 students in one of the local halls.
I can't even begin to imagine all the qualifying statements that are going to be made by the elders... I know they really do not want to alienate the students.
WT Conductor: "So brothers, is this article saying we can't go to college?"
Elder in audience: "No, not at all... what it is recommending, though, is we should be encouraging our young children to make an increased share in field service their primary goal when they leave high school, and not to place secular goals higher than theocratic goals."
In essence, what this article is saying to youths is "pioneer for a couple of years after highschool, and then you can do what you want." Pioneering is seen more and more as a badge or ticket that gives you immunity during, and high respect after, your year or two of full-time service. This article will only make that situation worse. Heck, maybe someday we'll refer to this period as our two-year mission, and then give them scholarships once they've completed it! In 30 years we might even have our own Russel University! That puts us, oh I dont know, about 200 years behind the LDS.
JoinedPosts by daniel-p
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
The one thing that really pissed me off about this article (REALLY pissed off), was their references to secular sources including the Dept. of Labor, mentioning how 60% of students did not find employment that matched their major.
It is not a college's fault that their students change their mind in the future or are not very motivated. College is what you make of it. It does not even attempt to gauruntee employment any more than it gauruntees an enlightened and happy existence.
The WTS is so out of touch with reality its unbelievable - "why in the world would you want to go to college? Oh, it must only be because you want to make money! Not because you haven't found pioneering a satifying way of life and want to do something you like doing...." -
Do you still *want* to believe?
by daniel-p inif the answer is "yes," please explain why.
(i don't think this question needs explaining - i think you all know what i'm talking about.
If the answer is "yes," please explain why.
(I don't think this question needs explaining - I think you all know what I'm talking about.) -
Disturbing Information Passed on in Annual Elders Meeting?
by Dune inas you all may know, the elders around america have had (or will have) their annual meetings.
you know, the ones where they are trained and brought up to date about the whole scheme of things.. anyway, an elder who i happen to be close to was telling me yesterday that some troubling/disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide.
he also mentioned that it will be mentioned in watchtowers and km's in the next few months.. anyone know what he may be talking about?
I thought about this a little more and I actually have a pretty good hunch what they are talking about.
Apart from the usual porn/apostasy issues, I think the "disturbing trend" may include the blatant disregard of the WT doctrine.
Example 1: WTS highly discourages going to college. R&F listen, but send their kids anyway. Why? Because they have "seen the calamity." They themselves where the ones who raised their family while cleaning toilets or breaking their backs in construction. They simply are not abiding by the WTS council.
Example 2: WTS stresses over and over again the urgency of the times, to the point of apoplectic fits of Watchtower rhetoric. R&F don't like the ministry. Everyone just wants to do return visits. For one, no one listens unless they have some mental defficieny, and second, the Watchtower and Awake are embarrassing reading to recommend. The outcome? They are simply not listening to WTS direction.
A professor of mine once posed an interesting question: What would the government do if no one agreed to pay their taxes? What would happen if everyone refused to fight in a war? The answer is obvious. The "higher authority" would use any means necessary to retain their legitimacy. This situation is prevented and prepared for by the control of information/misinformation. I believe one way the WTS uses this tactic is in stressing the possibility of the future emergence "new light," in order to get the R&F to read their magazines. Everyone knows the only important stuff you're going to read is in the study articles because those are the only ones that are read by the majority. But what if the majority of the R&F simply do not listen to council anymore? They can't start drawing lines in the sand, that would deepen the fractures of the organization. The only thing to do is to [i]change with the majority.[/i] That is the only way to retain legitimacy, and thus the adherence of policy. The org. is long over due for some major overhauls, liberalizing doctine -
Likely, they simply could not take it down before this due to some city regulation of historical buildings. Perhaps some land-use moratorium ended, or something like that. As far as the Sun-god Egypt conspiracy goes, I couldn't care less. Anyone with any actual experience in the organization knows this is a completely redundant issue that just detracts from the real reasons we have for leaving the org.
Disturbing Information Passed on in Annual Elders Meeting?
by Dune inas you all may know, the elders around america have had (or will have) their annual meetings.
you know, the ones where they are trained and brought up to date about the whole scheme of things.. anyway, an elder who i happen to be close to was telling me yesterday that some troubling/disturbing things has been going down in congregations worldwide.
he also mentioned that it will be mentioned in watchtowers and km's in the next few months.. anyone know what he may be talking about?
I can assure you there is nothing new under the sun. "Troubling things" can only mean 2 things: Porn and Apostasy. Both brought on by the internet, of course. Read: more articles on the dangers of the internet. Expect a major campaign coming up in 2006.
What is the most money you have spent on one item?
by Crumpet intoday i bought the most expensive thing i have ever bought.
i bought a laptop computer for just under 500 - about $1000 i guess.
it was on 12 months interest free credit so technically its not mine.
My education. $10,500, so far.
If that doesn't count, my laptop: $1,960 -
Does a brother have to explain if he cuts his hair bald?
by JH inwe all know that having a beard or a goatee is wrong in the jw organization.
how about if a brother just decides to be bald, by choice?.
what do the elders say then?
If you are not already balding severely, then it would be tantamount to growing a beard, which would get you a good "talking to." In a previous congregation, I buzzed my hair (to about 1/4 inch) and the PO nearly flipped out. I basically got my priveleges taken away for a few months after that. It really depends on how conservative or liberal your hall is... which really depends on how old and crotchety your PO is.
What's the Society's beef - The act of going to college OR getting a degree
by truthseeker ini have a question - the society laments about those jw's who ignore "wisdom from above" to pioneer after high school but go to college instead.. they use a fictional account of timothy rejecting higher education at the drama this year.. they scream in the oct 1st wt that university (consisting of four years) is bad and ask rheotorical questions to parents such as, "christian parents, is this what you really want for your children?".
if the act of going to college campus was so bad, why doesn't the society permit "online degrees?
" - these are more cost effective and just as valuable as a traditional campus based ecuation.. so what is it about going to university that really upsets them?.
"Somebody on here quoted a recent WT where it says "Education can even lead to suicide"
Can anyone confirm this?
Here you go:
WT: "Education can even lead to suicide." -
Good Elders and Bad Elders, how do you know which is which?
by JH in.
probably some elders really care for brothers and sisters in the congregation, while other elders just do their job automatically like yes men... probably you've know both kinds.. there is an elder phoning me once a month, very regularly, and i just don't know if it's because he cares for me, or because he has a boss that will question him on my whereabouts.... i was just wondering if he was a good loving elder, or just a yes man following orders...
No such thing as "good elders" and "bad elders."
It's how people rationalize their opinions and actions and how far they are willing to go doing this.
Most elders believe that what they are doing is right, and thus the 'good' and 'loving' thing to do.