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Kingdom Hall Money Grab Was for Child Abuse Its Completely Clear
by thedepressedsoul inif youve followed the news lately there are more and more child abuse cases popping up.
one lawyer said he has over 28 cases in the pipeline that are going to be coming out soon.
on december 1 st a new one just popped up.
Nope vidiot I believe Lett and Morris will be the first to jump ship. Something that struck me on the type/antitype study article. The governing body are described as suddenly disappearing before the great tribulation (or Armageddon) starts. I couldn't help thinking when the doo doo truly does hit the fan, the members of the governing body will be ushered out the back door so to speak like the cowards they are proving to be! -
The org, it's money problems ans other stuff!
by username inhi there, although i have been a lurker here for a while now i've not yet posted a new topic, so here goes nothing lol.. i have been thinking a lot lately on all the changes and the branch visits, specifically the uk branch visit where apparently it has bean mentioned the great tribulation is about to start.. since i've not heard the full talk and only heard certain items from it i got to thinking that maybe this is the org's way of saying the watchtower is about to go down due to all the cover ups and the long list of discrepancies.. maybe i am way off the mark here, what does everone else think?.
Hi there, although I have been a lurker here for a while now I've not yet posted a new topic, so here goes nothing lol.
I have been thinking a lot lately on all the changes and the branch visits, specifically the UK branch visit where apparently it has bean mentioned the great tribulation is about to start.
Since I've not heard the full talk and only heard certain items from it I got to thinking that maybe this is the org's way of saying the watchtower is about to go down due to all the cover ups and the long list of discrepancies.
Maybe I am way off the mark here, what does everone else think?
I listened. I obeyed. Then I realized...
by stillin inwhat was that blessing part about?
i kept hearing pioneers talking about the blessings that they were receiving and as i looked at their lives objectively, there really isn't anything special about them.
maybe they are just more appreciative of things than other people.
If by blessings you mean f@#%*d up emotional and neurotic then yes because this is how I saw the local pioneer's in my previous KH. -
July Kingdom Ministry
by CloseTheDoor inthe july 2015 kingdom ministry says jws can't do international outreach through the internet, but to instead, point someone in the direction of site.. it's just another form of control.
the individual publisher is forced to send the interested one to a website fully controlled by the borg.. .
Notice they admit some countries do not have Kingdom Halls therefore Mathew 24:14 has not actually been fulfilled. -
Eighty-Four year old drives her disfellowshipped son to meetings and sits inside Kingdom Hall.
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have a customer who's son is a jehovah's witness.
he was disfellowshipped over a year ago.
this is the second time he's been disfellowshipped.
Ok sorry about the spelling mistakes, I was typing on my phone whilst getting ready to have my hair cut haha. -
Eighty-Four year old drives her disfellowshipped son to meetings and sits inside Kingdom Hall.
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini have a customer who's son is a jehovah's witness.
he was disfellowshipped over a year ago.
this is the second time he's been disfellowshipped.
Hi. May I ask. This fight with bus landlord elder, was it by any chance instigated by the elder? I only ask because apart from the drinking my story is remarkably similar. My previous landlord was an elder and he turned out to be a real narcissistic sociopath! Its what mademeanor wake up actually. -
Pacquiao vs Mayweather
by Clambake ini have a ton of filipino friends and this is huge.
manny is a huge underdog but it is literally good vs evil.
go manny .
I really hope this puts the Philippines on the map. Its about time the 701 islands that make up the Philippines were given the chance for the world to became aware of the poverty due to top level corruption.
As the op mentioned I have Filipino friends too and they are the most loving friendliest people that anyone would have the experience to meet.
Go Manny.
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth . ."
by nicolaou inso where did god exist before he created the heavens?
This is why good is a mad psychopath, he spent for to much time in the abyss of total darkness. When you get down to the nuts and bolts of it all its crazy thinking he's been around for all eternity twiddling his divine fingers and one day has one of those eureka moments! -
Satan is more dangerous then pedophile - Assembly Part
by thedepressedsoul ini am sitting at the recent assembly, bored out of my mind (have you ever heard anyone call these things fun?
) and the next speaker walks out on stage.
he starts off with an illustration.
As the great satanic band named Metallica sung...exit light, enter night, take my hand, we're off to never never land!! -
2015 Convention Reminders Video!
by Atlantis incredit goes to mike & kim.. .. .
.. .. atlantis!.
Besides the fact that I thought I'd gone back in time to watching Tony Heart (popular British children's TV artist in the eighties) I'm surprised no one has realised the real reason for this.
Just like any corporation the watchtower are protecting their own arses should anyone cry lawsuit!